Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Katia Gindro

Viret O., Linder C., Gindro K.
Protection de la vigne et ses auxiliaires.
In: Petit précis de viticulture (Tome 2): La production de raisins. 1ère édition, Editions La France Agricole. 2023, 80-173.

Hofstetter V., Gindro K.
Esca disease: what we know and new research perspectives.
In: 49th Congress of the Wine Growers M.I.V.A. 14 October, Ed. Wine growers M.I.V.A Italia, Udine. 2022, 1-19.

Rita de Souza C., Gindro K., Verdenal T., Spring J.-L., Spangenberg J.-E., Zufferey V.
Water deficit responses of field‑grown Pinot noir mediated by rootstock genotypes in a cool climate region.
OENO One, 56, (2), 2022, 136-148.

Zufferey V., Gindro K., Verdenal T., Murisier F., Viret O.
Anatomie et physiologie : Alimentation et carences, accidents physiologiques et climatiques.
AMTRA. La vigne (Vol. 4), 2022, 564 pp.

Monod V., Hofstetter V., Zufferey V., Viret O., Gindro K., Croll D.
Quantifying trade-offs in the choice of ribosomal barcoding markers for fungal amplicon sequencing: A case study on the grapevine trunk mycobiome.
Microbiology Spectrum, 10, (6), 2022, 1-13.

La Forgia D., Hiltpold I., Gindro K., Cléroux. M, Kehrli P.
Following stink odor: The use of oviposition induced plant volatile to enhance the presence of egg parasitoids in the field against Halyomorpha halys and Nezara Viridula.
In: Pherofruit 2022. 25. septembre, Girona (Spanien). 2022.

Gfeller A., Fuchsmann P., De Vrieze M., Gindro K., Weisskopf L.
Bacterial volatiles known to inhibit Phytophthora infestans are emitted on potato leaves by Pseudomonas strains.
Microorganisms, 10, (8), 2022, 1-11.

Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Reynard J.-S., Dienesné Nagy A., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Rösti J., Gindro K., Spangenberg J.E., Viret O., Carlen C., Spring J.-L.
Influence du régime hydrique sur le comportement de la vigne et la qualité des vins d'Humagne rouge.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 13, 2022, 77-85.

Dubey S., Pellaud S., Gindro K., Schuerch J., Golay J., Gloor R., Ghali K., Dubey O.
Fungal Infection in free-ranging snakes caused by opportunistic species.
Emerging Animal Species, 3, (May), 2022, 1-4.

Huber R., Marcourt L., Quiros L., Luscher A., Schnée S., Michellod E., Ducret V., Kohler T., Perron K., Wolfender JL., Gindro K., Ferreira Queiroz E.
Chiral separation of stilbene dimers generated by biotransformation for absolute configuration determination and antibacterial evaluation.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, 2022, 1-11.

Gindro K., Schnée S., Lecoultre N., Michellod E., Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Viret O., Dubuis P.-H.
Development of downy mildew in grape bunches of susceptible and resistant cultivars: infection pathways and limited systemic spread: Downy mildew development in grape bunches.
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 2022, 1-9.

Huber R., Koval A., Marcourt L., Héritier M., Schnée S., Michellod E., Scapozza L., Katanaev V., Wolfender JL., Gindro K., Queiroz EF.
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Original Stilbene Dimers Possessing Wnt Inhibition Activity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells Using the Enzymatic Secretome of Botrytis cinerea Pers.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, (881298), 2022, 1-32.

Dessilly G., Pâques AT., Vandenbroucke AT., Hazée P., Gaume A., Gindro K., Schnée S., Lakaye F., Kabamba-Mukadi B.
In vitro evaluation of virucidal activity of disodium citrate perhydrate (2SCP) disinfectant against SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, 28, 2022, 158-160.

Huber R., Marcourt L., Koval A., Schnée S., Righi D., Michellod E., Katanaev V., Wolfender JL., Gindro K., Queiroz E.
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of complex phenylpropanoid derivatives by the Botrytis cinerea secretome and evaluation of their Wnt inhibition activity.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 2022, 1-19.

Massana Codina J., Schnée S., Lecoultre N., Droz E., Dupuis B., Keiser A., de Werra P., Wolfender J.-L., Gindro K., Schürch S.
Influence of abiotic factors, inoculum source, and cultivar susceptibility on the potato tuber blemish diseases black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) and silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani).
Plant Pathology, 70, 2021, 885-897.

Reynard J.-S., Brodard J., Dubuis N., Kellenberger I., Spilmont A.-S., Roquis D., Maliogka V., Marchal C., Dedet S., Gning O., Croll D., Gindro K., Schumpp O., Spring J.-L., Lacombe T.
Screening of grapevine red blotch virus in two European ampelographic collections.
Journal of Plant Pathology, online, (12 November), 2021, 1-7.

Jaccard A., Brodard J., Kellenberger I., Schnée S., Gindro K., Schumpp O.
Understanding the role of mycoviruses in vine fungal communities.
In: PhD Symposium. 18.03., Agroscope. 2021.

Jaccard A., Brodard J., Kellenberger I., Schnée S., Gindro K., Schumpp O.
Understanding the role of mycoviruses in vine fungal communities.
In: D.Day 2021 – Université de Lausanne. 28.04., Ed. Agroscope, Université de Lausanne. 2021.

Bourdin G., Spring J.-L., Lorenzini F., Gindro K.
Wine tasting of new grape varieties of Agroscope.
In: Memory of N.I. Vavilov at Agroscope. 22.09., Changins. 2021, 1-2.

Alfattani A., Marcourt L., Hofstetter V., Ferreira Queitoz E, Leoni S., Allard P.-M., Gindro K., Stien D., Perron K., Wolfender J.-L.
Combination of pseudo-LC-NMR and HRMS/MS-Based Molecular Networking for the rapid identification of antimicrobial metabolites from Fusarium petroliphilum.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8, 2021, 1-24.

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