Liste de publications

Publications Paolo Silacci

Driesen C., Lerch S., Siegenthaler R., Silacci P., Hess H.D., Nowack B., Zennegg M.
Accumulation and decontamination kinetics of PCBs and PCDD/Fs from grass silage and soil in a transgenerational cow-calf setting.
Chemosphere, 296, (June), 2022, 1-11.

Stoffers H., Freivogel M., Blase R., Silacci P., Fuchsmann P., Früh B.
Influence of rosemary, clove and propolis on the oxidation stability of lard measured by an accelerated oxidation test.
Dans: 18th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. 21.10., Online. 2021.

Silacci P., Morel I., Guggenbühl B., Messadene J., Dubois S., Lerch S.
Genetic background and rearing conditions: finding the best compromise to optimize meat quality.
Dans: EAAP 2021. 02.09., Davos. 2021.

Reiche A.-M., Silacci P., Dohme-Meier F., Terlouw C.
Influences of grazing intensity on behavioural reactivity, pre-slaughter physiology and meat characteristics in horned beef heifers.
Dans: International Conference of Meat Science and Technology. 22.08., Krakow. 2021.

Giromini C., Tretola M., Cristiani C., Finocchio E., Silacci P., Panseri S., Dell'Anno M., Baldi A., Rossi L.
Evaluation of the absorption of methionine carried by mineral clays and zeolites in porcine ex vivo permeability models.
Applied Sciences-Basel, 11, (14), 2021, 6384-6394.

Reiche A.-M., Silacci P., Dohme-Meier F., Terlouw C.
Effects of grazing intensity of beef heifers on growth performance and pre-slaughter physiological stress reactions and their consequences for meat quality.
Dans: 74. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie (GfE). 17.03., Göttingen (digitale Web-Konferenz). 2021.

Reiche A.-M., Silacci P., Dohme-Meier F., Terlouw C.
Effects of grazing intensity of beef heifers on growth performance andpre-slaughter physiological stress reactions and their consequences for meat quality.
Dans: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology. Band 30, Ed. Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie, DLG-Verlag. 2021, 90.

Lerch S., Oberson J. L., Silacci P., Morel I.
Performances du système d’alimentation suisse «Livre vert» pour le bovin à l’engrais.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 11, 2020, 252-260.

Rooney H.B., O'Driscoll K., Silacci P., Bee G., O'Doherty J.V., Lawlor P.G.
Effect of dietary L-carnitine supplementation to sows during gestation and/or lactation on sow productivity, muscle maturation and lifetime growth in progeny from large litters.
British Journal of Nutrition, 124, 2020, 43-56.

Tretola M., Bee G., Silacci P.
Gallic Acid Affects Intestinal-Epithelial-Cell Integrity and Selected Amino-Acid Uptake in Porcine In-Vitro and Ex-Vivo Permeability Models.
British Journal of Nutrition, 2020.

Stoffers H., Fuchsmann P., Guggisberg D., Silacci P., Dubois S., Schwendimann L.
Influence de la durée de conservation du lard sur l’oxydation du fromage d’Italie.
Foodaktuell, 12, 2019, 21-22.
autres langues: allemand

Tretola M., Maghin F., Silacci P., Ampuero S., Bee G.
Effect of supplementing hydrolysable tannins to a grower–finisher diet containing divergent PUFA levels on growth performance, boar taint levels in back fat and intestinal microbiota of entire males.
Animals, 9, (12), 2019, 1-19.

Reiche A.-M., Oberson J.-L., Silacci P., Messadène J., Hess H.D., Dohme-Meier F., Dufey P.-A., Terlouw E.M.C.
Pre-slaughter stress and horn status influence physiology and meat quality of young bulls.
Meat Science, 158, (107892), 2019, 1-28.

Silacci P., Tretola M.
Pomegranate’s Ellagitannins: Metabolism and Mechanisms of Health Promoting Properties.
Nutrition & Food Sciences International Journal, 9, (4), 2019, 1-7.

Silacci P., Dubois S., Nietlispach P., Barras B., Biolley C., Bossens A.-M., Gobet T., Guerry D., Peiry S., Vonnez C., Dougoud B., Jud Khan C.
Enquête sur la tendreté de la viande bovine suisse: troisième campagne 2018.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 10, (10), 2019, 380-387.
autres langues: allemand

Biolley C., Tretola M., Bee G., Jud Khan C., Silacci P.
Punicalagin increases glutamate absorption in differentiated Caco-2 cells by a mechanism involving gene expression regulation of an EAAT3 transporter.
Food & Function, 10, (9), 2019, 5333-5338.

Lerch S., Oberson J.-L., Silacci P., Morel I.
Carcass composition is linked to residual feed intake level in crossbreed growing bulls.
Dans: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 2019, Ed. Wageningen Academic Publisher, Wageningen. 2019, 643.

Girard M., Pradervand N., Silacci P., Bee G.
L’extrait de châtaignier réduit les diarrhées de post-sevrage et modifie la population bactérienne du jéjunum.
Dans: 51èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 5 et 6 février, Ed. IFIP -Institut du porc, Paris. 2019, 101-102.

Böttger Ch., Silacci P., Dohme-Meier F., Südekum K.-H., Wyss U.
The effect of herbage conservation method on protein value and nitrogen utilization in dairy cows.
Agriculture, 9, (6), 2019, 1-19.

Giller K., Gangnat I.D.M., Silacci P., Messadène J., Kreuzer M., Berard J.
Meat and carcass quality of Dexter cattle compared with that of suckler, Charolais-cross calves: A preliminary study.
Animal Production Science, 59, 2019, 986-992.

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