Liste de publications

Publications Guy Vergères

Sattari Z., Roder T., Von Ah U., Bär C., Ronchi F., Macpherson A. J., Bruggmann R., Ganal-Vonarburg S. C., Vergères G.
Polyfermenthealth – Linking bacterial diversity in fermented food to metabolic health.
Dans: NuGOweek 2019. 9 September, Ed. Agroscope, Bern. 2019, 1.

Roder T., Wüthrich D., Sattari Najafabadi Z., Von Ah U., Bär C., Ronchi F., Macpherson A.J., Ganal-Vonarburg S.C., Bruggmann R., Vergères G.
The metagenome of a microbial culture collection derived from dairy environment covers the genomic content of the human microbiome.
Dans: NuGOweek 2019. 09.09., Bern - Agroscope. 2019.

Vergères G., Van der Horst K., Rezzi S., Stalder U., Langhans W., Jost E.
Round Table Discussion: Zukunft der Ernährungsforschung Schweiz.
Dans: Nationale Fachtagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ernährung SGE. 13.09., Bern - SGE. 2019.

Vergères G.
NuGOweek 2019 Highlights.
Dans: Nationale Fachtagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ernährung SGE. 13.09., Bern - SGE. 2019.

Vergères G.
Swiss Food & Nutrition Community & NuGO Organisation.
Dans: ELIXIR Food and Nutrition Community Workshop. 23.09., Den Haag, TNO. 2019, 1-12.

Pimentel G., Burnand D., Münger L., Pralong F.P., Vionnet N., Portmann R., Vergères G.
Identification of milk and cheese intake biomarkers using LC-MS based metabolomics reveals high inter-individual variability for Lewis antigen system related oligosaccharides.
Dans: NuGOweek 2019. 09.09., Bern - Agroscope. 2019.

Vergères G.
Introductary presentation.
Dans: Lücken schliessen in der Schweizerischen Ernährungsforschung. 13.09., Bern -NC IUNC. 2019.

Vergères G.
The postprandial metabolome: a source of biomarkers to differentiate the nutritional properties of foods as well as the genotypic and phenotypic status of humans.
Dans: 13th Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics (ISNN). 12.07., Cambridge - International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics (ISNN). 2019.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Münger L., Pimentel G., Vionnet N., Pralong F., Vergères G.
Identification of plasma and urinary volatile Food Intake Biomarkers for Milk, Cheese, and Soy-Based Drink by Untargeted GC-MS in Healthy Humans.
Dans: NuGOWeek. 9-12 September, Ed. Agroscope, Liebefeld. 2019, 1.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Münger L., Pimentel G., Vionnet N., Pralong F., Vergères G.
Identification of plasma and urinary volatile food intake biomarkers for milk, cheese, and soy-based drink by untargeted GC-MS in healthy humans.
Dans: 12th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology. 20.05., Wartburg. 2019.

Egger L., Schlegel P., Baumann C., Stoffers H., Guggisberg D., Brügger C., Dürr D., Stoll P., Vergères G., Portmann R.
Mass spectrometry data of in vitro and in vivo pig digestion of skim milk powder.
Data in Brief, 21, (December), 2018, 911-917.

Vergères G., Von Ah U.
Nous voudrions obtenir un yogourt polyfermené utile pour la santé.
Journal Agri, 12 octobre, 2018, 15.

Bütikofer U., Kuert, P., Vergères G., Freiburghaus C., Vionnet, N., Pralong, F., Burton K. J., Pimentel G., Badertscher R.
Postprandial changes of the serum metabolome after ingestion of probiotic yogurt and acidified milk.
Dans: 15th NuGO week. 3 September, Newcastle. 2018, 1.

Ulaszewska M.M., Weinert C.H., Trimigno A., Portmann R., Andres Lacueva C, Badertscher R., Brennan L., Brunius C., Bub A., Capozzi F., Cialiè Rosso M., Cordero C.E., Daniel H., Durand S., Egert B. et autres
Nutrimetabolomics: An Integrative Action for Metabolomic Analyses in Human Nutritional Studies.
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, online, (03 September), 2018, 1-38.

Münger L.H., Garcia-Aloy M., Vázquez-Fresno R., Gille D., Rosana A.R.R., Passerini A., Soria-Florido M.T., Pimentel G., Sajed T., Wishart D.S., Andres Lacueva C., Vergères G., Praticò G.
Biomarker of food intake for assessing the consumption of dairy and egg products.
Genes & Nutrition, 13, (26), 2018, 1-18.

Li K. J., Brouwer-Brolsma E.M., Burton K. J., Feskens E.J.M., Vergères G.
Associating Markers of Intake of Fermented Foods with Cardiometabolic Factors in a Real-Life Observational Cohort: The Cardioferment Project.
Dans: Agroscope PhD/Post-Doc Symposium. 13.09., Ed. Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2018, 1.

Kim J., Dardevet D., Marmonier C., Fabien-Soulé V., Vergères G., Polakof S.
Metabolic signatures resulting from postprandial intake of milk or yoghurt in men: effect of age.
Dans: Agroscope PhD/Post-Doc Symposium. 13.09., Ed. Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2018, 1.

Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Rosikiewicz M., Zangger N., Bütikofer U., Von Ah U., Voirol M.J., Aeby S., Delorenzi M., Gilbert G., Pralong F.P., Vionnet N., Portmann R., Vergères G.
A multi-omics’ approach to characterise the metabolic response to the ingestion of fermented dairy products in healthy men.
Dans: Agroscope PhD/Post-Doc Symposium. 13.09., Ed. Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2018, 1.

Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Von Ah U., Bütikofer U., Pralong F.P., Vionnet N., Portmann R., Vergères G.
Metabolic footprinting of fermented milk consumption in serum of healthy men: Metabolic footprinting of yogurt intake.
The Journal of Nutrition, 148, (6), 2018, 851-860.

Vergères G.
Propriétés nutritionnelles des aliments fermentés : du génome bactérien au métabolisme humain.
Dans: Rendez-vous scientifique de l'UNH, INRA et Université Clermont Auvergne. 11 janvier, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2018.

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