Liste de publications

Publications Friedrich Oehl

Passos J.H., Maia L.C., Azevedo de Assis D.M.A, da Silva J.A., Oehl F., da Silva I.R.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community structure in the rhizosphere of three plant species of crystalline and sedimentary areas in the Brazilian dry forest.
Microbial Ecology, 82, (1), 2021, 104-121.

Sudová R., Rydlová J., Čtvrtlíková,M., Kohout P., Oehl F., Voříšková,J., Kolaříková Z.
Symbiosis of isoetid plant species with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under aquatic versus terrestrial conditions.
Mycorrhiza, 31, 2021, 273-288.

Marjanović Ž. , Nawaz A., Stevanović K. , Saljnikov E., Maček I., Oehl F., Wubet T.
Root-associated mycobiome differentiate between habitats supporting production of different truffle species in Serbian riparian forests.
Microorganisms, 8, (9), 2020, 1-27.

Maia L. C., Passos J. H., Silva J. A., Oehl F., Assis D. M. A.
Species diversity of Glomeromycota in Brazilian biomes.
Sydowia, 72, 2020, 181-205.

Chebaane A., Symanczik S., Oehl F., Azri R., Gargouri M., Mäder P., Mliki A., Fki L.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Phoenix dactylifera L. grown in Tunisian Sahara oases of different salinity levels.
Symbiosis, 81, 2020, 173-186.

Avio L., Njeru E. M., Oehl F., Turrini A.., Bocci G., Bàrberi P., Giovannetti M., Sbrana C.
Small-scale soil heterogeneity affects the distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species in a hot-spot field in a Mediterranean site.
Applied Soil Ecology, 154, (October), 2020, 1-8.

Wijayawardene N.N., Hyde K.D., Al-Ani L.K.T., Tedersoo L., Haelewaters D., Aptroot A., Lumbsch H.T., Bensch K., Kirk P.M., Kolaříková Z., Oehl F., da Silva G.A., Błaszkowski J., Castañeda-Ruiz R.F., Becerra A.G. et autres
Outline of Fungi and fungi-like taxa.
Mycosphere, 11, 2020, 1060-1456.

Corazon-Guivin M.A., Cerna-Mendoza A., Guerrero-Abad J.C., Vallejos-Tapullima A., Ríos-Ramierez O., Vallejos-Torres G., Sota-Ricaldi A.M., Santos V.M., Silva G.A., Oehl F.
Paraglomus occidentale, a new fungus from the sources of the Amazon river in Peru, with a key to the paraglomeromycetes species.
Sydowia, 72, 2020, 85-94.

Vieira L.A. , da Silva D. K. A., Escobar I. E. C., da Silva J. M., Moura I. A., Oehl F., da Silva G. A.
Changes in an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi community along an environmental gradient.
Plants, 9, (1), 2020, 1-17.

Song J., Corazon-Guivin M.A., Guerrero-Abad J.C., Vallejos-Tapullima A., Silva G.A., Oehl F., Haelewaters D.
Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 5.
Sydowia, 71, 2019, 141-245.

Oehl F.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as microbial indicators to characterize soils and their use intensity.
Dans: SETAC - Europe 14th Special Science Symposium. Soil biodiversity: What do we know and how to protect it from adverse effects of plant production products and other chemicals?. 19.11., Ed. SETAC Europe Office, Brussels, Brüssel. 2019.

Corazon-Guivin M. A., Cerna-Mendoza A., Guerrero-Abad J. C., Valllejos-Tapullima A., Carballar-Hernández S., da Silva G. A., Oehl F.
Nanoglomus plukenetiae, a new fungus from Peru, and a key to small-spored Glomeraceae species, including three new genera in the "Dominikia complex/clades".
Mycological Progress, 18, (12), 2019, 1395-1409.

Corazon-Guivin M. A., Cerna-Mendoza A., Guerrero-Abad J. C., Vallejos-Tapullima A., da Silva G. A., Oehl F.
Acaulospora aspera, a new fungal species in the Glomeromycetes from rhizosphere soils of the inka nut (Plukenetia volubilis L.) in Peru.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 92, 2019, 250-257.

Oehl F.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural systems.
Dans: Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - International Workshop. 8 October, Ed. Agroscope, FiBL, ETH-Zürich, Ascona, Monte Verità. 2019, 1-24.

Baltruschat H., Santos V.M., Silva D.K.A., Schellenberg I., Deubel A., Sieverding E., Oehl F.
Unexpectedly high diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in fertile Chernozem croplands in Central Europe.
Catena, 182, (104135), 2019.

Vieira L.C., Silva D.K.A., Melo M.A.C., Escobar I.E.C., Oehl F., Silva G.A.
Edaphic factors influence the distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi along an altitudinal gradient of a tropical mountain.
Microbial Ecology, 2019, 904-913.

Corazon-Guivin M.A., Cerna-Mendoza A., Guerrero-Abad J.C., Vallejos-Tapullima A., Carballar-Hernández S., da Silva G.A., Oehl F.
Microkamienskia gen. nov., and Microkamienskia peruviana, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from Western Amazonia.
Nova Hedwigia, 109, (3-4), 2019, 355-368.

Oehl F., Sánchez-Castro I., Santos V.M., Silva G.A., Palenzuela J.
Archaeospora europaea, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, with a key to the Archaeosporaceae species.
Sydowia, 71, 2019, 129-137.

Marinho F., Oehl F., da Silva I.R., Coyne D., Veras J.S.N., Maia, L.C.
High diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in natural and anthropized sites of a Brazilian tropical dry forest (Caatinga).
Fungal Ecology, 40, 2019, 82-91.

Lin T.-C., da Silva G.A., Oehl F.
Acaulospora tsugae, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from Taiwan, and a key to species in Acaulosporaceae.
Nova Hedwigia, 108, (3-4), 2019, 475-488.

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