Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Massimiliano Probo

Pittarello M., Probo M., Perotti E., Lonati M., Lombardi G., Ravetto Enri S.
Grazing Management Plans improve pasture selection by cattle and forage quality in sub-alpine and alpine grasslands.
Journal of Mountain Science, 16, (9), 2019, 2140-2149.

Amaudruz M., D'Adda G., Frick R., Gassmann P., Kessler W., Lüscher A., Meisser M., Morisoli R., Probo M., Reidy B., Schüpbach H., Stutz C. J., Suter D., Wyss U.
Rapport d'activité 2018 ADCF.
Association pour le développement de la culture fourragère, Agroscope, Nyon. août, 2019, 20 pp.

Meisser M., Vitra A., Deléglise C., Dubois S., Probo M., Mosimann E., Buttler A., Mariotte P.
Nutrient limitations induced by drought affect forage N and P differently in two permanent grasslands.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 280, (1 August), 2019, 85-94.

Probo M.
Mandrature e punti sale per recuperare la vegetazione dei pascoli invasi da arbusti.
Agricoltore Ticinese, 151, (20), 2019, 16-17.

Huguenin-Elie O., Studer B., Kölliker R., Reheul D., Probo M., Barre P., Feuerstein U., Roldán-Ruiz I., Mariotte P., Hopkins A.
Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management: Proceedings of the Joint 20th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’, Zürich, Switzerlan, 24-27 June 2019.
European Grassland Federation EGF, W. Kessler, Federation Secretary, c/o Agroscope, Zurich, Switzerland. 2019, 558 pp.

Lonati M., Probo M., Gorlier A., Pittarello M., Scariot V., Lombardi G., Ravetto Enri S.
Plant diversity and grassland naturalness of differently managed urban areas of Torino (NW Italy).
Acta Horticulturae, 1215, 2018, 247-253.

Galasso G., Domina G., Alessandrini A., Ardenghi NM.G., Bacchetta G., Ballelli S., Bartolucci F., Brundu G., Buono S., Busnardo G., Calvia G., Capece P., D'Antraccoli M., Di Nuzzo L., Fanfarillo E. e altri
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 6.
Italian Botanist, 6, 2018, 65-90.

Perotti E., Probo M., Pittarello M., Lonati M., Lombardi G.
A 5-year rotational grazing changes the botanical composition of sub-alpine and alpine grasslands.
Applied Vegetation Science, 21, (4), 2018, 647-657.

Meisser M., Dekumbis V., Probo M.
Towards a better understanding of the early stages of secondary succession of under-exploited summer alpine pastures.
In: 20th meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pasture Network. 9th – 12th September 2018, Ballstad, Lofotev, Norway. NIBIO BOOK 11(4). Vol 4 nr 11, Ed. NIBIO, Hogskolevegen 7, NO-1432 AS. 2018, 53-53.

Lonati M., Perotti E., Probo M., Pittarello M., Lombardi G.
Changing from continuous to rotational grazing enhances alpine grassland composition and plant diversity: results of a five-year monitoring.
In: First European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas - Book of Abstracts. 20-22 June, Ed. Freie Universität Bozen-Bolzano, EURAC Research, EAAP, Università degli studi di Padua and FIBL Switzerland, Bozen-Bolzano. 2018, 62-62.

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