Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Gabriele Mack

Ammann J., Liechti C., Mack G., Saleh R.
A food waste information-framing can help promote purchase of suboptimal potatoes.
Food Quality and Preference, 123, 2025, Articolo 105338.

Winter E., Rödiger M., Schneuwly J., Gilgen A., Mack G.
Modelling cow longevity policies: Impacts on GHG emissions of the Swiss agricultural sector.
Agricultural Systems, 221, 2024, Articolo 104107.

Fiankor D., Dalheimer B., Mack G.
Pesticide regulatory heterogeneity, foreign sourcing, and global agricultural value chains.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, In Press, 2024, 1-24.

Jin S., Cao Y., Burd M., Tindale S., Feng Z., Green O., Newell-Price P., Vicaro-Modroño V., Mack G., Sánchez-Zamora P., Gallardo-Cobos R., Spörri M., El Benni N., Alonso N., Miškolci S. e altri
Farmer identities and permanent grassland management: Evidence from five European biogeographic zones.
People and Nature, In Press, 2024, 1-18.

Dueri S., Mack G.
Modellierung der Auswirkungen politischer Reformen auf das Pflanzenschutzmittelrisikopotenzial in der Schweiz.
Agroscope Science, 192, 2024, 1-37.

Tindale S., Cao Y., Jin S., Green O., Burd M., Vicario-Modrono V., Alonso N., Clingo S., Gallardo-Cobos R., Sanchez-Zamora P., Hunter E., Miskolci S., Mack G., El Benni N., Spoerri M. e altri
Tipping points and farmer decision-making in European permanent grassland (PG) agricultural systems.
Journal of Rural Studies, 110, 2024, 1-13.

Bystricky M., Mack G., Gaillard G., Herzog F., Irek J., Jeanneret P., Kaiser A., Klein N., Pedolin D., Ritzel C., Wang Y., El Benni N.
Evaluation agrarpolitischer Massnahmen bezüglich Biodiversitätswirkung: Versorgungssicherheitsbeiträge und Grenzschutz.
Agroscope Science, 187, 2024.

El Benni N., Irek J., Finger R., Mack G., Ammann J.
Citizens' perceptions of agricultural policy goals: Evidence from Switzerland.
Food Policy, 125, 2024, 1-21.

Dueri S., Mack G.
Modeling the implications of policy reforms on pesticide risk for Switzerland.
Science of the Total Environment, 928, 2024, 1-12.

Ritzel C., Mack G., Fiankor D.-D. D.
The long-term effect of COVID-19 policy stringency on consumer food demand quantities in Switzerland.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 16, 2024, 1-13.

Ammann J., Mack G., El Benni N., Jin S., Newell-Price P., Tindale S., Hunter E., Vicario-Modrono V., Gallardo-Cobos R., Sánchez-Zamora P., Miskolci S., Frewer L. J.
Consumers across five European countries prioritise animal welfare above environmental sustainability when buying meat and dairy products.
Food Quality and Preference, 117, 2024, 1-11.

Mack G., Schori F., Huguenin-Elie O., Bystricky M.
Ex-ante-Evaluation von Direktzahlungsbeiträgen zur Förderung der Proteinreduktion in der Rinderhaltung.
Agroscope Science, 181, 2024.

Mack G., Ritzel C., Ammann J., El Benni N.
Improving the understanding of farmers’ non-compliance with agricultural policy regulations.
Journal of Rural Studies, 106, 2024, 1-11.

Mack G., El Benni N., Spörri M., Huguenin-Elie O., Tindale S., Hunter E., Newell Price P., Frewer L.
Perceived feasibility of sward management options in permanent grassland of Alpine regions and expected effects on delivery of ecosystem services.
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26, 2024, 4579-4601.

Kaiser A., Mack G., Wang Y., Ritzel C.
Gründe für und gegen das Anlegen von biodiversitätsfördernden Strukturen.
In: 46. Agrarökonomie-Tagung. 21. November, Ed. Agroscope, Tänikon (CH). 2023, 1-18.

Tarruella M., Huber R., Mack G., El Benni N., Finger R.
Cost-effectiveness of farm- vs. regional-level climate change mitigation policies.
Q Open, In Press, 2023, 1-19.

Ammann J., Mack G., Irek J., Finger R., El Benni N.
Investigating the role of meat commitment in public preferences for animal welfare in Swiss agricultural policy.
In: Swiss Nutrition Conference. 10 November, Bern. 2023, 1.

El Benni N., Irek J., Finger R., Mack G., Ammann J.
How Swiss citizens perceive the multifunctional role of agriculture: Culture likely matters.
In: XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE) «Agri-Food Systems in a changing world: Connecting Science and Society», August 29th – September 1st, 2023, Rennes, France. 29 August, Rennes. 2023, 1-18.

Ammann J., Mack G., Irek J., Finger R., El Benni N.
Consumers’ meat commitment and the importance of animal welfare as agricultural policy goal.
Food Quality and Preference, 112, 2023, 1-13.

El Benni N., Irek J., Mack G., Ammann J.
Agrarpolitische Zielkonflikte aus der Sicht der KonsumentInnen.
In: Fachbeiratssitzung Mutterkuh Schweiz. 05. Mai, Brugg. 2023, 1-18.

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