Liste de publications

Publications Matthias Albrecht

Tschanz P., Walter A., Keller T., Albrecht M.
A review of soil tillage impacts on ground-nesting wild bees: Mechanisms, implications, and future research perspectives.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 375, 2024, 1-15.

Stöckli S., Bättig D., Albrecht M., Herzog F., Jacot-Ammann K.
Biodiversitätsförderflächen im Ackerland: Wirkungen auf Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 223-236.

Stöckli S., Albrecht M., Sutter L., Külling N., Adde A., Guisan A., Lehmann A.
Impact of climate change on wildbees and pollination service.
Dans: World Biodiversity Forum 2024. 19 June, Davos. 2024, 1.

Ortego J., Albrecht M., Báldi A., Bilde T., Bek Craig S. B., Herrera J. M., Hood A. S. C., Kleijn D., Maurer C., Molina F. P., Öckinger E., Potts S. G., Settepani V., Thomsen P. F., Trillo M. et autres
Seminatural areas act as reservoirs of genetic diversity for crop pollinators and natural enemies across Europe.
Conservation Science and Practice, 6, (5), 2024, 1-16.

Maurer C., Martínez-Núñez C., Dominik C., Heuschele J., Liu Y., Neumann P., Paxton R. J., Pellissier L., Proesmans W., Schweiger O., Szentgyörgyi H., Vanbergen A., Albrecht M.
Landscape simplification leads to loss of plant–pollinator interaction diversity and flower visitation frequency despite buffering by abundant generalist pollinators.
Diversity and Distributions, 30, (9), 2024, 1-15.

Askri D., Pottier M., Arafah M., Voisin S. N., Hodge S., Stout J. C., Dominik J., Schweiger O., Tamburini G., Pereira-Peixoto M. H., Klein A.-M., Martínez López V., De la Rúa P., Cini E., Potts S. G. et autres
A blood test to monitor bee health across a European network of agricultural sites of different land-use by MALDI BeeTyping mass spectrometry.
Science of the Total Environment, 929, 2024, 1-13.

Martinez-Nuñez C., Gossner M., Maurer C., Neff F., Obrist M., Moretti M., Bollmann K., Herzog F., Knop E., Luka H., Cahenzli F., Albrecht M.
Land‐use change in the past 40 years explains shifts in arthropod community traits.
Journal of Animal Ecology, 93, (5), 2024, 540-553.

Laurent M., Bougeard S., Caradec L., Ghestem F., Albrecht M., Brown M. J. F., De Miranda J., Karise R., Knapp J., Serrano J., Potts S. G., Rundlöf M., Schwarz J., Attridge E., Babin A. et autres
Novel indices reveal that pollinator exposure to pesticides varies across biological compartments and crop surroundings.
Science of the Total Environment, 927, 2024, 1-12.

Babin A., Schurr F., Delannoy S., Fach P., Huyen Ton Nu Nguyet M., Bougeard S., de Miranda J., Rundlöf M., Wintermantel D., Albrecht M., Attridge E., Knauer A.
Distribution of infectious and parasitic agents among three sentinel bee species across European agricultural landscapes.
Scientific Reports, 14, 2024, 1-20.

Marja R., Albrecht M., Herzog F., Öckinger E., Segre H., Kleijn D., Batary P.
Quantifying potential trade-offs and win-wins between arthropod diversity and yield on cropland under agri-environment schemes: A meta-analysis.
Journal of Environmental Management, 353, 2024, 1-9.

Proesmans. W., Felten E., Laurent E., Albrecht M., Nathan C., Labonté A., Maurer C., Paxton R., Schweiger O., Szentgyörgyi H., Vanbergen A.
Urbanisation and agricultural intensification modulate plant–pollinator network structure and robustness.
Functional Ecology, 38, (3), 2024, 628-641.

Schwarz J., Knauer A., Alaux C., Barascou L., Barraud A., Dievart V., Ghazoul J., Michez D., Albrecht M.
Diverse pollen nutrition can improve the development of solitary bees but does not mitigate negative pesticide impacts.
Science of the Total Environment, 912, 2024, 1-15.

Knauer A., Naef C., Albrecht M.
Pesticide hazard, floral resource availability and natural enemies interactively drive the fitness of bee species depending on their crop fidelity.
Science of the Total Environment, 922, 2024, 1-8.

Bötzl F., Sponsler D., Albrecht M., Batáry P., Birkhofer K., Knapp M., Krauss J., Maas B., Martin E., Sirami C., Sutter L., Tschumi M.
Distance functions of carabids in cropfields depend on functional traits, croptype and adjacent habitat: a synthesis.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291, (2014), 2024, 1-10.

Nicholson C., Knapp J., Kiljanek T., Albrecht M., Chauzat M., Costa C., De la Rua P., Klein A., Mänd M., Potts S., Schweiger O., Bottero I., Cini E., de Miranda J., Di Prisco G. et autres
Pesticide use negatively affects bumble bees across European landscapes.
Nature, 628, 2024, 355-358.

Ammann L., Bosem-Baillod A., Herzog F., Frey D., Entling M., Albrecht M.
Spatio-temporal complementarity of floral resources sustains wild bee pollinators in agricultural landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 359, 2024, 1-11.

Blösch S., Albrecht M., Jenny M., Streit B., Knop E.
Rows make the field: Winter wheat fields with manipulated crop architecture show potential for ecological intensification based on higher natural pest and week seed control.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 348, 2023, 1-11.

Albrecht M., Bossart S., Tschanz P., Keller T., Sutter L.
Grassland extensification enhances nest densities of ground-nesting wild bees.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 00, 2023, 1-11.

Giménez-García A., Allen-Perkins A., Bartomeus I., Balbi S., Knapp J. L., Hevia V., Woodcock B. A., Smagghe G., Miñarro M., Eeraerts M., Colville J. F., Hipólito J., Cavigliasso P., Nates-Parra G., Herrera J. M. et autres
Pollination supply models from a local to global scale.
Web Ecology, 23, (2), 2023, 99-129.

Schauer A., Bianco N., Yañez O., Brown A., Albrecht M., Neumann P.
Deformed wing virus prevalence in solitary bees put to the test: An experimental transmission study.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 2023, 1-11.

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