Liste de publications

Publications Patrick Schlegel

McMeniman, J.P., Rivera, J.D., Schlegel, P., Rounds, W., Galyean, M.L.
Effects of an artificial sweetener on health, performance, and dietary preference of feedlot cattle.
Journal Animal Science, 84, 2006, 2491-2500.

Spears, J.W., Schlegel, P., Seal, M.C., Lloyd, K.E.
Bioavailability of zinc from zinc sulfate and different organic zinc sources and their effects on ruminal volatile fatty acid proportions.
Livestock Production Science, 90, 2004, 211-217.

Migliorati, L., Schlegel, P., Speroni, M., Cappelletti, M., Abeni, F., Pirlo, G.
Use of flavouring and appetising substances in an automatic milking system.
38 Simposio Internazionale di Zootecnia Milk & Research, Lodi, 30 maggio 2003, 2003, 1-13.

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