Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Matthias Albrecht

Tamburini G., Pereira-Peixoto M. H., Borth J., Lotz S., Wintermantel D., Allan M. J., Dean R., Schwarz J. M., Knauer A., Albrecht M., Klein A. M.
Fungicide and insecticide exposure adversely impacts bumblebees and pollination services under semi-field conditions.
Environment International, 157, 2021, 1-9.

Tamburini G., Wintermantel D., Allan M. J., Dean R. R., Knauer A., Albrecht M., Klein A. M.
Sulfoxaflor insecticide and azoxystrobin fungicide have no major impact on honeybees in a realistic-exposure semi-field experiment.
Science of the Total Environment, 778, 2021, 1-9.

Strobl V., Bruckner S., Radford S., Wolf S., Albrecht M., Villamar-Bouza L., Maitip J., Kolari E., Chantawannakul P., Glauser G., Williams G. R., Neumann P., Straub L.
No impact of neonicotinoids on male solitary bees Osmia cornuta under semi-field conditions.
Physiological Entomology, 46, (1), 2021, 105-109.

Herbertsson, L., Ekroos J., Albrecht M., Bartomeus I., Batáry P., Bommarco R., Caplat P., Diekötter T., Eikestam J.M., Entling M.H., Farbu S., Farwig N., Gonzalez-Varo J.P., Hass A.L., Holzschuh A. e altri
Bees increase seed set of wild plants while the proportion of arable land has a variable effect on pollination in European agricultural landscapes.
Plant Ecology and Evolution, 154, (3), 2021, 341-350.

Strobl V., Albrecht M., Villamar-Bouza L., Tosi S., Neumann P., Straub L.
The neonicotinoid thiamethoxam impairs male fertility in solitary bees.
Environmental Pollution, 284, 2021, 117106.

Ammann L., Bosem-Baillod A., Eckerter P.W., Entling M.H., Albrecht M., Herzog F.
Comparing floral resource maps and land cover maps to predict predators and aphid suppression on field bean.
Landscape Ecology, 37, 2021, 431-441.

Garratt M.P., de Groot G.A., Albrecht M., Bosch J., Breeze T.D., Fountain M.T., Klein A.M., McKerchar M., Park M., Paxton R.J., Potts S.G., Pufal G., Rader R., Senapathi D., Andersson G.K.S. e altri
Opportunities to reduce pollination deficits and address production shortfalls in an important insect-pollinated crop.
Ecological Applications, 31, (8), 2021, e02445.

Albrecht M., Knecht A., Riesen M., Rutz T., Ganser D.
Time since establishment drives bee and hoverfly diversity, abundance of crop-pollinating bees and aphidophagous hoverflies in perennial wildflower strips.
Basic and Applied Ecology, 57, 2021, 102-114.

Sutter L., Ganser D., Herzog F., Albrecht M.
Bestäubung von Kulturpflanzen durch Wild- und Honigbienen in der Schweiz: Bedeutung, Potential für Ertragssteigerungen und Fördermassnahmen.
Agroscope Science, 127, 2021.

Senapathi D., Fründ J., Albrecht M., Garratt M.P.D., Kleijn D., Pickles B.J., Potts S.G., An J., Andersson G.K.S., Bänsch S., Basu P., Benjamin F., Bezerra A.D.M., Bhattacharya R., Biesmeijer J.C. e altri
Wild insect diversity increases interannual stability in global crop pollinator communities.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288, (1947), 2021, 1-10.

Eckerter P.W., Albus L., Nataranjan S., Albrecht M., Ammann L., Gobet E., Herzog F., Tinner W., Entling M.H.
Using temporally resolved floral resource maps to explain bumblebee colony performance in agricultural landscapes.
Agronomy, 10, (12), 2020, 1-16.

Ammann L., Moorhouse-Gann R., Cuff J., Bertrand C., Mestre C., Hildago N.P., Ellison A., Herzog F., Entling M.H., Albrecht M., Symondson W.O.C.
Insights into aphid prey consumption by ladybirds: Optimising field sampling methods and primer design for high throughput sequencing.
PLOS ONE, 15, (7), 2020, 1-20.

Cole L.J., Kleijn D., Dicks L.V., Stout J.C., Potts S.G., Albrecht M., Balzan M., Bartomeus I., Bebeli P.J., Bevk D., Biesmeijer J.C., Chlebo R., Dautarté A., Emmanouil N., Hartfield C. e altri
A critical analysis of the potential for EU Common Agricultural Policy measures to support wild pollinators on farmland.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, (4), 2020, 681-694.

Ganser D., Albrecht M., Knop E.
Wildflower strips enhance wild bee reproductive success.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (11 October), 2020, 1-10.

Albrecht M., Kleijn D., Williams N. M., Tschumi M., Blaauw B. R., Bommarco R., Campbell A. J., Dainese M., Drummond F. A., Entling M. H., Ganser D., de Groot G. A., Goulson D., Grab H., Hamilton H. e altri
The effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield: a quantitative synthesis.
Ecology Letters, 23, (10), 2020, 1488-1498.

Holland J. M., Sutter L., Albrecht M., Jeanneret P., Pfister S. C., Schirmel J., Entling M. H., Kaasik R., Kovacs G., Veromann E., Bartual A. M., Marini S., Moonen A.-C., Szalai M., Helsen H. e altri
Moderate pollination limitation in some entomophilous crops of Europe.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 302, 2020, 1-5.

Kay S., Kühn E., Albrecht M., Sutter L., Szerencsits E., Herzog F.
Agroforestry can enhance foraging and nesting resources for pollinators with focus on solitary bees at the landscape scale.
Agroforestry Systems, 94, 2020, 379-387.

Strobl V., Albrecht M., Radford S., Wolf S., Neumann P.
A short note on extreme sex ratio in solitary bees Osmia cornuta in semi-field trials testing the impact of neonicotinoids.
Journal of Apicultural Research, 58, (3), 2020, 469-470.

Ekroos J., Kleijn D. , Batáry P., Albrecht M., Báldi A., Blüthgen N., Knop E., Kovács-Hostyánszki A., Smith H. G.
High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe.
Biological Conservation, 241, (January), 2020, 1-8.

Albrecht M., Herzog F.
Hilfe für hungrige Nützlinge in Feld.
Zürcher Umweltpraxis, 95, 2019, 31-32.

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