Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Sonja Kay

Hart D. E. T., Yeo S., Almaraz M., Beillouin D., Cardinael R., Garcia E., Kay S., Lovell S. T., Rosenstock T. S., Sprenkle-Hyppolite S., Stolle F., Suber M., Thapa B., Wood S., Cook-Patton S. C.
Priority science can accelerate agroforestry as a natural climate solution.
Nature Climate Change, 13, 2023, 1179-1190.

Roberti G., Kay S.
Ein Leitfaden für das Monitoring von Agroforstsystemen.
Die Grüne, 10, 2023, 11.

Suškevičs M., Kraner K., Bethwell C., Danzinger F., Kay S., Nishizawa T., Schuler J., Sepp K., Värnik R., Glemnitz M., Semm M., Umstätter C., Conradt T., Herzog F., Klein N. e altri
Stakeholder perceptions of agricultural landscape services, biodiversity, and drivers of change in four European case studies.
Ecosystem Services, 64, 2023, 1-17.

Kay S., Gosme M., Reubens B., Lawson G., Burgess P., de Beour M., Worms P., Hübner R.
DigitAF: DIGItale Tools zur Unterstützung der AgroForstwirtschaft: Verknüpfung von Feld und Cloud.
In: 9. Forum Agroforstsysteme. 28. September, Ed. Deutscher Fachverband für Agroforstwirtschaft (DeFAF), Freiburg im Breisgau. 2023, 59-60.

Kay S., Zosso C., Bretscher D.
Wiederkäuer in der klimafreundlichen Landwirtschaft.
In: THeKLa- Treibhausgasbilanzierung und Klimaschutz in der Landwirtschaft -Jahrestagung 2023. 28. Juni, Braunschweig. 2023, 1-35.

Nishizawa T., Kay S., Schuler J., Klein N., Conradt T., Mielewczik M., Herzog F., Aurbacher J., Zander P.
Towards diverse agricultural land uses: Socio-ecological implications of European agricultural pathways for a Swiss orchard region.
Regional Environmental Change, 23, 2023.

Hugenschmidt J., Kay S.
Unmasking adaption of tree root structure in agroforestry systems in Switzerland using GPR.
Geoderma regional, 34, 2023, 1-10.

Klein N., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Kay S.
Validating farmland biodiversity life cycle assessment at the landscape scale.
Environmental Science & Technology, 57, (25), 2023, 9184-9193.

Mariotte P., Grossiord C., Kay S., Manzocchi E., Aeby P., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Leifeld J., Jan P., Gazzarin C., Probo M.
Installazione di siepi foraggere come risorsa foraggera supplementare durante le siccità estive.
In: Assemblea generale dell'Associazione per lo sviluppo delle colture foraggere. 10 maggio, Sorens. 2023.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese | inglese

Klein N., Grêt-Regamey A., Herzog F., Van Strien M., Kay S.
A multi-scale analysis on the importance of patch-surroundings for farmland birds.
Ecological Indicators, 150, 2023, 1-10.

Notz I., Topp C. F. E., Schuler J., Alves S., Amthauer Gallardo L., Dauber J., Haase T., Hargreaves P. R., Hennessy M., Iantcheva A., Jeanneret P., Kay S., Recknagel J., Rittler L., Vasiljević M. e altri
Transition to legume‑supported farming in Europe through redesigning cropping systems.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43, 2023, 1-12.

Roberti G., von Pfeil C., Kunzelmann J., Funke L., Rutz T., Kay S.
Guida al monitoraggio dei sistemi agroforestali: Metodi di misurazione degli effetti ambientali.
Agroscope Transfer, 468, 2023.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Mariotte P., Dereuder E., Grossiord C., Kay S., Manzocchi E., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Probo M.
Integrating fodder tree hedgerows in permanent grasslands to produce supplementary forage during summer drought.
In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting. 19 December, Ed. British Ecological Society, Edinburgh. 2022.

Nishizawa T., Kay S., Schuler J., Klein N., Herzog F., Aurbacher J., Zander P.
Ecological–Economic Modelling of Traditional Agroforestry to Promote Farmland Biodiversity with Cost-Effective Payments.
Sustainability, 14, (9), 2022, 1-21.

Mariotte P., Grossiord C., Kay S., Dohme-Meier F., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Probo M.
The AgroForageTree project: Agroforestry for forage production in permanent grasslands using fodder tree hedgerows.
In: 6th European Agroforestry Conference. 16 May, Ed. Nuoro, Sardinia. 2022, 1-3.

Nisbet T. R., Andreucci M.-B., De Vreese R., Högbom L., Kay S., Kelly-Quinn M., Leonardi A., Lyubenova M. I., Ovando Pol P., Quinteiro P., Pérez Silos I., Valatin G.
Forest Green Infrastructure to Protect Water Quality: A Step-by-Step Guide for Payment Schemes: Chapter 8.
In: Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation: Function, Implementation and Governance. 1. Edition, Ed. Futoshi Nakamura, Springer. 2022, 105-131.

Nisbet T., Andreucci M.-B., De Vreese R., Högbom L., Kay S., Kelly-Quinn M., Leonardi A., Lyubenova M. I., Ovando Pol P., Quinteiro P., Pérez Silos I., Valatin G.
Waldökosystemdienstleistungen für Wasser: Eine Schritt-für-Schritt- Anleitung für Vergütungsmodelle.
Payments for Ecosystem Services (Forest for Water), Farnham, Surrey. March 19, 2021, 24 pp.
altre lingue: inglese | other language

Nishizawa T., Kay S., Klein N., Schuler J., Zander P., Herzog F.
Integrated model-based investigation of farm management options and measures to improve biodiversity in agricultural landscapes in north-western Switzerland.
In: LANDSCAPE 2021 – Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture, Book of Abstracts. 20–22 September, Ed. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Online Conference. 2021, 173.

Kay S., Duguma L.A., Okia C.A.
The potentials of technology complementarity to address energy poverty in refugee hosting landscapes in Uganda.
Energy, Ecology and Environment, 6, (5), 2021, 395-407.

Jeanneret P., Aviron S., Alignier A., Lavigne C., Helfenstein J., Herzog F., Kay S., Petit S.
Agroecology landscapes.
Landscape Ecology, (36), 2021, 2235-2257.

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