Liste de publications

Publications Corinne Jud Khan

Martin Hernandez M. d. C., Burnand D., Jud Khan C., Portmann R., Egger C.
Interaction of magnetic silica nanoparticles with food proteins during in vitro digestion: Interaction of magnetic silica nanoparticles with food proteins during in vitro digestion.
LWT-Food Science and Technology, 152, (112303), 2021.

Jud Khan C.
Le plastique: une malédiction et une bénédiction en même temps.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (11-12), 2019, 415.
autres langues: allemand

Silacci P., Dubois S., Nietlispach P., Barras B., Biolley C., Bossens A.-M., Gobet T., Guerry D., Peiry S., Vonnez C., Dougoud B., Jud Khan C.
Enquête sur la tendreté de la viande bovine suisse: troisième campagne 2018.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 10, (10), 2019, 380-387.
autres langues: allemand

Biolley C., Tretola M., Bee G., Jud Khan C., Silacci P.
Punicalagin increases glutamate absorption in differentiated Caco-2 cells by a mechanism involving gene expression regulation of an EAAT3 transporter.
Food & Function, 10, (9), 2019, 5333-5338.

Silacci P., Biolley C., Jud Khan C., Charrière J.-D., Dainat B.
An improved DNA method to unambiguously detect small hive beetle Aethina tumida, an invasive pest of honeybee colonies.
Pest Management Science, 74, (12), 2018, 2667-2670.

Schmid O., Jud Khan C., Umehara Y., Mueller D., Bucholski A., Gruber F., Denk O., Egle R., Petri-Fink A., Rothen-Rutishauser B.
Biokinetics of Aerosolized Liposomal Ciclosporin A in Human Lung Cells In Vitro Using an Air-Liquid Cell Interface Exposure System.
Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 30, (6), 2017, 411-424.

Bucciarelli S., Mahmoudi N., Casal-Dujat L., Jéhannin M., Jud Khan C., Stradner A.
Extended law of corresponding states applied to solvent isotope effect on a globular protein.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, (9), 2016, 1610-1615.

Moore T.L., Rodriguez-Lorenzo L., Hirsch V., Balog S., Urban D., Jud Khan C., Rothen-Rutishauser B., Lattuada M., Petri-Fink A.
Nanoparticle colloidal stability in cell culture media and impact on cellular interactions.
Chemical Society Reviews, 44, (17), 2015, 6287-6305.

Jud Khan C., Ahmed S., Mueller L., Kinnear C., Vanhecke D., Umehara Y., Frey S., Liley M., Angeloni S., Petri-Fink A., Rothen-Rutishauser B.
Ultrathin ceramic membranes as scaffolds for functional cell co-culture models on a biomimetic scale.
BioResearch Open Access, 4, (1), 2015, 457-468.

Horváth L., Umehara Y., Jud Khan C., Blank F., Petri-Fink A., Rothen-Rutishauser B.
Engineering an in vitro air-blood barrier by 3D bioprinting.
Scientific Reports, 5, 2015, 1-8.