Liste de publications

Publications Stefan Mann

Mann S.
Globalising chains – decoupling grape production, wine production and wine exports.
British Food Journal, 120, (3), 2018, 1-12.

Möhring A., Mack G., Zimmermann A., Mann S., Ferjani A.
Contributions à la sécurité de l’approvisionnement: utiliser les ressources de manière plus efficace.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 9, (10), 2018, 348-355.
autres langues: allemand

Ferjani A., Mann S., Zimmermann A.
An evaluation of Swiss agriculture’s contribution to food security with decision support system for food security strategy.
British Food Journal, 120, (9), 2018, 2116-2128.

Möhring A., Mack G., Zimmermann A., Mann S., Ferjani A.
Evaluation Versorgungssicherheitsbeiträge: Schlussbericht.
Agroscope Science, 66, 2018.

Mann S.
Varietäten kapitalistischer Landwirtschaft – eine Mesovariation eines Makrothemas.
Dans: 57. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V. 13.-15. September, Ed. GEWISOLA, Weihenstephan. 2018, 199-208.

Mann S., Stefan P.
Wine farms between specialisation and diversification: Empirical insights from Switzerland and Romania.
German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67, (3), 2018, 176-184.

Mann S.
Conservation by innovation: what are the triggers for participation among Swiss farmers?
Ecological Economics, 146, (April), 2018, 10-16.

Mann S.
On the complexities of promoting environmentally friendly technologies in agriculture.
Dans: Agricultural Research Updates. Volume 23, Ed. P. Gorawala and S. Mandhatri, Nova. 2018, 197-212.

Mann S., Beciu S., Arghiroiu A.
Food security and sustainability in mountain areas.
Dans: Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability. Elsevier. 2018, 1-7.

Mann S.
Towards Agricultural Policy 3.0 – an agenda for agricultural research.
EuroChoices, 17, (1), 2018, 36-39.

Ritzel C., Kohler A., Mann S.
Integrating developing countries into the world economy: a case study of Tunisia.
International Journal of Development Issues, 16, (3), 2018, 300-316.

Ritzel C., Kohler A., Mann S.
Good governance and preferential trade: evidence from the Swiss generalized system of preferences.
International Journal of Social Economics, 45, (2), 2018, 259-274.

Mann S.
Democratisation or individualisation? On the food consumption distribution.
British Food Journal, 120, (5), 2018, 942-951.

Gekenidis M. T., Gossin D., Schmelcher M., Schöner U., Remus-Emsermann M.N.P., Drisser D.
Dynamics of culturable mesophilic bacterial communities of three fresh herbs and their production environment.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2017, 1-17.

Ritzel C., Kohler A., Mann S., Beciu S.
The causal effect of reducing trade policy uncertainty: A comparative case study of Bangladesh's textile exports to Switzerland.
International Economics, (2017), 2017, 1-14.

Möhring A., Ferjani A., Mack G., Mann S., Zimmermann A.
Modellprojektionen mit SWISSland zum Zahlungsrahmen 2018–2021.
Agroscope Science, 35, 2016.

Möhring A., Ferjani A., Mack G., Mann S.
Nährstoffreduktion in Gewässern – Modellergebnisse SWISSland.
Agroscope Science, 31, (März), 2016.

Möhring A., Mack G., Zimmermann A., Ferjani A., Schmidt A., Mann S.
Agent-based modeling on a national scale – Experiences from SWISSland.
Agroscope Science, 30, 2016.

Möhring A., Mack G., Ferjani A., Kohler A., Mann S.
Swiss Agricultural Outlook 2014-2024 : Projet pilote de réalisation d'un scénario de référence pour le secteur agricole suisse.
Agroscope Science, 23, 2015.
autres langues: allemand

Mann S., Venus T.
GMO free milk: A system comparison of Germany and Switzerland.
Agroscope Science, 21, (April), 2015.

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