Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Nikolas Hagemann

Hagemann N., Schmidt H.-P.
EBC-Certification of biochar made from biosolids.
In: 1st Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar. 12. Oktober, Sweden Water Research AB, Malmö. 2022.

Spahr S., Teixidó M., Gall S. , Pritchard J., Hagemann N., Helmreich B., Luthy R.
Performance of biochars for the elimination of trace organic contaminants and metals from urban stormwater.
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, (8), 2022, 1287-1299.

Grafmüller J., Schmidt H. P., Kray D., Hagemann N.
Root-Zone amendments of biochar-based fertilizers: Yield increases of white cabbage in temperate climate.
Horticulturae, 8, (4), 2022, 1-17.

Grafmüller J., Böhm A., Zhuang Y., Spahr S., Müller P., Otto T. N., Bucheli T., Leifeld J., Giger R., Tobler M., Schmidt H. P., Dahmen N., Hagemann N.
Wood ash as an additive in biomass pyrolysis: Effects on biochar yield, properties, and agricultural performance.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10, (8), 2022, 2720-2729.

Meyer zu Drewer, J, Köster, M, Abdulai, I, Rötter, M P, Hagemann N., Schmidt, H-P
Impact of different methods of root-zone application of biochar-based fertilizers on young cocoa plants: insights from a pot-trial.
Horticulturae, 222, (8), 2022, 328-342.

Sormo E., Silvani L., Bjerkli N., Hagemann N., Zimmerman A., Hale S., Hansen C., Hartnik T., Cornelissen G.
Stabilization of PFAS-contaminated soil with activated biochar.
Science of the Total Environment, 763, 2021, 144034-144045.

Schmidt, H.-P., Kammann C., Hagemann N., Leifeld J., Bucheli T., Sánchez Monedero M.A., Cayuela M.L.
Biochar in agriculture –A systematic review of 26 global meta-analyses.
Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 13, 2021, 1-23.

Hagemann N.
Pflanzenkohle als Pionierin der C-Senken.
In: Fachtagung Pflanzenkohle - Auf dem Weg in den Mainstream. 09.11., Fachverband Pflanzenkohle - online. 2021, 1-30.

Hagemann N.
Pflanzenkohe-Qualitäten und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten.
In: Fachveranstaltung IG Schweizer Pflanzenkohleproduzenten. 19.10., Auen Pflege Dienst, Flaach. 2021.

Schmidt, H.P., Hagemann N., Abächerli, F., Leifeld J., Bucheli T.
Pflanzenkohle in der Landwirtschaft: Hintergründe zur Düngerzulassung und Potentialabklärung für die Schaffung von Kohlenstoff-Senken.
Agroscope Science, 112, 2021.

Campos P., Miller A. , Prats S, Hagemann N., de la Rosa, J
Biochar amendment increases bacterial diversity and vegetation cover in trace element-polluted soils: A long-term field experiment.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 150, (online), 2020, 1-11.

Hagemann N., Schmidt H.P., Kägi R., Böhler M., Sigmund G., Maccagnan A., McArdell C.S., Bucheli T.
Wood-based activated biochar to eliminate organic micropollutants from biologically treated wastewater.
Science of the Total Environment, 730, (online), 2020, Article N° 138417.

Smith P., Adams J., Beerling D. J., Beringer T., Calvin K. V., Fuss S., Griscom B., Hagemann N., Kammann C., Kraxner F., Minx J. C., Popp A., Renforth P., Vincente Vicente J. L., Keesstra S.
Impacts of land-based greenhouse gas removal options on ecosystem services and the United Nations sustainable development goals.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Online, (11 June), 2019, 1-32.

Hagemann N., Hilber Schöb I., Sigmund G., Schmidt H.-P., Bucheli T.
In: 10. Tagung Holzenergie. 31. Januar, Ed. Berner Fachhochschule, Biel. 2019, 1.

Hagemann N., Kägi R., Böhler M., McArdell Ch., Schmidt H.-P., Bucheli T.
Aktivkohle für die Abwasserreinigung - Made in Switzerland?
In: 10. Tagung Holzenergie. 31.01., Biel - Berner Fachhochschule. 2019.

Schmidt H.-P., Hagemann N., Draper K., Kammann C.
The use of biochar in animal feeding.
PeerJ, online, (31 July), 2019, 1-54.

Dieguez-Alonso A., Anca-Couce A., Frišták V., Moreno-Jimenéz E., Bacher M., Bucheli T. D., Cimò G., Conte P., Hagemann N., Haller A., Hilber I., Husson O., Kammann C. I., Kienzl N., Leifeld J. e altri
Designing biochar properties through the blending of biomass feedstock with metals: Impact on oxyanions adsorption behavior.
Chemosphere, 214, 2019, 743-753.

Hagemann N., Bucheli T., Schmidt H.P., Kägi R., Böhler M., McArdell C.
Aktivkohle – Made in Switzerland.
Aqua & Gas, 1, 2019, 32-38.

Hagemann N., Subdiaga E., Orsetti S., de la Rosa J.M., Knicker H., Schmidt H.P., Kappler A., Behrens S.
Effect of biochar amendment on compost organic matter composition following aerobic composting of manure.
Science of the Total Environment, 613-614, 2018, 20-29.

Schmidt H.P., Anca-Couce A., Hagemann N., Werner C., Gerten D., Lucht W., Kammann C.
Pyrogenic carbon capture and storage.
Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 12553, 2018, 1-19.

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