Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Giuseppe Bee

Pauly, C., Spring, P., Bee, G.
Mastleistungen und Schlachtkörperqualität von geimpften Tieren.
Vets2008 - GST-Jahreskongress, 2009, 166-167.

Pauly, C., Spring, P., Bee, G.
Jungebermast: Erfahurngen in der Schweiz.
Vets2008 - GST-Jahreskongress, 2009, 159-160.

Bee, G., Ampuero, S., Dubois, S., Amrhein, M.
Wie gut erkennt die elektronische Nase den Ebergeruch.
Vets2008 - GST-Jahreskongress, 2009, 161-163.

Bérard, J., Deru, J.Y., Bee, G.
Dietary arginine supplementation of primiparous sows during early gestation increases litter size and alters fetal muscle fibre development: Die Zufuhr von Arginin während der frühen Trächtigkeit von Erstlingssauen erhöht die Wurfgrösse und verändert dei fetale Muskelfaserentwicklung.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 18, 2009, 28-28.

Dohme, F., Bee, G.
Comparison of extruded and raw linseed on their effects on ruminal biohydrogenation of linolenic acid, fibre digestibility and milk fatty acid profile in dairy cows: Vergleich von extrudierten und unbehandelten Leinsamen hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf die ruminale Biohydrogenierung von Linolensäure, die Faserverdaulichkeit und das Milchfettsäurenmuster bei Milchkühen.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 18, 2009, 79-79.

Bee, G., Ampuero, S.
Wie hat die elektronische Nase gelernt, den Ebergeruch zu erkennen?
KTBL-Schrift, (469), 2008, 60-67.

Pauly, C., Spring, P., O`Doherty, J.V., Ampuero Kragten, S., Bee, G.
Performances, meat quality and boar taint of castrates and entire male pigs fed a standard and a raw potato starch-enriched diet.
Animal, 2, (11), 2008, 1707-1715.

Bérard, J., Kreuzer, M., Bee, G.
Effect of litter size and birth weight on growth, carcass and pork quality, and their relationship to postmortem proteolysis.
Journal of Animal Science, 86, (9), 2008, 2357-2368.

Bee, G., Pauly, C.
Evaluation of growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of barrows, immunocastrated pigs and entire males.
59th EAAP Annual Meeting. Book of Abstracts, 14, 2008, 96-96.

Dohme, F., Bee, G.
Feeding unprotected CLA methyl esters compared to sunflower seeds increased milk CLA level but decreased milk fat content in cows.
6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. Book of Abstracts, 2008, 180-180.

Pauly, C., Spring, P., Bee, G.
Effect of housing of entire male pigs on performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality.
59th EAAP Annual Meeting. Book of Abstracts, 14, 2008, 101-101.

Pauly, C., Spring, P., O`Doherty, J.V., Bee, G.
Effect of castration of male pigs on fat quality.
59th EAAP Annual Meeting. Book of Abstracts, 14, 2008, 102-102.

Bee, G.
Effect of castration or raw potato starch supplementation prior to slaughter on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of entire male pigs.
Journal of Animal Science, 2008.

Ampuero, S., Amrhein, M., Dubois, S., Bee, G.
Identification of boar-tainted pork carcasses with an electronic nose.
ASAS Meeting, Indianapolis, 2008, 2008, 1-2.

Ampuero, S., Amrhein, M., Dubois, S., Bee, G.
Identification of boar off-flavour with an electronic nose.
Girona, 2008, 1-2.

Bérard, J., Kreuzer, M., Ecolan, P., Lefaucheur, L., Bee, G.
Relationships between foetus weight at 70 days of gestation, muscle fibre number and proteomic pattern in pigs. A preliminary study.
COST Meeting Cork, 13 - 14.05.2008, 2008, 1-1.

Pauly, C., Spring, P., Bee, G., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Messadene-Chelali J.
Effet de la castration et de la distribution d`amidon de pomme de terre natif sur les performances et la qualité de la viande de jeunes verrats : Effect of castration and distribution of raw potato starch on performance and meat quality of entire male pigs.
40èmes Journées Recherche Porcine, Paris, 5 et 6 6 février 2008, 2008, 81-82.

Pauly, C., Spring, P., Bee, G.
Growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of group-penned surgically castrated, immunocastrated, and entire male pigs.
Girona, 2008, 1-2.

Pauly, C., Bee, G.
Comparison of growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of barrows, immunocastrated pigs and entire males.
ASAS Meeting, Indianapolis, 2008, 2008, 1-2.

Schmid, A., Collomb, M., Bee, G., Bütikofer, U., Wechsler, D., Eberhard, P., Sieber, R.
Effect of dietary alpine butter rich in conjugated linoleic acid on milk fat composition of lactating sows.
British Journal of Nutrition, 100, 2008, 54-60.

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