Liste de publications

Publications Thomas Keller

Colombi T., Pandey B. K., Chawade A., Bennett M. J., Mooney S. J., Keller T.
Root plasticity versus elasticity: When are responses acclimative?
Trends in Plant Science, 29, (8), 2024, 856-864.

Torres L. C., Nemes A., ten Damme L., Keller T.
Current limitations and future research needs for predicting soil precompression stress: A synthesis of available data.
Soil and Tillage Research, 244, 2024, 1-13.

Tschanz P., Walter A., Keller T., Albrecht M.
A review of soil tillage impacts on ground-nesting wild bees: Mechanisms, implications, and future research perspectives.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 375, 2024, 1-15.

Romero Ruiz A., O'Leary D., Keller T.
Agrogeophysical modelling of managed grasslands.
Dans: Agriculture and geophysics: Illuminating the subsurface. 1 February, Zürich. 2024, 1.

Ten Damme L., Calleja-Huerta A., Munkholm L.J., Schjønning P., Keller T., Lamandé M.
Traction modifies the contact area and the vertical and horizontal stress distributions beneath the tyre.
Soil and Tillage Research, 244, 2024, 1-9.

Martínez I., Stettler M., Lorenz M., Brunotte J., Weisskopf P., Sommer M., Keller T.
Immediate effects of wheeling with agricultural machinery on topsoil gas transport properties and their anisotropy.
Soil and Tillage Research, 241, 2024, 1-6.

Heller O., Böning K., ten Damme L., Euteneuer P., Goberna M., Fér M., d'Hose T., Jarvis N., Köstel J. K., Lindahl A., Mehdi-Schulz B., Munkholm L.J., Santin I., Keller T.
Soil management impacts on soil structural properties in ten European long-term experiments.
Dans: EJP SOIL ASD. 11 June, Vilnius. 2024, 1-13.

Oliveira E. M., Wittwer R., Hartmann M., Keller T., Buchmann N., van der Heijden M.
Effects of conventional, organic and conservation agriculture on soil physical properties, root growth and microbial habitats in a long-term field experiment.
Geoderma, 447, 2024.

Heller O., Di Bene C., Nino P., Huyghebaert B., Arlauskienė A., Castanheira N. L., Higgins S., Horel A., Kir A., Kizeková M., Lacoste M., Munkholm L. J., O'Sullivan L., Radzikowski P., Rodríguez-Cruz M. S. et autres
Towards enhanced adoption of soil‐improving management practices in Europe.
European Journal of Soil Science, 75, (2), 2024, 1-17.

Jarvis N., Coucheney E., Lewan E., Kloeffel T., Meurer K.H.E., Keller T., Larsbo M.
Interactions between soil structure dynamics, hydrological processes, and organic matter cycling: A new soil‐crop model.
European Journal of Soil Science, 75, (2), 2024, 1-24.

Arrázola-Vásquez E., Larsbo M., Capowiez Y., Taylor A., Herrmann A., Keller T.
Estimating energy costs of earthworm burrowing using calorimetry.
European Journal of Soil Biology, 121, 2024, 1-9.

Heller O., Schittli D., Bragazza L., Ghiasi S., Guillaume T., van der Heijden M., Köstel J. K., Mayer J., Wittwer R., Keller T.
Can we manage soil structure for improved resistance against droughts and extreme rainfall events?: Preliminary results from the SoilX Project.
Dans: BGS Tagung 2024. 21 March, Zollikofen. 2024, 1.

Garland G., Köstel J. K., Johannes A., Heller O., Doetterl S., Or D., Keller T.
Perspectives on the misconception of levitating soil aggregates.
Soil, 10, 2024, 23-31.

Alakukku L., Heitman J., Horn R., Jansen B., Keller T., McKenzie B. M., Neollemeyer E., Peng X., Wendroth O.
Soil & Tillage Research Editorial.
Soil & Tillage Research, 237, 2024, 1-2.

Widmer A., Tamagni L., Wüst C., Paul S. M., Volpe V., Jocher M., Giger R., Dötterl S., Keller T., Leifeld J.
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from managed organic soils in the temperate zone by paddy rice cultivation.
Dans: EGU General Assembly 2024. 14-19 April, Ed. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna (AT). 2024, 1.

Albrecht M., Bossart S., Tschanz P., Keller T., Sutter L.
Grassland extensification enhances nest densities of ground-nesting wild bees.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 00, 2023, 1-11.

de Lima R. P., Rolim M. M., Torres L. C., Cavalieri-Polizeli K. V. M., Keller T.
Modelagem da compactação do solo induzida pelo tráfego agrícola.
Dans: Tópicos em Ciência do Solo. Band 12, Ed. Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2023.

Sjulgård H., Keller T., Garland G., Colombi T.
Relationships between weather and yield anomalies vary with crop type and latitude in Sweden.
Agricultural Systems, 211, 2023, 1-9.

Blomquist J., Englund J.-E., Sjöberg C., Kårhammer J., Svensson S.-E., Pettersson E., Keller T., Berglund K.
Structure liming reduces draught requirement on clay soil.
Soil and Tillage Research, 231, 2023, 1-6.

Schjønning P., Lamandé M., De Pue J., Cornelis W. M., Labouriau R., Keller T.
The challenge in estimating soil compressive strength for use in risk assessment of soil compaction in field traffic.
Advances in Agronomy, 178, 2023, 61-105.

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