Hammelehle A., Mayer J., Lüscher A., Mäder P., Oberson A.
15N natural abundance and 15N leaf labelling methods provide similar magnitudes of nitrogen transfer from clover to associated grass.
Dans: Legume Science and Practice 2 - A three day virtual conference. 1. September, Ed. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne, Warwick. 2021, 1-2.
Epper C., Mayer J., Liebisch F.
Re-assessing the nitrogen supply potential of organic fertilizers in the Swiss-Balance.
Dans: Annual Conference of the German society of plant nutrition. 23.09., Kiel - Germany. 2021, 1.
Cagnarini C., Lofts S., D'Aqui L., Mayer J., Grüter R., Tandy S., Schulin R., Cousterousse B., Orlandini S., Renella G.
Modelling of long-term Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb dynamics from soils fertilised with organic amendments.
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Bracher C., Frossard E., Bigalke M., Imseng M., Mayer J., Wiggenhauser M.
Tracing the fate of phosphorus fertilizer derived cadmium in soil-fertilizer-wheat systems using enriched stable isotope labeling☆.
Environmental Pollution, 287, (117314), 2021.
Liebisch F., Spiess E., Epper C., Mayer J.
Nährstoffbilanzierung – Zwischen effizienter Düngepraxis und Umweltmonitoring.
Dans: Landwirtschaft und Umwelt: messen – bewerten – handeln 8. Nachhaltigkeitstagung Agroscope. 28.01., online - Agroscope. 2021, 1-17.
Boxberger, J., Mayer J., Möller, K., Pöllinger, A.
Praxishandbuch Organische Düngung: effizient und nachhaltig.
Boxberger/Mayer/Möller/Pöllinger, Erling Verlag. 2020, 576 pp.
Autret, B., Strullu, L., Chlebowski, F., Mäder, P., Mayer J., Mary, B., Olesen, JE., Beaudoin, N.
Long-term modelling of crop yield, nitrogen losses and GHG balance in organic cropping systems.
Science of the Total Environment, online, (article 134597), 2020, 1-23.
Taghizadeh-Toosi A., Cong W. F., Eriksen J., Mayer J., Olesen J. E., Keel S., Glendining M., Kätterer T., Christensen B. T.
Visiting dark sides of model simulation of carbon stocks in European temperate agricultural soils: Allometric function and model initialization.
Plant and Soil, 450, 2020, 255-272.
Hirte J., Walder F., Hess J., Büchi L., Colombi T., van der Heijden M., Mayer J.
Enhanced root carbon allocation through organic farming is restricted to topsoils.
Science of the Total Environment, online, 2020, 1-10.
Herzog C., Held A., Amstutz D. L., Fuchs J., Mayer J., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Kompost Feld-Experiment Ehrendingen.
Dans: Flurbegehung: Humusaufbau in 20 Jahren Humuswirtschaft. 14. August, Betrieb Oberbrämen, 6313 Menzingen. 2020.
Herzog C., Edlinger A., Fuchs J., Mayer J., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Auswirkungen der Kompostanwendung auf landwirtschaftliche Böden: eine Praxisstudie mit 59 Betrieben.
Dans: Flurbegehung: Humusaufbau in 20 Jahren Humuswirtschaft. 14. August, Betrieb Oberbrämen, 6313 Menzingen. 2020.
Mayer J., Knapp S., Oberson A., Klaus J., Krause H.M., Gunst L., Gattinger A., Hammelehle A., Mäder P.
Yield trends, nutrient use and soil quality development in organic and conventional cropping systems.
Dans: Dauerfeldversuche. 19.03., Universitär Giessen, Deutschland. 2019.
Keel S., Anken T., Büchi L., Chervet A., Fliessbach A., Flisch R., Huguenin-Elie O., Mäder P., Mayer J., Sinaj S., Sturny W., Wüst C., Zihlmann U., Leifeld J.
Loss of soil organic carbon in Swiss long-term agricultural experiments over a wide range of management practices.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 286, (106654), 2019, 1-9.
Mayer J., Gunst L., Mäder P., Knapp S.
The performance of yields in organic and conventional cropping systems.
Dans: Comparing organic and Conventional Cropping Systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term experiments. 07.10., Ascona, CFS, Monte-Verità. 2019.
Hammelehle A., Mayer J., Lüscher A., Mäder P., Oberson A.
The 15N natural abundance and enrichment techniques provide similar estimates of N transfer.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 344.
Hammelehle A., Oberson A., Lüscher A., Mäder P., Mayer J.
Below ground nitrogen of clover-grass mixtures and its residual nitrogen potential for subsequent crops.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 217.
Grüter R., Costerousse B., Mayer J., Mäder P., Thonar C., Frossard E., Schulin R., Tandy S.
Long-term organic matter application reduces cadmium but not zinc concentrations in wheat.
Science of the Total Environment, 669, 2019, 608-620.
Skinner C., Gattinger A., Kraus M., Mayer J., van der Heijden M., Mäder P.
The impact of long-term organic farming on soil-derived greenhouse gas emissions.
Scientific Reports, 9, (1702), 2019, 1-10.
Mayer J., Zimmermann M., Weggler K., Reiser R., Bürge D., Bucheli T., Richner W.
Schadstoffgrenzwerte für mineralische Recyclingdünger: das Schweizer Konzept.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (1), 2019, 4-11.
Cagnarini C., Renella G., Mayer J., Hirte J., Schulin R., Costerousse B., Della Marta A., Orlandini S., Menichetti L.
Multi-objective calibration of RothC using measured carbon stocks and auxiliary data of a long-term experiment in Switzerland.
European Journal of Soil Science, 2019, 1-14.