Liste de publications

Publications Roland Kölliker

Madlaina Schmid, Roland Kölliker, Beat Boller
Genetic diversity within and among Swiss meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) ecotypes from permanent meadows.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 20, 2006, 12-0.

Bruno Studer, Beat Boller, Doris Herrmann, Eva Bauer, Ulrich K. Posselt, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Genetic dissection of disease resistance in Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 20, 2006, 28-0.

Bruno Studer, Beat Boller, Doris Herrmann, Eva Bauer, Ulrich K. Posselt, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Genetic mapping reveals a single major QTL for bacterial wilt resistance in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.).
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 113, 2006, 661-671.

Bruno Studer, Franco Widmer, Jürg Enkerli, Roland Kölliker
Development of novel microsatellite markers for the grassland species Lolium multiflorum, Lolium perenne and Festuca pratensis.
Molecular Ecology, 6, 2006, 1108-1110.

Franco Widmer, Martin Hartmann, Beat Frey, Roland Kölliker
A novel stratgegy to extract specific phylogenetic sequence information from community T-RFLP.
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 66, 2006, 512-520.

Enkerli J., Kölliker R., Keller S. , Widmer F.
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the entomopathogenic fungus Metharhizium anisopliae.
Molecular Ecology Notes, 5, 2005, 384-386.

Hartmann M., Frey B., Kölliker R., Widmer F.
Semi-automated genetic analyses of soil microbial communities: comparison of T-RFLP and RISA based on descriptive and disciminative statistical approaches.
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 61, 2005, 349-360.

Roland Kölliker
Neues ergänzt Bewährtes - molekulare Marker in der Futterpflanzenzüchtung.

D. Herrmann, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Optimization of bulked AFLP analysis and its application for exploring diversity of natural and cultivated populations of red clover.
Genome, 48, 2005, 474-486.

Roland Kölliker, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer
Marker assisted polycross breeding to increase diversity and yield in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.).
Euphytica, 146, 2005, 55-65.

Seraina Bassin, Roland Kölliker, Christine Cretton, Mario Bertossa, Franco Widmer, Patrick Bungener, Jürg Fuhrer
Intra-specific variability of ozone sensitivity in Centaurea jacea L., a potential bioindicator for elevated ozone concentrations.
Environmental Pollution, 131, 2004, 1-12.

Seraina Bassin, Roland Kölliker, Christine Cretton, Mario Bertossa, Franco Widmer, Patrick Bungener, Jürg Fuhrer
Intra-specific variability of ozone sensitivity in Centaurea jacea L., a potential bioindicator for elevated ozone concentrations.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 18, 2004, 12-0.

Doris Herrmann, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Matenklee - Swiss red clover of foreign origin?
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 18, 2004, 20-0.

Roland Kölliker, R. Krähenbühl, Franz X. Schubiger, Franco Widmer
Genetic diversity and pathogenity of the grass pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. graminis.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 18, 2004, 28-0.

Bruno Studer, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Molekulare Charakterisierung von Bakterienwelke-Resistenz in Italienischem Raigras.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 18, 2004, 11-0.

Roland Kölliker, Beat Boller, Yvonne Häfele, Simone Günter, Doris Herrmann, Franco Widmer
Genetische Diversität im Schweizer Mattenklee.
Agrarforschung, 10, (9), 2003, 361-368.

Roland Kölliker, Doris Herrmann, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer
Swiss Mattenklee landraces, a distinct and diverse genetic resource of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.).
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107, 2003, 306-315.

B. E. Ubi, Roland Kölliker, M. Fujimori, T. Komatsu
Genetic diversity in diploid cultivars of Rhodesgrass determined on the basis of amplified fragment length polymorphism markers.
Crop Science, 43, 2003, 1516-1522.

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