Liste de publications

Publications Michael Peter Meissle

Romeis J., Meissle M.
Non-target risk assessment of Bt crops - Cry protein uptake by aphids.
Journal of Applied Entomology, 135, 2011, 1-6.

Li, Y., Meissle M., Romeis J.
Use of maize pollen by adult Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and fate of Cry proteins in Bt-transgenic varieties.
Journal of Insect Physiology, 56, (2), 2010, 157-164.

Zurbrügg, C., Meissle M., Romeis J.
Decomposition dynamics and structural plant components of genetically modified Bt maize leaves do not differ from leaves of conventional hybrids.
Transgenic Research, 19, (2), 2010, 257-267.

Meissle M., Mouron P., Musa-Steenblock T., Bigler F., Pons, X., Vasileiadis, V. P., Otto, S., Antichi, D., Kiss, J., Pálinkás, Z., Dorner, Z., van der Weide, R. , Groten, J., Czembor, E., Adamczyk, J. et autres
Pests, pesticide use and alternative options in European maize production: current status and future prospects.
Journal of Applied Entomology, 134, 2010, 357-375.

Jörg Romeis, Meissle M., A. Raybould, R.L. Hellmich
Impact of insect-resistant transgenic crops on above-ground non-target arthropods.

Meissle M., Christina Pilz, Jörg Romeis
Susceptibility of diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae when feeding on Cry3Bb1-expressing Bt maize.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75, (12), 2009, 3937-3943.

Meissle M., Jörg Romeis
Insecticidal activity of Cry3Bb1 expressed in Bt maize on larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 131, 2009, 308-319.

Meissle M., Jörg Romeis
The web-building spider Theridion impressum (Araneae: Theridiidae) is not adversely affected by Bt maize resistant to corn rootworms.
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 7, 2009, 645-656.

Meissle M.
Compatibility of biological control with Bt maize expressing Cry3Bb1 in controlling corn rootworms: Inauguraldissertation.

Yunhe Li, Meissle M., Jörg Romeis
Consumption of Bt Maize pollen expressing Cry1Ab or Cry3Bb1 does not harm adult green lacewings, Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).
PLOS ONE, 3, (8), 2008, e2909.

Meissle M., Ivan Hiltpold, Ted C.J. Turlings, Jörg Romeis
Belowground volatile emission of Bt maize after induction of plant defence.
Bulletin IOBC wprs, 33, 2008, 85-92.

Hang Thu Nguyen, Heinz Hunfeld, Meissle M., Rona Miethling-Graff, Sibylle Pagel-Wieder, Stefan Rauschen, Corinne Zurbruegg, Sabine Eber, Frank Gessler, Jörg Romeis, Christoph C. Tebbe, Wolfgang Nentwig, Johannes A. Jehle
Round robin quantitation of Cry3Bb1 using the qualitative PathoScreen ELISA.
Bulletin IOBC wprs, 33, 2008, 59-66.

Jörg Romeis, Meissle M., Olivier Sanvido
Ecological impact of genetically modified organisms. Proceedings of the third meeting at Warsaw (Poland) 23-25 May, 2007.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 33, 2008, 158-0.

Jörg Romeis, Meissle M., Franz Bigler
Reply: Early-tier tests insufficient for GMO risk assessment. Correspondence in Nature Biotechnology January 2007.
Nature Biotechnology, 25, (1), 2007, 36-37.

Jörg Romeis, Meissle M.
Ecological impact of genetically modified organisms Proceedings of the meeting. GMOs in integrated plant production (Working group).
Bulletin IOBC wprs, 29, 2006, 200-0.

Jörg Romeis, Meissle M., Franz Bigler
Transgenic crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and biological control.
Nature Biotechnology, 24, (1), 2006, 63-71.

Jörg Romeis, Meissle M., Franz Bigler
Respond. Ecological risk assessment for Bt crops. Correspondence.
Nature Biotechnology, 24, (7), 2006, 451-453.

Jörg Romeis, Meissle M., Franz Bigler
Compatibility of insect-resitsant transgenic plants with biological control.

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