Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Valérie Hofstetter

Buyck B., Henkel T.W., Dentinger B.T.M., Séné O., Hofstetter V.
Multilineage sequencing provides a suitable epitype, barcode sequences and precise systematic position for the enigmatic African Cantharellus miniatescens.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (3), 2016, 269-282.

Buyck B., Randrianjohany E., Hofstetter V.
Almost a century later… Cantharellus avellaneus finally rediscovered!
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (3), 2016, 259-268.

Buyck B., Hosaka K., Masi S., Hofstetter V.
Molecular analyses of first collections of Elaphomyces Nees (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Ascomycota) from Africa and Madagascar indicate that the current concept of Elaphomyces is polyphyletic.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (1), 2016, 3-14.

Bohni N., Hofstetter V., Gindro K., Buyck B., Schumpp O., Bertrand S., Monod M., Wolfender J.-L.
Production of fusaric acid by Fusarium spp. in pure culture and in solid medium co-cultures.
Molecules, 21, (3), 2016, 1-16.

Hofstetter V.
Genetische Variabilität von Eutypa lata.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 151, (2), 2015, 13.

Hongsanan S. , Hyde K. D. , Bahkali A. H. , Camporesi E., Chomnunti P. , Ekanayaka H. , Gomes A. A.M., Hofstetter V., Jones E. B. G. , Pinho D. B. , Pereira O. L. , Tian Q. , Wanasinghe D. N. , Xu J.-C., Buyck B.
Fungal biodiversity profiles 11-20.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 36, (3), 2015, 355-380.

Olariaga I., Buyck B., Esteve-Raventós F., Hofstetter V., Manjón J. L. , Moreno G., Salcedo I.
Assessing the taxonomic identity of white and orange specimens of Cantharellus: occasional colour variants or independent species?
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 36, (4), 2015, 1-14.

Liu Jk., Jones EBG., Ariyawansa HA, Bhat DJ., Boonmee S., Maharachchikumbura SSN., McKenzie EHC., Phookamsak R., Phukhamsakda C., Shenoy BD., Abdel-Wahab MA., Buyck B., Chen J. , Chethana KWT., Singtripop C. e altri
Fungal diversity notes 1–110: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species.
Fungal Diversity, 72, (1), 2015, 1-197.

Buyck B., Kauff F., Randrianjohany E., Hofstetter V.
Sequence data reveal a high diversity of Cantharellus associated with endemic vegetation in Madagascar.
Fungal Diversity, online, (25 novembre), 2015, 1-2.

Hofstetter V., Redhead S. A., Kauff F., Moncalvo J.-M. , Matheny P. B. , Vilgalys R.
Taxonomic revision and examination of ecological transitions of the Lyophyllaceae (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) based on a multigene phylogeny.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 35, (4), 2014, 399-425.

Hofstetter V., Buyck B., Dubuis P.-H., Viret O., Gindro K.
Variabilité génétique du champignon responsable de l'eutypiose dans un vignoble suisse.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 46, (5), 2014, 292-209.

Shao S.-C. , Buyck B. , Hofstetter V., Tian X.-F. , Geng Y.-H. , Yu F.-Q. , Liu P.-G.
Cantharellus hygrophorus, a new species in sugenus Afrocantharellus from tropical southwestern China.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 35, (3), 2014, 281-289.

Schoch CL. , Robbertse B., Robert V. , Vu D. , Cardianli G. , Irinyi L. , Meyer W. , Nilsson RH., Hughes K. , Miller AN., Kirk PM., Abarenkov K. , Aime MC, Ariyawansa HA, Bidartondo M. e altri
Finding needles in haystacks: linking scientific names, reference specimens and molecular data for Fungi.
Database, 2014, 2014, 1-21.

Miadilkowska J., Kauff F., Högnabba F., Oliver JC., Molnàr K., Fraker E., Gaya E., Hafellner J., Hofstetter V., Gueidan C., Kukwa M., Lücking R., Björk C., Sipman HJ., Burgaz AR. e altri
A multigene phylogenetic synthesis for the class Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota): 1307 fungi representing 1139 infrageneric taxa, 317 genera and 66 families.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 4, 2014.

Buyck B., Kauff F. , Eyssartier G. , Couloux A. , Hofstetter V.
A multilocus phylogeny for worldwide Cantharellus (Cantharellales, Agaricomycetidae).
Fungal Diversity, 64, (1), 2014, 101-121.

Hofstetter V.
Rolle der Pilze bei Esca der Weinrebe.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 149, (2), 2013, 15-16.

Eddouzi J. , Hofstetter V., Groenwald M., Manai M. , Sanglard D.
Characterization of a new clinical yeast species, Candida tunisiensis sp. nov., isolated from a strain collection of Tunisian hospitals.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 51, (1), 2013, 31-39.

Buyck B. , Kauff F. , Cruaud C. , Hofstetter V.
Molecular evidence for novel Cantharellus (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) from tropical African miombo woodlands and a key to all tropical African chanterelles.
Fungal Diversity, 58, (1), 2013, 51-67.

Hofstetter V., Buyck B., Croll D., Viret O., Couloux A., Dubuis P.-H., Gindro K.
Rolle der Pilze in die Esca Krankheit der Weinrebe.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (6), 2012, 386-392.
altre lingue: francese

Schoch C. L. , Seifert K. A. , Huhndorf S. , Robert V. , Spouge J. L. , Levesque C. A. , Wen C. , Hofstetter V.
The internal transcribed spacer as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi.
In: National Academy of Sciences. 15.10., Ed. PNAS, Boston . 2012, 6241-6246.

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