Liste de publications

Publications Pierluigi Calanca

Albrecht Neftel, Christof Ammann, Pierluigi Calanca, Chris Flechard, Jürg Fuhrer, Jens Leifeld, Markus Jocher
Treibhausgasquellen und -senken: die Kyoto-Wiese.
Agrarforschung, 12, (8), 2005, 356-361.

Seraina Bassin, Pierluigi Calanca, Tamas Weidinger, Giacomo Gerosa, Jürg Fuhrer
Modeling seasonal ozone fluxes to grassland and wheat: model improvement, testing, and application.
Atmospheric Environment, 38, 2004, 2349-2359.

Pierluigi Calanca
Interannual variability of summer mean soil mooisture conditions in Switzerland during the 20th century: A look using a stochastic soil moisture model.
Water Resources Research, 40, 2004, 9-0.

Karsten Jasper, Pierluigi Calanca, Dimitrios Gyalistras, Jürg Fuhrer
Differential impacts of climate change on the hydrology of two alpine river basins.
Climate Research, 26, 2004, 113-129.

N. Kljun, Pierluigi Calanca, M.W. Rotach, H.P. Schmid
A simple parameterisation for flux footprint predictions.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112, 2004, 503-523.

Jürg Fuhrer, Pierluigi Calanca, Karsten Jasper
Bauernregeln oder Klimaszenarien für die Landwirtschaft? Klimaveränderungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die landwirtschaftlichen Erträge.
Unipress, 116, 2003, 28-30.

Christoph Spirig, A. Guenther, J.P. Greenberg, Pierluigi Calanca, V. Tarvainen
Tethered balloon measurements of biogenic volatile organic compounds at a Boreal forest site.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 3, 2003, 5357-5397.

M.W. Rotach, Pierluigi Calanca

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