Liste de publications

Publications Matthias Albrecht

Dainese M., Martin E. A., Aizen M. A., Albrecht M., Bartomeus I., Bommarco R., Carvalheiro L. G., Chaplin-Kramer R., Gagic V., Garibaldi L. A., Ghazoul J., Grab H., Jonsson M., Karp D. S., Kennedy C. M. et autres
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production.
Science Advances, 5, (10), 2019, 1-13.

Ganser D., Sutter L., Herzog F., Albrecht M.
Honig- und Wildbienen ergänzen sich bei der Bestäubung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 6, 2019, 21-24.

Bertrand C., Eckerter P.W., Ammann L., Entling M.H., Gobet E., Herzog F., Mestre L., Tinner W., Albrecht M.
Seasonal shifts and complementary use of pollen sources by two bees, a lacewing and a ladybeetle species in European agricultural landscapes.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (26 August), 2019, 1-12.

Sutter L., Ganser D., Herzog F., Albrecht M.
Wildbienen - die unterschätzten Helfer.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 11, 2019, 12-14.

Strobl V., Albrecht M., Neumann P.
Trypanosomatid parasites infecting managed honeybees and wild solitary bees.
International Journal for Parasitology, 49, (8), 2019, 605-613.

Martin E.A., Dainese M., Clough Y., Baldi A., Bommarco R., Gagic V., Garratt M.P.D., Holzschuh A., Kleijn D., Kovacs-Hostyanski A., Marini L., Potts S.G., Smith H.G., Al Hassan D., Albrecht M. et autres
The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe.
Ecology Letters, online, (April), 2019, 1-12.

Kremen C., Albrecht M., Ponisio L.
Restoring pollinator communities and pollination services in hedgerows in intensively managed agricultural landscapes.
Dans: The ecology of hedgerows and field margins. 15 Januar, Ed. John W. Dover, Routledge, London and New York. 2019, 163-185.

Strobl V., Straub L., Bruckner S., Albrecht M., Jakkrawut M., Kolari E., Chantawannakul P., Williams G., Neumann P.
Not every sperm counts: Male fertility in solitary bees, Osmia cornuta.
PLOS ONE, 14, (3), 2019, 1-17.

Gueuning M., Ganser D., Blaser S., Albrecht M., Knop E., Praz C., Frey J. E.
Evaluating NGS methods for routine monitoring of wild bees: metabarcoding, mitogenomics or NGS bar-coding.
Molecular Ecology Resources, (2 März), 2019.

Ganser D., Knop E., Albrecht M.
Sown wildflower strips as overwintering habitat for arthropods: Effective measure or ecological trap?
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 275, 2019, 123-131.

Ganser D., Mayr B., Albrecht M., Knop E.
Wildflower strips enhance pollination in adjacent strawberry crops at the small scale.
Ecology and Evolution, online, (06 November), 2018, 1-10.

Breitenmoser S., Albrecht M., Jacot-Ammann K., Tschumi M.
Bandes fleuries et effets sur les Criocères.
Dans: Phytos: des pistes pour réduire. 14.06., Ed. ProConseil & Service de l'agriculture et de la viticulture VD, Pampigny VD. 2018.

Mestre L., Schirmel J., Hetz J., Kolb S., Pfister S.C., Amato M., Sutter L., Jeanneret P., Albrecht M., Entling M.H.
Both woody and herbaceous semi-natural habitats are essential for spider overwintering in European farmland.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 267, 2018, 141-146.

Karp D.S., Chaplin-Kramer R., Meehan T.D., ..., Jacot-Ammann K., Albrecht M.
Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, (33), 2018, 7863-7870.

Sutter L., Amato M. , Jeanneret P., Albrecht M.
Overwintering of pollen beetles and their predators in oilseed rape and semi-natural habitats.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 265, 2018, 275-281.

Sutter L., Albrecht M., Jeanneret P.
Promoting multiple ecosystem services through agri-environmental interventions.
Dans: 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. 13.06.2018, Jyväskylä. 2018.

Rega C., Bartual A. , Bocci G., Sutter L., Albrecht M., Moonen A.-C., Jeanneret P., van der Werf W. , Pfister S.C., Holland J. , Paracchini M.
A pan-European model of landscape potential to support natural pest control services.
Ecological Indicators, 90, 2018, 653-664.

Schirmel J., Albrecht M., Bauer P., Sutter L., Pfister S., Entling M.
Landscape complexity promotes hoverflies across different types of semi-natural habitats in farmland.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, (4), 2018, 1747-1758.

Hung K-L.J, Kingston J.M., Albrecht M., Holway D.A., Kohn J.R.
The worldwide importance of honey bees as pollinators in natural habitats.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285, (1870), 2018, 1-8.

Staniczenko P. P. A., Lewis O. T., Tylianakis J. M., Albrecht M., Coudrain V., Klein A.-M., Reed-Tsochas F.
Predicting the effect of habitat modification on networks of interacting species.
Nature Communications, 8, (1), 2017, 792.

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