Liste de publications

Publications Noam Shani

Lüdin P., Roetschi A., Wüthrich D., Bruggmann R., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Shani N.
Update on tetracycline susceptibility of pediococcus acidilactici based on strains isolated from swiss cheese and whey.
Journal of Food Protection, 81, (10), 2018, 1582-1589.

Von Ah U., Shani N., Chollet M., Solokhina A., Braissant O.
Measuring antibiotic resistance in mixed cultures: Isothermal microcalorimetry as a novel analytical tool.
International Dairy Journal, online, (30 September), 2017, 1-26.

Shani N., Meola M., Berthoud H.
Active but undetected, detected but inactive; DNA- and RNA-based amplicon sequencing analyses reveal divergent pictures of the bacterial communities in cheese.
Dans: 12th International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. 27-31 August, Ed. KNVM and FEMS, Netherlands. 2017, 1.

Lüdin P., Von Ah U., Shani N.
Langer Weg zur perfekten Starterkultur.
Alimenta, 8, 2015, 30-31.

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