Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Lukas Jeker

Eyer M., Dorothee J., Janke M., Jeker L.
Honeybee’s biological and behavioral processes can affect the outcome of the RFID homing flight test.
In: SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting. 26-30 May, Ed. SETAC Europe, Helsinki. 2019, 1.

Jeker L.
Wissenschaftlich objektiv den Bienen zuliebe.
Regio aktuell, (7), 2019, 24-25.

Charrière J.-D., Dietemann V., Kast C., Droz B., Dainat B., Jeker L.
Rapporto annuale 2018 del Centro di ricerca apistica.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 8, 2019, 12-21.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Jeker L.
Zentrum für Bienenforschung.
In: Besuch Bundes Minister Schmidt Deutschland. 02. März, Liebefeld. 2018, 1-6.

Schoop J., Knauer K., Jeker L.
Schutz der Bienen bei der Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der Landwirtschaft.
Ed. Agridea, Lindau. 2018, 4 pp.

Jeker L.
Non-uniform distribution of treated sucrose solution via trophallaxis by honeybees, affects variability of homing success, gene expression and mortality.
In: SETAC Europe. 13.05., Rom. 2018.

Charrière J.-D., Dainat B., Dietemann V., Droz B., Jeker L., Kast C., Parejo M.
Centro di ricerche apicole: Rapporto annuale 2016.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 140, (11), 2017, 14-21.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Zumbrunn S., Guichard M., Jeker L.
Non-uniform distribution of treated sucrose solution via trophallaxis by honeybees affects homing success variability and mortality.
In: 13th International Symposium Hazards of Pesticides to bees. October 18-20, Ed. ICP-PR, Valencia, Spain. 2017, 1.

Risse M., Dainat B., Jeker L.
Sub-lethal effects at stake: Does the acaricide Coumaphos and fungicide Folpet affect the hypopharyngeal glands size?
In: 13th International Symposium Hazards of Pesticides to bees. 18-20 October, Ed. ICP-PR, Valencia, Spain. 2017, 1.

Willener A.S.T., Volles C., Jeker L.
Assessing sub-lethal effects of pesticides on hypopharyngeal glands: recommendations for a possible ring-test method.
In: Scientific Bee HealthSymposium. 13-15th October, Ed. TIBEES, Lugano. 2016, 1.

Herren P., Volles C., Jeker L.
Possible influence of landscape structure on homing flight duration of honey bees after pesticide exposure.
In: Scientific Bee Health Symposium. 13-15th October, Ed. TIBEES, Lugano. 2016, 1.

Jeker L., Volles C., Herren P.
Methodenentwicklung zur Risikobeurteilung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der Schweiz.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 11, 2016, 16-19.

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