Liste de publications

Publications Pierrick Jan

Hoop D., Dux-Bruggmann D., Jan P., Renner S., Schmid D.
Rapport de base 2016 - Echantillon Situation du revenu.
Agroscope. Octobre, 2017, 247 pp.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Jan P., Calabrese C., Lips M.
Determinants of nitrogen surplus at farm level in Swiss agriculture.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 109, 2017, 133-148.

Dux D., Jan P., Renner S., Hoop D., Schmid D., Pfefferli S.
Évolution économique de l’agriculture suisse en 2016 : Rapport principal n° 40 du Dépouillement centralisé des données comptables, échantillon sur la situation des revenus.
Agroscope Transfer, 196, 2017.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Jan P.
Embellie sur le marché mondial du lait.
Journal Agri, online, (1er septembre), 2017, 13.

Repar N., Jan P., Dux-Bruggmann D., Nemecek T., Doluschitz R.
Implementing farm-level environmental sustainability in environmental performance indicators: A combined global-local approach.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, Part 2, 2017, 692-704.

Schmid D., Hoop D., Renner S., Dux-Bruggmann D., Jan P.
Résultats des branches de production 2015 : Echantillon Exploitations de référence.
Agroscope. Septembre, 2016, 69 pp.
autres langues: allemand

Repar N., Jan P., Nemecek T., Dux-Bruggmann D., Alig Ceesay M., Doluschitz R.
Local versus global environmental performance of dairying and their link to economic performance: A case study of Swiss mountain farms.
Sustainability, 8, (12), 2016, 1294.

Repar N., Jan P., Nemecek T., Dux-Bruggmann D., Lips M.
Environmental impact generation in the cradle-to-farm gate link: analysis of the importance of the on-farm versus off-farm stage.
Dans: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. 19th – 21st October, Ed. UCD Institute of Food and Health, University College,Dublin. 2016, 1-2.

Repar N., Jan P., Nemecek T., Dux-Bruggmann D.
Synergies and trade-offs between local and global farm environmental performance of dairying: a case study of the Swiss mountain region.
Dans: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. 19th – 21st October, Ed. UCD Institute of Food and Health, University College,Dublin. 2016, 1-2.

Dux D., Schmid D., Jan P., Hoop D., Renner S.
Evolution économique de l’agriculture suisse en 2015 : Rapport principal n° 39 du Dépouillement centralisé des données comptables Échantillon sur la situation des revenus.
Agroscope Transfer, 143, 2016.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Hoop D., Schmid D., Dux-Bruggmann D., Jan P., Renner S.
Rapport de base 2015 Echantillon Situation du revenu : Dépouillement centralisé des données comptables.
Agroscope, Institut für Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften INH, Ettenhausen, Schweiz. Septembre, 2016, 207 pp.
autres langues: allemand

Repar N., Jan P., Nemecek T., Dux-Bruggmann D.
Synergies and trade-offs between farm local and global environmental performance: a case study of Swiss alpine dairy farms.
Dans: 26. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie. 15.-16. September, Ed. Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik, Wien. 2016, 69-70.

Jan P., Lips M.
Richtigstellung Agroscope.
BauernZeitung, 105, (38), 2016, 3.

Mamardashvili P., Emvalomatis G., Jan P.
Environmental performance and shadow value of polluting on Swiss dairy farms.
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 41, (2), 2016, 225-246.

Jan P., Dux-Bruggmann D.
Un revenu de 4400 francs par mois : Exercice comptable 2014.
Journal Agri, 47, 2015, 7.

Jan P., Dux-Bruggmann D.
Dietro la media del reddito agricolo.
Agricoltore Ticinese, 47, 2015, 11.

Jan P., Calabrese C., Lips M.
Determinants of nitrogen surplus at farm level in Swiss agriculture.
Dans: 29th ICAE Conference. Aug.8-14, Ed. International Association of Agricultural Economists IAAE, Milan, Italy. 2015, 1-18.

Hoop D., Kirchweger P., Jan P., Kantelhardt J., Schmid D.
Produktivitätsvergleich zwischen Schweizer und österreichischen Bergmilchbetrieben.
Dans: 24. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Lebensmittelversorgung, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Ernährungssouveränität . 25.-26. September , Ed. Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien. 2014, 33-34.

Jan P., Dux-Bruggmann D., Lips M., Alig Ceesay M., Baumgartner D. U.
Analysis of the determinants of the economic and environmental performance of Swiss dairy farms in the alpine area.
Dans: 9th International Conference LCA Food 2014. 08.10. - 10.10, Ed. American Center for Life Cycle Assessment, ACLCA, San Francisco, California. 2014, 1-10.

Jan P., Calabrese C., Lips M.
Determinants of nitrogen surplus at farm level in Swiss agriculture.
Dans: 14th EAAE Congress: Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies. August 26th - 29th, Ed. European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE, Ljubljana. 2014, 1-6.

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