Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Stefan Irmler

Eugster E., Fuchsmann P., Schlichterherle-Cerny H., Bütikofer U., Irmler S.
Formation of alanine, α-aminobutyrate, acetate, and 2-butanol during cheese ripening by Pediococcus acidilactici FAM18098.
International Dairy Journal, 96, (September), 2019, 21-28.

Maurer J., Wechsler D., Irmler S., Berger T.
Vermeidung von persistenten Kontaminationen in Melkanlagen.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (3), 2019, 116-121.
altre lingue: francese

Von Ah U., Irmler S., Shani N.
Milchrelevante Milchsäurebakterien: Lebensmittelassoziierte Mikroorganismen - Fermentierte Milchprodukte und Käse.
Behr's Verlag, Hamburg. 28. Februar, 2019, 122 pp.

Bisig W., Guggisberg D., Jakob E., Turgay M., Irmler S., Wechsler D., Fröhlich-Wyder M. T.
The effect of NaCl and metabolic profile of propionibacteria on eye formation in experimental Swiss-type cheese.
International Dairy Journal, 89, 2019, 86-95.

Ahrens C., Frey J. E., Irmler S., Kölliker R., Pelludat C., Weisskopf L., Widmer F.
Schlussbericht Agroscope Forschungsprogramm Mikrobielle BioDiversität.
Agroscope, Bern. Januar, 2018, 50 pp.

Wenzel C., Irmler S., Bisig W., Guggisberg D., Roetschi A., Portmann R., Wechsler D., Fröhlich-Wyder M. T.
The effect of starters with a functional arginine deiminase pathway on cheese ripening and quality.
International Dairy Journal, 85, (October), 2018, 191-200.

Wüthrich D., Irmler S., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Guggenbühl B., Eugster E., Bruggmann R.
Conversion of methionine to cysteine in Lactobacillus paracasei depends on the highly mobile cysK-ctl-cysE gene cluster.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2018, 1-11.

Ahrens C., Frey J. E., Irmler S., Kölliker R., Pelludat C., Weisskopf L., Widmer F.
Agroscope Research Program Microbial BioDiversity: Final Meeting.
Agroscope Science, 65, 2018.

Wüthrich D., Wenzel C., Bavanantharajah T., Bruggmann R., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Irmler S.
Transcriptional regulation of cysteine and methionine metabolism in Lactobacillus paracasei FAM18149.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2018, 1-11.

Arias E., Storani M., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Wüthrich D., Irmler S.
Deciphering the metabolism of Clostridium tyrobutyricum in cheese by transcriptomics.
In: 10th Cheese Symposium. 06.04., Rennes. 2018, 1-6.

Moser A., Schafroth K., Meile L., Egger C., Badertscher R., Irmler S.
Population dynamics of Lactobacillus helveticus in Swiss Gruyère-type cheese manufactured with natural whey cultures.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2018, 1-8.

Schmid M., Muri J., Melidis D., Ravikumar Varadarajan A., Somerville V., Wicki A., Moser A., Bourqui M., Wenzel C., Eugster-Meier E., Frey J. E., Irmler S., Ahrens C. H.
Comparative genomics of completely sequenced lactobacillus helveticus genomes provides insights into unique genes and resolves metagenomics data down to the strain level.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2018, 1-20.

Badertscher R., Freiburghaus C., Wechsler D., Irmler S.
Validated method for the determination of propane-1,2-diol, butane-2,3-diol, and propane-1,3-diol in cheese and bacterial cultures using phenylboronic esterification and GC–MS.
Food Chemistry, 230, 2017, 372-377.

Moser A., Wüthrich D., Bruggmann R., Eugster-Meier E., Meile L., Irmler S.
Amplicon sequencing of the slpH locus permits culture-independent strain typing of Lactobacillus helveticus in dairy products.
Frontiers in Microbiology, online, (20 July), 2017, 1-11.

Berthoud H., Wüthrich D., Bruggmann R., Wechsler D., Fröhlich-Wyder M. T., Irmler S.
Development of new methods for the quantitative detection and typing of Lactobacillus parabuchneri in dairy products.
International Dairy Journal, 70, 2017, 65-71.

Wüthrich D., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Wechsler D., Eugster E., Irmler S., Bruggmann R.
The histidine decarboxylase gene cluster of Lactobacillus parabuchneri was gained by horizontal gene transfer and is mobile within the species.
Frontiers in Microbiology, online, (17 February), 2017, 1-12.

Moser A., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Eugster E., Meile L., Irmler S.
Detection and enumeration of Lactobacillus helveticus in dairy products.
International Dairy Journal, 68, 2017, 52-59.

Ascone P., Maurer J., Haldemann J., Irmler S., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Portmann R., Fröhlich-Wyder M. T., Wechsler D.
Prevalence and diversity of histamine-forming Lactobacillus parabuchneri strains in raw milk and cheese - A case study.
International Dairy Journal, online, (2 December), 2016, 1-8.

Bär C., Eugster-Meier E., Irmler S., Moser A., Pelludat C.
Die mikrobielle Biodiversität in Rohmilchkäse.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 7, (7-8), 2016, 352-355.
altre lingue: francese

Bär C., Moser A., Wechsler D., Irmler S.
Insights into the microbial biodiversity of cheese.
In: 25th International ICFMH Conference. 12-22 July, Ed. FoodMicro, Dublin, Ireland. 2016, 1.

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