Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Agnes Dienesné Nagy

Verdenal T., Dienes-Nagy Á., Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Viret O., Marin-Carbonne J., van Leeuwen C.
Understanding and managing nitrogen nutrition in grapevine: a review.
OENO One, 55, (1), 2021, 1-44.

Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Viret O., van Leeuwen C., Spangenberg J.E., Spring J.-L.
Plant nitrogen assimilation and partitioning as a function of crop load.
In: XIIIth International Terroir Congress. 17 - 18 November, Adelaide (AUS). 2020, 1-5.

Dienes-Nagy Á., Marti G., Breant L., Lorenzini F., Fuchsmann P., Baumgartner D. G., Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Gindro K., Viret O., Wolfender J-L, Rösti J.
Identification of putative chemical markers in white wine (Chasselas) related to nitrogen deficiencies in vineyards.
OENO One, 3, 2020, 583-599.

Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Dienes-Nagy Á., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Koestel C., Blackford M., Bourdin G., Gindro K., Spangenberg J.E., Rösti J., Viret O., Carlen C., Spring J.-L.
Effet du régime hydrique sur le comportement de la vigne et la qualité des vins de petite Arvine.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 1, (52), 2020, 160-171.

Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Dienes-Nagy Á., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Koestel C., Blackford M., Bourdin G., Gindro K., Spangenberg J.E., Rösti J., Viret O., Carlen C., Spring J.-L.
The influence of vine water regime on the leaf gas exchange, berry composition and wine quality of Arvine grapes in Switzerland.
OENO One, 3, 2020, 553-568.

Verdenal T., Spangenberg J. E., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Viret O., van Leeuwen C., Spring J.-L.
Impact of crop load on nitrogen uptake and reserve mobilisation in Vitis vinifera.
Functional Plant Biology, online, (12 June), 2020, 1-13.

Blackford M., Rienth M., Dienes-Nagy Á., Spring J.-L., Bourdin G., Lorenzini F., Roesle-Fuchs J., Cléroux M.
Säureentwicklung im Zeichen des Klimawandels.
Obst- und Weinbau, 08, 2020, 11-14.

Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Bourdin G., Gindro K., Spring J.-L.
Frühentblätterung der Traubenzone: Optionen und Konsequenzen.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 02, 2020, 15-17.

Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Bourdin G., Dienes-Nagy Á., Gindro K., Spring J.-L.
L’effeuillage précoce de la zone des grappes.

Blackford M., Roesle-Fuchs J., Rienth M., Dienes-Nagy Á., Cléroux M., Spring J.-L., Bourdin G., Lorenzini F.
Evolution des acides dans les baies et dans les moûts au cours des derniers millésimes.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 51, (5), 2019, 290-299.

Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Bourdin G., Spring J.-L.
L’effeuillage préfloral sur Merlot: impact à la vigne et sur les vins dans le contexte du Tessin.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 51, (6), 2019, 338-345.

Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Bourdin G., Gindro K., Spring J.-L.
Desfolha das vinhas antes ou depois do vingamento: Consequências fisiológicas e fatores qualitativos.
IVES Technical Reviews, online, (9 octubre), 2019, 1-2.

Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Dienes-Nagy Á., Bourdin G., Gindro K.
Sfogliatura della vite prima o dopo l'allegagione: conseguenze fisiologiche e fattori qualitativi.
IVES Technical Reviews, online, (9 ottobre), 2019, 1-2.
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Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Bourdin G., Gindro K., Viret O., Spring J.-L.
Timing and intensity of grapevine defoliation: An extensive overview on five cultivars in Switzerland.
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 70, (4), 2019, 427-434.

Peçuli A., Schnée S., Basha E., Dienes-Nagy Á.
Stilbene content in Albanian mono-varietal wines from different vintages.
In: 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture. 17-22 February, Ed. University of Zagreb, Vodice, Croatia. 2019, 546-550.

Verdenal T., Spangenberg J.E., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Viret O., van Leeuwen C., Spring J.-L.
N assimilation and partitioning in Vitis vinifera in response to thinning and foliar-urea supply.
In: 42nd OIV Congress. 15 - 19 July, Geneva. 2019, 1-5.

Verdenal T., Spangenberg J.E., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Viret O., Van Leeuwen C., Spring J.-L.
Nitrogen partitioning among vine organs as a consequence of cluster thinning.
In: 21st GIESCO International Meeting. 23 - 28 June, Ed. IVES, Thessaloniki (GR). 2019, 1-5.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Deneulin P., Dienes-Nagy Á.
Olfactometry profile and evaluation of odour-active compounds in Chasselas wines.
In: 11th edition of In Vino Analytica Scientia IVAS 2019. 25-28 June, Ed. L'Unité de recherche Œnologie, ISVV, Bordeaux. 2019, 1.

Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Dienes-Nagy Á., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Koestel C., Rösti J., Gindro K., Spangenberg J., Viret O., Spring J.-L.
Influence de l'alimentation en eau sur le comportement de la vigne et la qualité des vins de Chasselas.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 50, (6), 2018, 346-355.

Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Dienes-Nagy Á., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Koestel C., Rösti J., Gindro K., Spangenberg J., Viret O., Spring J.-L.
The impact of plant water status on the gas exchange, berry composition and wine quality of Chasselas grapes in Switzerland: Plant water status and wine quality of Chasselas.
OENO One, 52, (4), 2018, 347-361.

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