Liste de publications

Publications Pierluigi Calanca

Ngaba M., Uwiragiye Y., Hu B., Zhou J., Dannemann M., Calanca P., Bol R., De Vries W., Kuzyakov Y., Rennenberg H.
Effects of environmental changes on soil respiration in arid, cold, temperate, and tropical zones.
Science of the Total Environment, 952, 2024, 1-12.

Portmann R., Schmid T., Villiger L., Bresch D. N., Calanca P.
Modelling crop hail damage footprints with single-polarization radar: The roles of spatial resolution, hail intensity, and cropland density.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24, (7), 2024, 2541-2558.

Dos Reis Martins M., Ammann C., Boos C., Calanca P., Kiese R., Wolf B., Keel S.
Reducing N fertilization in the framework of the European Farm to Fork strategy under global change: Impacts on yields, N2O emissions and N leaching of temperate grasslands in the Alpine region.
Agricultural Systems, 219, 2024.

Kramer K., Oriani F., Schneider M. K., Aasen H., Calanca P.
Integrating Sentinel-2 information into a growth model for assessing Alpine grassland dynamics under climate change.
Dans: European Geoscience Union Annual Meeting 2024. 15 April, Vienna. 2024, 1-37.

Wang Y., Calanca P., Leifeld J.
Sources of nitrous oxide emissions from agriculturally managed peatlands.
Global Change Biology, 30, (1), 2024, 1-13.

Kramer K., Calanca P.
growR: R Implementation of the Vegetation ModelModVege.
Journal of open source software, 9, (94), 2024, 1-4.

Hiltbrunner J., Calanca P., Huber T., Pignon P., Benincore M., Girard M., Morel I.
Liste recommandée des variétés de maïs pour la récolte 2024.
Agroscope Transfer, 522, 2024.
autres langues: allemand

Wuyts N., Baux A., Bragazza L., Calanca P., Chalhoub P. B., Dupuis B., Herrera J. M., Hiltbrunner J., Levy Häner L., Pellet D., Toschini T., Carlen C.
Klimaresilienter Ackerbau 2035.
Agroscope Science, 177, 2023.

Barczyk L., Kuntu-Blankson K., Calanca P., Six J., Ammann C.
N2O emission factors for cattle urine: Effect of patch characteristics and environmental drivers.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 127, 2023, 173-189.

Calanca P., Bütikofer N., Holzkaemper A., Hiltbrunner J., Vonlanthen T.
Thermal suitability maps to support sorghum cultivation in Switzerland.
Dans: Global Sorghum Conference - Sorghum in the 21st Centruy. 5 to 9 June, Montpellier. 2023, 276.

Calanca P., Holzkaemper A., Isotta F. A.
Die thermische Vegetationszeit im Wandel des Klimas.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 14, 2023, 150-158.

Comte V., Schneider L., Calanca P., Zufferey V., Rebetez M.
Future climatic conditions may threaten adaptation capacities for vineyards along Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
OENO One, 57, (2), 2023, 85-100.

Bütikofer N., Vonlanthen T., Hiltbrunner J., Holzkaemper A., Calanca P.
Thermische Eignungskarten für Sorghum in der Schweiz.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 14, 2023, 24-33.

Castex V., de Cortazar-Atauri I. G., Beniston M., Moreau J., Semenov M., Stoffel M., Calanca P.
Exploring future changes in synchrony between grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and its major insect pest, Lobesia botrana.
OENO One, 57, (1), 2023, 161-174.

Hiltbrunner J., Calanca P., Huber T., Pignon P., Girard M., Morel I.
Liste recommandée des variétés de maïs pour la récolte 2023.
Agroscope Transfer, 471, 2023.
autres langues: allemand

Mariotte P., Perotti E., Huguenin-Elie O., Calanca P., Frund D., Probo M.
Links between the sum of temperatures and forage yield and quality in intensive permanent grasslands.
Dans: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 5 - 8 September, Porto (PT). 2022, 139.

Mariotte P., Perotti E., Frund D., Huguenin-Elie O., Calanca P., Probo M.
Utiliser la somme des températures pour évaluer le rendement et la qualité fourragère des prairies permanentes et temporaires intensives.
Dans: Visite des essais du groupe Système Pastoraux et Production Fourragère de Grangeneuve par ADABio (Haute-Savoie, France). 04. octobre, Grangeneuve. 2022.

dos Reis Martins M., Necpalova M., Ammann C., Buchmann N., Calanca P., Flechard C.R., Hartman M. D., Krauss M., Le Roy P., Mäder P., Maier R., Morvan T., Nicolardot B., Skinner C., Six J. et autres
Modeling N2O emissions of complex cropland management in Western Europe using DayCent: Performance and scope for improvement.
European Journal of Agronomy, 141, 2022, 1-12.

Calanca P., Wüst C., Giuliani S., Erdin D.
Auswirkungen der Trockenheit auf die Produktivität des Schweizer Grünlands.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 13, 2022, 135-144.

Comte V., Schneider L., Calanca P., Rebetez M.
Effects of climate change on bioclimatic indices in vineyards along Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 147, 2022, 423-436.

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