Liste de publications

Publications Guy Vergères

Egger L., Schlegel P., Baumann C., Stoffers H., Guggisberg D., Brügger C., Dürr D., Stoll P., Vergères G., Portmann R.
Physiological comparability of the harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method to in vivo pig digestion.
Food Research International, 102, 2017, 567-574.

Burton K. J., Rosikiewicz M., Pimentel G., Bütikofer U., Von Ah U., Voirol M.-J., Croxatto A., Aeby S., Drai J., McTernan P. G., Greub G., Pralong F. P., Vergères G., Vionnet N.
Probiotic yogurt and acidified milk similarly reduce postprandial inflammation and both alter the gut microbiota of healthy, young men.
British Journal of Nutrition, 117, (9), 2017, 1312-1322.

Gille D., Zangger N., Soneson C., Bütikofer U., Delorenzi M., Schwander F., Kopf-Bolanz K.A., Chollet M., Walther B., Laederach K., Vergères G.
Caloric dose-responsive genes in blood cells differentiate the metabolic status of obese men.
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 43, 2017, 156-165.

Egger C., Ménard O., Delgado-Andrade C., Alvito P., Assunção R., Balance S., Barberá R., Brodkorb A., Cattenoz T., Clemente A., Comi I., Dupont D., Garcia-Llatas G., Lagarda M.J., Le Feunteun S. et autres
The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: from knowledge to action.
Food Research International, 88, (Part B), 2016, 217-225.

Münger L., Vergères G.
Metabolomics-Methoden zur Identifizierung von Biomarkern für den Verzehr von Milchprodukten.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 3, 2016, 27.

Vergères G.
Personalized nutrition: Application of nutrigenomics to atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Dans: 31. Schweizerische Jahrestagung für Phytotherapie. 10. November, Baden (CH). 2016.

Gille D., Vergères G.
Nutri-Epigenetik: Der Zusammenhang zwischen Ernährung und Genetik.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 3, 2016, 9-13.

Walther B., Vergères G., Gille D.
Mangelernährung im Alter – eine komplexe Problematik.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 1, 2016, 35-37.

Vergères G.
Gesundheitswirkung fermentierter Lebensmittel.
Lebensmittel-Industrie, 9/10, 2015, 24-25.

Schmid A., Petry N., Walther B., Bütikofer U., Luginbühl W., Gille D., Chollet M., McTernan P. G., Gijs M. A. M., Vionnet N., Pralong F. P., Laederach K., Vergères G.
Inflammatory and metabolic responses to high-fat meals with and without dairy products in men.
British Journal of Nutrition, 113, (12), 2015, 1853-1861.

Rémond D., Shahar D.R., Gille D., Pinto P., Kachal J., Peyron M.-A., Nunes Dos Santos C., Walther B., Bordoni A., Dupont D., Tomás-Cobos L., Vergères G.
Understanding the gastrointestinal tract of the elderly to develop dietary solutions that prevent malnutrition.
Oncotarget, 6, (16), 2015, 13858-13898.

Egger L., Ménard O., Delgado-Andrade C., Alvito P., Assunção R., Balance S., Barberá R., Brodkorb A., Cattenoz T., Clemente A., Comi I., Dupont D., Garcia-Llatas G., Lagarda M. J., Le Feunteun S. et autres
The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: From knowledge to action.
Food Research International, online, (8 December), 2015, 1-9.

Egger L., Stoffers H., Vergères G., Portmann R.
In vitro Digestion of Food: Validation of the INFOGEST consensus protocol.
Dans: Integrative Food and Nutrition Center Event. 23rd September, Ed. EPFL, Lausanne. 2015, 1.

Ghaye J., Succa C., Demarchi D., Muldur S.K., Colpo P., Silacci P., Vergères G., De Micheli G., Carrara S.
Quantitative estimation of biological cell surface receptors by segmenting conventional fluorescence microscopy images.
Dans: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 1-5 June, Melbourne VIC. 2014, 1824-1827.

Ruffert C., Ramadan Q., Ruegg M., Vergères G., Gijs, M.A.M.
Integrated microfluidic chip for cell culture and stimulation and magnetic bead-based biomarker detection.
Micro and Nanosystems, 6, (1), 2014, 61-68.

Huang C., Ramadan Q., Wacker J.B., Tekin H.C., Ruffert C., Vergères G., Silacci P., Gijs M.A.M.
Microfluidic chip for monitoring Ca2+ transport through a confluent layer of intestinal cells.
RSC Advances, 4, 2014, 52887-52891.

Vergères G., Gille D.
Dans: Kulturen der Epigenetik: Vererbt, codiert, übertragen. Ed. Lux V., Richter J.T., Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. 2014, 1-9.

Schwander F., Kopf-Bolanz K. A., Buri C., Portmann R., Egger L., Chollet M., McTernan P. G., Piya M. K., Gijs M. A. M., Vionnet N., Pralong F., Laederach K., Vergères G.
A dose-response strategy reveals differences between normal-weight and obese men in their metabolic and inflammatory responses to a high-fat meal.
The Journal of Nutrition, 144, (10), 2014, 1517-1523.

Sagaya F.M., Hacin B., Tompa G., Ihan A., Spela S., Cerne M., Hurrell R.F., Matijasic B.B., Rogelj I., Vergères G.
Lactobacillus gasseri K7 modulates the blood cell transcriptome of conventional mice infected with Escherichia coli O157:H7.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 116, (4), 2014, 1282-1296.

Kopf-Bolanz K., Schwander F., Gijs M., Vergères G., Portmann R., Egger L.
Impact of milk processing on the generation of peptides during digestion.
International Dairy Journal, 35, (2), 2014, 130-138.

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