Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Christophe Joye

Silacci P., Morel I., Joye C., Dubois S., Lerch S.
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeds' evaluation for high-quality meat production in Switzerland's mountains.
In: 3rd Mountain Livestock Farming Systems Meeting. 5-7 June, Ed. EAAP / VetAgro Sup / INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand (FR). 2024.

Fehér N., Joye C.
Analyse sensorielle des fromages.
In: Formation continue CASEI (FR). 19. janvier, Ursy (CH). 2023.

Guggenbühl B., Beutler E., Joye C., Haldemann J., Fehér N.
Analyse sensorielle des fromage : Formation fromagers.
In: Formation continue JU-JUBE. 17. janvier, Saignelégier. 2023.

Silacci P., Morel I., Dubois S., Joye C., Lerch S.
Beef-on-dairy vs. rearing conditions: Evaluation of meat quality.
In: International conference of meat science and technology. 20-25 August, Padova. 2023, 368-369.