Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Sylvain Lerch

Driesen C., Zennegg M., Morel I., Hess H.D., Lerch S.
The transfer rate of PCBs from feed to adipose tissue depends on body fatness in growing cattle.
In: DIOXIN. 25-30 August, Ed. Organohalogen Compounds, Kyoto (JP). 2019, 543-546.

Driesen C., Lerch S., Bogdal C., Siegenthaler R., Wyss U., Hess H.D., Scheringer M., Nowack B., Zennegg M.
The AgroPOP project: Toward a better uderstanding and mitigation of transgenerational transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls in cattle.
In: 5th Meeting of Swiss Analytical Scientists CHanalysis April 11-12, 2019 Dorint Hotel Beatenberg. 11-12.04, Ed. CH analysis. 2019, 25.

Driesen C., Zennegg M., Morel I., Hess H.D., Lerch S.
The transfer rate of PCBs from feed to adipose tissue depends on body tatness in growing cattle.
In: SCS Fall Meeting 2019. 06.09.2019, SCS. 2019, AS-106.

Lerch S., Oberson J.-L., Silacci P., Morel I.
Carcass composition is linked to residual feed intake level in crossbreed growing bulls.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 2019, Ed. Wageningen Academic Publisher, Wageningen. 2019, 643.

Lerch S.
Measuring body composition and energy expenditure using (doubly) labelled water - Explanation of the principles and practical application.
In: Sattelite course on indirect calorimetry - 6th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. 13.09., Belo Horizonte (Brazil) - joint organisation INRA (FR), WUR (NL), Federal University of Viçosa (BR), Federal University of Minas Gerais (BR). 2019.

Driesen C., Lerch S., Bogdal C., Siegenthaler R., Wyss U., Hess H.D., Schreringer M., Nowack B., Zennegg M.
The AgroPOP Project: Toward a better understanding and mitigation of transgenerational transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls in cattle.
In: 5th Meeting of Swiss Analytical Scientists - CHAnalysis 2019. 11.04, Beatenberg - Swiss Chemical Society. 2019, 25.

Lerch S., Martin O., Fournier A., Henri J.
Exploring the effects of dietary lipid content and digestibility on lipophilic contaminants transfer from feed to milk in dairy cow: insights from a physiologically-based toxicokinetic modelling approach.
In: Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores 2018. 2018, 1-500.

Lerch S., Rey-Cadilhac L., Cariou R., Jondreville C., Faulconnier Y., Roux D., Dervilly-Pinel G., Le Bizec B., Jurjanz S., Ferlay A.
Undernutrition combined with dietary mineral oil: A nutritional strategy enhancing removal of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in contaminated ewes.
In: 10th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. 2 - 6 September, Ed. Cambridge University Press, Clermont-Ferrand (F). 2018.

Lerch S., Martin O., Fournier A., Henri J.
Modélisation mécaniste du transfert de contaminants lipophiles chez la vache laitière : vers une meilleure maitrise de la qualité sanitaire du lait.
In: . 2018, 425.

Lerch S., Lastel M.L., Fournier A., Jurjanz S., Dziurla M.A., Linder M., Feidt C., Rychen G.
Distribution de la chlordécone au sein de l’organisme du chevreau en fonction des teneurs tissulaires en lipides polaires.
In: 24ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants. 05.12., Ed. INRA / Idele, Paris. 2018, 426.

Lerch S., Cariou R., Rey-Cadilhac L., Jondreville C., Delavaud C., Faulconnier Y., Alcouffe S., Faure P., Marchand P., Le Bizec B., Jurjanz S., Feraly A.
La sous-nutrition combinée à la supplémentation en huile minérale est-elle une stratégie efficace de décontamination en dioxines et en polychlorobiphényles chez la brebis ?
In: 24ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants. 05.12.2018, Ed. INRA / Idele, Paris. 2018, 420-424.

Lerch S., Lastel M.L., Fournier A., Jurjanz S., Dziurla M.A., Linder M., Feidt C., Rychen G.
Distribution de la chlordécone au sein de l’organisme du chevreau en fonction des teneurs tissulaires en lipides polaires.
In: 24ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants. 05.12., Ed. INRA / Idele, Paris. 2018, 426.
altre lingue: inglese

Lerch S., Martin O., Fournier A., Henri J.
Modélisation mécaniste du transfert de contaminants lipophiles chez la vache laitière : Vers une meilleure maitrise de la qualité sanitaire du lait.
In: 24ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants. 05 décembre, Ed. INRA / Idele, Paris. 2018, 425.
altre lingue: inglese

Lerch S., Cariou R., Rey-Cadilhac L., Jondreville C., Delavaud C., Faulconnier Y., Alcouffe S., Faure P., Marchand P., Le Bizec B., Jurjanz S., Ferlay A.
La sous-nutrition combinée à la supplémentation en huile minérale est-elle une stratégie efficace de décontamination en dioxines et en polychlorobiphényles chez la brebis ?
In: 24ème Rencontres Recherches Ruminants. 05 décembre, Ed. INRA / Idele, Paris. 2018, 420-424.
altre lingue: inglese

Lerch S., Martin O., Fournier A., Henri J.
Exploring the effects of dietary lipid content and digestibility on lipophilic contaminants transfer from feed to milk in dairy cow: insights from a physiologically-based toxicokinetic modelling approach.
In: 10th International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH). 04.09., Clermont-Ferrand (France). 2018.

Lerch S., Martin O., Fournier A., Henri J.
Exploring the effects of dietary lipid content and digestibility on lipophilic contaminants transfer from feed to milk in dairy cow: insights from a physiologically-based toxicokinetic modelling approach.
In: 10th International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH). 04.09., Clermont-Ferrand (France). 2018.

Lerch S., Rey-Cadilhac L., Cariou R., Jondreville C., Faulconnier Y., Roux D., Dervilly-Pinel G., Le Bizec B., Jurjanz S., Ferlay A.
Undernutrition combined with dietary mineral oil: a nutritional strategy enhancing removal of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in contaminated ewes.
In: 10th International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH). 04.09., Clermont-Ferrand (France). 2018.

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