Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Geneviève Frick

Zadravec M., Weiss R., Egert M., Hougs L., Ujčič Vrhovnik I., Marchis D., Schwinkendorf L.-M., Vancutsem J., Engblom L., Heuer A., Gödecke P., Müller M., Eggers T., Smith M., Schumacher P. e altri
Survey among European and Canadian feed control units on monitoring packaging material residues in feed by microscopy analyses.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 23, (1), 2024, 981-988.

van Raamsdonk L. W. D., Frick G., Ujčič Vrhovnik I., Zadravec M., Zegers J., Krull-Wöhrmann R., Weiss R., van der Borg G.
Introduction to new guidelines for validation of methods to examine visually recognisable substances.
Food Additives & Contaminants. Part A, 40, (1), 2023, 12-25.

van Raamsdonk L. W. D., Frick G., Ujčič Vrhovnik I., Zadravec M., Zegers J., Krull-Wöhrmann R., Weiss R., van der Borg G.
Quality assurance and control of methods to examine visually recognisable substances in feed and food: In cooperation with International Association for Feedingstuff Analysis, Section Feedingstuff Microscopy.
Wageningen Food Safety Research, Wageningen. WFSR Report 2022.006, 2022, 94 pp.

Frick G., Boschung H., Schulz-Schröder G., Russ G., Ujcic-Vrhovnik I., Jakovac-Strajn B., Angetter D., John I., Joergensen J.S.
Ragweed (Ambrosia sp.) seeds in bird feed.
Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, Environment, 15, (S1), 2011, 39-44.

Frick G., Boschung H., Schulz-Schroeder G., Russ G., Ujcic-Vrhovnik I., Jakovac-Strajn B. , Angetter D., John I., Jorgensen J.S.
Ragweed (Ambrosia sp.) seeds in bird feed.
Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, Environment, 15, (S1), 2011, 39-44.

Frick G., Dubois S., Chaubert C., Ampuero S.
Identification by microscopy and MS-based electronic nose of a fraudulent addition to maize gluten.
Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, Environment, 13, (S), 2009, 45-50.

Dubois S., Frick G., Chaubert C.
Erkennen von gefälschtem Maiskleber.
Agrarforschung, 16, (1), 2009, 28-33.
altre lingue: francese

van Raamsdonk L. W. D., Vancutsem J., Zegers J., Frick G., Jorgenson J.-S., Pinckaers V., Bosch J., Paradies-Severin I.
The microscopic detection of animal proteins in feeds.
Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement: BASE, 8, (4), 2004, 241-247.

Frick, G.
BSE in Switzerland : chronology of events and meaures - activities of the BSE-Unit.
International Symposium on Food and feed safety in the context of prion diseases, Namur, 2004, 2004.

Frick, G.
Aliments pour animaux : Pleine transparence en 2004.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 9, (34), 2003, 8-8.

Roetschi A., Frick G., Hauswirth H.
Futtermittel : Prüfung der Zusammensetzung.
Agrarforschung, 10, (5), 2003.
altre lingue: francese

Roetschi, A., Frick, G., Hauswirth, H.
Mikroskopische Untersuchung von Futtermitteln.
Agrarforschung, 9, (11.12.2009), 2002, 497-502.
altre lingue: francese