Liste de publications

Publications Markus Jocher

Widmer A., Tamagni L., Wüst C., Paul S. M., Volpe V., Jocher M., Giger R., Dötterl S., Keller T., Leifeld J.
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from managed organic soils in the temperate zone by paddy rice cultivation.
Dans: EGU General Assembly 2024. 14-19 April, Ed. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna (AT). 2024, 1.

Jia Y., van der Heijden M., Valzano A., Jocher M., Walder F.
Mycorrhizal fungi mitigate nitrogen losses of an experimental grassland by facilitating plant uptake and soil microbial immobilization.
Pedosphere, 34, (2), 2024, 399-410.

Wang Y., Paul S. M., Jocher M., Alewell, C., Leifeld J.
Reduced nitrous oxide emissions from drained temperate agricultural peatland after coverage with mineral soil.
Frontiers Environmental Science, 2022.

Wang Y., Paul S. M., Jocher M., Espic C., Alewell C., Szidat S., Leifeld J.
Soil carbon loss from drained agricultural peatland after coverage with mineral soil.
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 1-10.

Voglmeier K., Six J., Jocher M., Ammann C.
Soil greenhouse gas budget of two intensively managed grazing systems.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 287, 2020, 1-12.

Ammann C., Neftel A., Jocher M., Fuhrer J., Leifeld J.
Effect of management and weather variations on the greenhouse gas budget of two grasslands during a 10-year experiment.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 292, (15 April), 2020, 1-14.

Ammann C., Jocher M., Voglmeier K.
Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements of NH3 and NOy with a Dual-Channel Thermal Converter.
Dans: International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry. 24-26 October, Ed. IEEE, Portici, Italy. 2019, 46-51.

Voglmeier K., Six J., Jocher M., Ammann C.
Grazing-related nitrous oxide emissions: from patch scale to field scale.
Biogeosciences, 16, 2019, 1685-1703.

Voglmeier K., Jocher M., Ammann C.
Greenhouse gas budget of two neighboring pastures measured by eddy covariance.
Dans: EGU General Assembly. 8. April, Ed. European Geophysical Union, Wien. 2019.

Häni C., Voglmeier K., Jocher M., Ammann C., Neftel A., Kupper T.
Evaluation of backward lagrangian stochastic dispesion modelling for NH3: Including a dry deposition algorithm.
Dans: 3rd International Symposium on Emission of Gas and Dust from Livestock. 21-24 May, Ed. INRA, St. Malo (F). 2018, 132-135.

Voglmeier K., Häni C., Jocher M., Ammann C.
Ammonia emission measurements of an intensively grazed pasture.
Dans: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Emission of Gas and Dust from Livestock. 21-24 May 2017, Ed. INRA, Saint-Malo. 2018, 145-148.

Ammann C., Voglmeier K., Jocher M., Menzi H.
Quantification of small scale nitrous oxide emissions and comparison with field-sclae emissions of a rotational grazing system.
Dans: 3rd International Symposium on Emission of Gas and Dust from Livestock. 21-24 May, Ed. INRA, St. Malo (F). 2018, 105-108.

Voglmeier K., Jocher M., Häni C., Ammann C.
Ammonia emission measurements of an intensively grazed pasture.
Biogeosciences, 15, 2018, 4593-4608.

Häni C., Sintermann J., Kupper T., Jocher M., Neftel A.
Ammonia emission after slurry application to grassland in Switzerland.
Atmospheric Environment, 125, Part A, 2016, 92-99.

Sintermann J., Schallhart S., Kajos M., Jocher M., Bracher A., Münger A., Johnson D., Neftel A., Ruuskanen T.
Trimethylamine emissions in animal husbandry.
Biogeosciences, 11, (18), 2014, 5073-5085.

Bender F., Plantenga F., Neftel A., Jocher M., Oberholzer H.-R., Köhl L., Giles,M., Daniell T. J., van der Heijden M.
Symbiotic relationships between soil fungi and plants reduce N2O emissions from soil.
ISME Journal, 8, (6), 2014, 1336-1345.

Bender F., Plantenga F., Neftel A., Jocher M., Oberholzer H.-R., Kohl L., Giles M., Daniell T. J., van der Heijden M.
Symbiotic relationships between soil fungi and plants reduce N2O emissions from soil.
The ISME Journal, online, 2013, 1-10.

Bender F., Conen F., Neftel A., Oberholzer H.-R., Olbrecht L., Jocher M., Rollog M., Van der Heijden M. G.
Der Einfluss symbiotischer Bodenpilze auf den Stickstoffzyklus.
Dans: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau – Ideal und Wirklichkeit: Perspektiven ökologischer Landbewirtschaftung. 5.- 8. März , Ed. Neuhoff, D.(et al.), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. 2013, 28-29.

Ammann C., Leifeld J., Jocher M., Neftel A., Fuhrer J.
Effect of grassland renovation on the greenhouse gas budget of an intensive forage production system: Proceedings of 5th Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture.
Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4, (2), 2013, 284.

Kuhn, U., Sintermann J., Spirig, C., Jocher M., Ammann C., Neftel, A.
Basic biogenic aerosol precursors: Agricultural source attribution of volatile amines revised.
Geophysical Research Letters, 38, (16), 2011, 0-0.

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