Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Helena Stoffers

Egger C., Ménard O., Abbuehl-Eng L., Duerr D., Stoffers H., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Meola M., Badertscher R., Blaser C., Dupont D., Portmann R.
Higher microbial diversity in raw than in pasteurized milk Raclette-type cheese enhances peptide and metabolite diversity after in vitro digestion.
Food Chemistry, 340, 2021, 1-10.

Stoffers H., Fuchsmann P., Guggisberg D., Silacci P., Dubois S., Schwendimann L.
Einfluss der Lagerzeit von Speck auf die Oxidation von Fleischkäse.
Foodaktuell, 12, 2019, 12-13.
altre lingue: francese

Stoffers H., Guggenbühl B.
Zuckerreduktion in Joghurt: Reformulierung von Lebensmitteln – Von der Idee zur Umsetzung: Sensorische Aspekte einer Zuckerreduktion anhand praktischer Beispiele.
In: Forum zum Aktionsplan Schweizer Ernährungsstrategie. 4. Juni, Ed. Agroscope, Liebefeld. 2019, 1-22.

Stoffers H., Blase R., Schwendimann L.
Pasteurization effects and achievement of target values for inactivation of Hepatitis E Virus in semi-dry pork sausages following cooking instructions.
In: 65th Internation Congress of Meat Science and Technology ICoMST. 5. August, Ed. Fredi Schwägele, Dagmar Brüggemann, Potsdam. 2019, 1-15.

Schwendimann L., Barrett J., Blase R., Stoffers H.
Evaluation of scaling effects on microbiological and physico-chemical characteristics of raw fermented susages.
In: Food Micro. 3-6 September, Ed. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin. 2018, 1.

Egger L., Schlegel P., Baumann C., Stoffers H., Guggisberg D., Brügger C., Dürr D., Stoll P., Vergères G., Portmann R.
Mass spectrometry data of in vitro and in vivo pig digestion of skim milk powder.
Data in Brief, 21, (December), 2018, 911-917.

Lucchetti M., Stoffers H., Infanger E., Guggenbühl B.
Sugar reduction in strawberry yoghurt through the usage of sensory difference thresholds.
In: Agroscope PhD/Post-Doc Symposium. 13.09., Ed. Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2018, 1.

Bornschein M., Dötzer B., Epp T., Friemel C., Gerber N., Hadorn R., Speck D., Stoffers H., Suter M.
Linee guida per la caratterizzazione di carne, preparati di carne, prodotti a base di carne e prodotti della pesca.
Agroscope Transfer, 215, 2018.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Stoll W., Stoffers H.
Novità dalla ricerca sulla carne.
Carne e Commestibili, 5, 2018, 13.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Egger L., Schlegel P., Baumann C., Stoffers H., Guggisberg D., Brügger C., Dürr D., Stoll P., Vergères G., Portmann R.
Physiological comparability of the harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method to in vivo pig digestion.
Food Research International, 102, 2017, 567-574.

Stoffers H., Barrett J., Blase R., Guggisberg D., Badertscher R., Egger L., Dubois S., Hummerjohann J., Schwendimann L.
Einfluss des Produktionsmassstabs auf mikrobiologische und physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften von Rohwurst.
In: Adalus-Tagung. 9. November, Ed. Agroscope, Zollikofen. 2017, 1.

Schmid A., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Chollet M., Altintzoglou T., Honkanen P., Walther B., Stoffers H.
Factors predicting meat and meat products consumption among middle-aged and elderly people: evidence from a consumer survey in Switzerland.
Food & Nutrition Research, online, (24 April), 2017, 1-12.

Egger C., Ménard O., Delgado-Andrade C., Alvito P., Assunção R., Balance S., Barberá R., Brodkorb A., Cattenoz T., Clemente A., Comi I., Dupont D., Garcia-Llatas G., Lagarda M.J., Le Feunteun S. e altri
The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: from knowledge to action.
Food Research International, 88, (Part B), 2016, 217-225.

Gille D., Bütikofer U., Chollet M., Schmid A., Altintzoglou T., Honkanen P., Stoffers H., Walther B., Piccinali P.
Nutrition behavior of the middle-aged and elderly: Compliance with dietary recommendations of the food pyramid.
Clinical Nutrition, 35, (3), 2016, 638-644.

Stoffers H., Von Ah U.
Colture starter per salsicce crude.
Carne e Commestibili, 101, (17), 2015, 7-9.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Egger L., Ménard O., Delgado-Andrade C., Alvito P., Assunção R., Balance S., Barberá R., Brodkorb A., Cattenoz T., Clemente A., Comi I., Dupont D., Garcia-Llatas G., Lagarda M. J., Le Feunteun S. e altri
The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: From knowledge to action.
Food Research International, online, (8 December), 2015, 1-9.

Egger L., Stoffers H., Vergères G., Portmann R.
In vitro Digestion of Food: Validation of the INFOGEST consensus protocol.
In: Integrative Food and Nutrition Center Event. 23rd September, Ed. EPFL, Lausanne. 2015, 1.

Schmid A., Gille D., Walther B., Bütikofer U., Piccinali Schwegler P., Chollet M., Stoffers H.
Umfrage zur Ernährung der Generation 50+.
Agroscope Science, 28, 2015.

Schwendimann L., Guggisberg D., Freiburghaus C., Silacci P., Scherrer D., Stoffers H.
Influence of storage time of raw material on color and lipid oxidation of cooked sausage.
In: 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. 23-28th August, Ed. INRA, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2015, 198-201.

Chollet M., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Stoffers H., Walther B.
Beliefs and concerns about dairy products in the Swiss older adult population.
Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 5, (3), 2015, 365-371.

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