Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Alba Reguant Closa

Mehner E., Ehlers M.-H., Herrmann M., Höchli B., Holenweger G., Mann S., Messner C., Nemecek T., Reguant Closa A., Schäfer O., Stämpfli A., Walther B., Douziech M.
Fleisch- und Milchersatzprodukte - besser für Gesundheit und Umwelt?: Auswirkungen auf Ernährung und Nachhaltigkeit, die Sicht der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten sowie ethische und rechtliche Überlegungen.
Ed. TA-SWISS, vdf Hochschulverlag AG. 1. Aufl., 2024, 300 pp.

Furrer C., Sieh D., Jank A.M., Le Bras G., Herrmann M., Reguant Closa A., Nemecek T.
Interlinking environmental and food composition databases: An approach, potential and limitations.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 470, 2024, 1-12.

Reguant Closa A., Pedolin D., Herrmann M. K., Nemecek T.
Review of diet quality indices that can be applied to the environmental assessment of foods and diets.
Current Nutrition Reports, 13, 2024, 351-362.

Reguant Closa A., Loginova D., Mann S., Nemecek T.
NHE dimensions of consumer trends.
In: Reckenholz kolloquium. 2. November, Reckenholz. 2023, 1-18.

Reguant Closa A., Roesch A., Lansche J., Nemecek T., Lohman T., Meyer N.
Are athletes environmental champions? LCA case study in sports nutrition.
In: 13th International Conference on LCA of foods 2022. 13. octobre, Ed. Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (Peru). 2022.

Reguant Closa A., Furrer C., Pedolin D., Nemecek T.
Assessing the nutritional, health and environmental dimensions of foods and diets: comparison of nutritional metrics.
In: 13th International Conference on LCA of foods 2022. 12. octobre, Ed. Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (Peru). 2022.

Nemecek T., Auner D., van Altena J., Furrer C., Gentgen K., Höhnel A., Jank A.M., Racz R., Reguant Closa A., Müller M., Sieh D.
OptiSignFood: developing more sustainable food products through artificial intelligence.
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2022 (LCA Foods 2022). 12-14 October, Ed. Peruvian Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Network and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (Peru). 2022.

Nemecek T., Auner D., van Altena J., Furrer C., Gentgen K., Höhnel A., Jank A .M., Kollo M., Müller M., Racz R., Reguant Closa A., Sieh D.
OptiSignFood: Developing more sustainable food products through artificial intelligence.
In: 12. Ökobilanzplattform Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. 31. Mai, Ed. Agroscope, Zürich. 2022, 1.