Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Cédric Camps

Fleury Y., Camps C., Gilli C.
Valorization of digestate in greenhouse tomato crops.
In: 30th International Horticultural Congress. 12 August, Istanbul, Turkey. 2018, 1.

Gilli C., Fuchs J., Steiger M., Camps C., Tran Q. T. D.
Info-Tag Gemüsebau im Gewächshaus.
Gemüsebau Info, 2018.
altre lingue: francese

Camps C.
Singular approach to penetrometry by preprocessing of digitized force–displacement curves and chemometry: A case study of 12 tomato varieties.
Journal of Texture Studies, 49, (4), 2018, 378-386.

Camps C., Werne S., Quennoz M., Simonnet X., Gilli C.
Quantification of Condensed Tannins in Sainfoin Powder (Onobrychisviciifolia) by FT-NIR Spectroscopy.
Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research and Development, 4, (1), 2017, 58-66.

Gilli C., Fleury Y., Camps C.
Eclairage LED interligne en culture de tomate sur substrat.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 49, (5), 2017, 302-308.

Gilli C., Camps C., Fleury Y., Stalder J.
Accelerating ripening of greenhouse tomatoes in autumn at the end of harvest with ethylene application.
Acta Horticulturae, 1170, 2017, 791-795.

Gilli C., Camps C., Fleury Y.
Influence of thermodynamic dehumidification on energey consumption, yield and quality of greenhouse tomato crop.
Acta Horticulturae, 1170, 2017, 509-515.

Gilli C., Camps C., Bucher M., Stalder J.
Reifebeschleunigung von Tomaten dank Ethylen.
Gemüsebau Info, 26, 2017, 7-8.
altre lingue: francese

Gilli C., Camps C., Fleury Y.
LED im Gewächshaus.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, 4, 2017, 28.
altre lingue: francese

Fleury Y., Camps C., Gilli C.
Paronset war am beliebtesten.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, 4, 2017, 30.
altre lingue: francese

Camps C., Gilli C.
Prediction of local and global tomato texture and quality by FT-NIR spectroscopy and chemometric.
European Journal of Horticultural Science, 82, (3), 2017, 126-133.

Camps C.
NIR-Spektroskopie für Tomaten.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, 3, 2017, 37.
altre lingue: francese

Gilli C., Camps C., Fleury Y., Le Quillec S., Jermini M.
Info-Tag Gemüsebau im Gewächshaus.
Gemüsebau Info, 27, 2016, 6-7.
altre lingue: francese

Camps C.
Evaluation qualitative des tomates.
In: Journée d'information Cultures Maraîchères sous serres. 24 août, Ed. Agroscope, Institut des sciences en production végétale IPV, Conthey. 2016, 1-18.

Camps C., Fleury Y., Hocini M., Gilli C.
Diversification et caractérisation de la tomate ronde.
In: Journée d'information Cultures sous serre. Août, Ed. Agroscope, Institut des Sciences en Production végétale, Conthey. 2016, 1.

Gilli C., Camps C., Fleury Y.
Eclairage HPS et LED interligne en culture de tomate sur substrat.
In: Journée d'information Cultures sous serre. Août, Ed. Agroscope, Institut des Sciences en Production végétale, Conthey. 2016, 1.

Camps C., Sigg P.
Plant growth promoting microorganisms and bio-control of Phytium ultimum on Euphorbia pulcherima.
Acta Horticulturae, 1099, 2015, 325-332.

Gigon V., Camps C., Le Corff J.
Biological control of Tetranychus urticae by Phytoseiulus macropilis and Macrolophus pygmaeus in tomato greenhouses.
Experimental & Applied Acarology, 68, (1), 2015, 55-70.

Andrianjaka-Camps Z.-N., Baumgartner D. U., Camps C., Guyer E., Arrigoni E., Carlen C.
Prediction of raspberries puree quality traits by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
Food Science and Technology, 63, (2), 2015, 1056-1062.

Fleury Y., Lefort F., Camps C., Sigg P.
Effets de micro-organismes contre Pythium spp. et sur la croissance de jeunes plants de lisianthus.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 47, (2), 2015, 124-130.

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