Sutter L., Herzog F., Dietemann V., Charrière J.-D., Albrecht M.
Les abeilles prodiguent de précieux services de pollinisation.
Revue Suisse d'apiculture, 138, (11-12), 2017, 37-41.
autres langues:
Sutter L., Albrecht M., Jeanneret P.
Landscape greening and local creation of wildflower strips and hedgerows promote multiple ecosystem services.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (11 September), 2017, 1-9.
Pfister S. C., Sutter L., Albrecht M., Marini S., Schirmel J., Entling M. H.
Positive effects of local and landscape features on predatory flies in European agricultural landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 239, 2017, 283-292.
Sutter L., Amato M., Jeanneret P., Albrecht M.
Overwintering arthropod assemblages across and within habitats of a Swiss agricultural landscape.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 122, 2017, 63-67.
Sutter L., Herzog F., Dietemann V., Charrière J.-D., Albrecht M.
Demande, offre et valeur de la pollinisation par les insectes dans l’agriculture suisse.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 8, (9), 2017, 332-339.
autres langues:
Sutter L., Jeanneret P., Bartual A. M., Bocci G., Albrecht M.
Enhancing plant diversity in agricultural landscapes promotes both rare bees and dominant crop-pollinating bees through complementary increase in key floral resources.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (10 April), 2017, 1-9.
Sutter L., Albrecht M.
Synergistic interactions of ecosystem services: florivorous pest control boosts crop yield increase through insect pollination.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283, (1824), 2016, 1-8.
Sanders D., Sutter L., van Veen F. J. F.
The loss of indirect interactions leads to cascading extinctions of carnivores.
Ecology Letters, 16, 2013, 664-669.