Liste de publications

Publications Patrizia Piccinali Schwegler

Guggisberg D., Piccinali Schwegler P., Schreier K.
Effects of sugar substitution with Stevia, Actilight™ and Stevia combinations or Palatinose™ on rheological and sensory characteristics of low-fat and whole milk set yoghurt.
International Dairy Journal, 21, (9), 2023, 636-644.

Schmid A., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Chollet M., Altintzoglou T., Honkanen P., Walther B., Stoffers H.
Factors predicting meat and meat products consumption among middle-aged and elderly people: evidence from a consumer survey in Switzerland.
Food & Nutrition Research, online, (24 April), 2017, 1-12.

Gille D., Bütikofer U., Chollet M., Schmid A., Altintzoglou T., Honkanen P., Stoffers H., Walther B., Piccinali P.
Nutrition behavior of the middle-aged and elderly: Compliance with dietary recommendations of the food pyramid.
Clinical Nutrition, 35, (3), 2016, 638-644.

Guggenbühl B., Beutler E., Tena Stern M., Piccinali Schwegler P., Fuchsmann P.
Cheese and wine pairings – combining perception of sensory balance with GC-Olfactometry using VIDEO-Sniff.
Dans: 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. 23-27 August, Ed. Svenska Mässan, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2016, 1.

Schmid A., Gille D., Walther B., Bütikofer U., Piccinali Schwegler P., Chollet M., Stoffers H.
Umfrage zur Ernährung der Generation 50+.
Agroscope Science, 28, 2015.

Chollet M., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Stoffers H., Walther B.
Beliefs and concerns about dairy products in the Swiss older adult population.
Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 5, (3), 2015, 365-371.

Chollet M., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Schmid A., Stoffers H., Altintzoglou T., Walther B.
Short communication: Dairy consumption among middle-aged and elderly adults in Switzerland.
Journal of Dairy Science, 97, (9), 2014, 1-6.

Piccinali P., Messadène J.
Langage sensoriel standardisé pour l’évaluation de la viande séchée.
ALP actuel, (46), 2013, 1-4.
autres langues: allemand

Chollet M., Gille D., Schmid A., Walther B., Piccinali P.
Acceptance of sugar reduction in flavored yogurt.
Journal of Dairy Science, 96, (9), 2013, 5501-5511.

Piccinali P.
A Sense of Inspiration, ou quand l'inspiration et les sciences sensorielles se rencontrent.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 4, (1), 2013, 48-50.
autres langues: allemand

Piccinali P.
Roue des arômes des fromages à pâte dure et mi-dure.
Agroscope, Bern. 2012, 2 pp.
autres langues: allemand | anglais

Stoffers Helena, Piccinali Patrizia, Brügger Yves-Alain, Breme Katharina, Guggisberg Dominik
Chemiluminescence method to detect lipid oxidation in milk and cream powder.
Dans: 10th Euro Fed Lipid. 14-15 November , Ed. Cracow Poland, Poland. 2012, 1-1.

Chollet M., Gille D., Schmid A., Strahm W., Walther B., Piccinali P.
Acceptance Of Flavoured Yoghurt With Different Concentrations Of Added Sugar.
Dans: 5th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. 9-12 September, Ed. ALP, Bern. 2012, 1-1.

Stoffers-Kneubühler H., Eberhard P., Brügger Y.-A., Beutler E., Breme K., Piccinali P.
Impact of Salt Reduction in Salami on Liking.
Dans: 5th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. 9-12 September, Ed. ALP, Berne. 2012, 1-1.

Gille D., Piccinali P., Brombach, C.
Milch- und Zwischenmahlzeitenkonsum der Schweizer Generation 50+.
Ernährung im Fokus, (01), 2012, 14-18.

Goy, D., Häni, J.P., Piccinali, P., Wehrmüller, K., Jakob E., Bisig W.
Le sel et son importance.
ALP forum, (59), 2008, 1-18.
autres langues: allemand | anglais

Chollet M., Piccinali P.
Moins y a d'arôme, mieux c'est : Ajouter plus d'arôme dans un yogourth pour en diminuer la teneur en sucre, est-ce la solution? Il semble que non, puisqu'une étude montre que moins le yogourt est aromatisé, plus il est apprécié.
Alimenta, (23), 2011, 14-15.

Eberhard P., Piccinali P.
Test consommateurs avec du salami à teneur en sel réduite.
Fleisch und Feinkost, 119, (23), 2011, 46-46.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Walther B., Breme K., Egger C., Gille D., Guggisberg D., Piccinali P., Schmid A.
Ernährung und Sinneswahrnehmung – die Chemie des Essens.
Dans: . 2011, 1-1.

Stoffers-Kneubühler H., Chollet M., Eberhard P., Guggisberg D., Messadene-Chelali J., Schlüchter S., Piccinali P.
Salt reduction in cooked sausages.
Dans: . 2011.

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