Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Matthias Albrecht

Jeanneret P., Albrecht M., Entling M., Giffard B., Heijne B., Helsen H., Holland J., Moonen C., Smith B., Szalai M., Van Helden M., Veromann E.
QuESSA - Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture: Deliverable D3.1 Report on methods to assess ecosystem services.
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant, Fordingbridge UK. Agreement No 311879, 2017, 115 pp.

Sutter L., Herzog F., Dietemann V., Charrière J.-D., Albrecht M.
Bienen erbringen wertvolle Bestäubungsleistungen.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 140, (11), 2017, 11-13.
altre lingue: francese

Sutter L., Albrecht M., Jeanneret P.
Landscape greening and local creation of wildflower strips and hedgerows promote multiple ecosystem services.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (11 September), 2017, 1-9.

Pfister S. C., Sutter L., Albrecht M., Marini S., Schirmel J., Entling M. H.
Positive effects of local and landscape features on predatory flies in European agricultural landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 239, 2017, 283-292.

Sutter L., Amato M., Jeanneret P., Albrecht M.
Overwintering arthropod assemblages across and within habitats of a Swiss agricultural landscape.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 122, 2017, 63-67.

Sutter L., Herzog F., Dietemann V., Charrière J.-D., Albrecht M.
Nachfrage, Angebot und Wert der Insektenbestäubung in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 8, (9), 2017, 332-339.
altre lingue: francese

Sutter L., Jeanneret P., Bartual A. M., Bocci G., Albrecht M.
Enhancing plant diversity in agricultural landscapes promotes both rare bees and dominant crop-pollinating bees through complementary increase in key floral resources.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (10 April), 2017, 1-9.

De Palma A., Abrahamczyk S., Aizen M. A., Albrecht M., Basset Y., Bates A., Blake R. J., Boutin C., Bugter R., Connop S., Cruz-López L., Cunningham S. A., Darvill B., Diekötter T., Dorn S. e altri
Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biases.
Scientific Reports, 6, 2016, 31153.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Bärtschi C., Collatz J., Entling M. H., Jacot-Ammann K.
Perennial, species-rich wildflower strips enhance pest control and crop yield.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 220, 2016, 97-103.

Sutter L., Albrecht M.
Synergistic interactions of ecosystem services: florivorous pest control boosts crop yield increase through insect pollination.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283, (1824), 2016, 1-8.

Albrecht M., Ramis M. R., Traveset A.
Pollinator-mediated impacts of alien invasive plants on the pollination of native plants: the role of spatial scale and distinct behaviour among pollinator guilds.
Biological Invasions, 18, (3), 2016, 1801-1812.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Collatz J., Dubsky V., Entling M. H., Najar-Rodriguez A. J., Jacot-Ammann K., Kleijn D.
Tailored flower strips promote natural enemy biodiversity and pest control in potato crops.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, (4), 2016, 1169-1176.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Dubsky V., Herzog F., Jacot-Ammann K.
Nützlingsblühstreifen für den Ackerbau reduzieren Schädlinge in Kulturen.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 7, (6), 2016, 260-267.
altre lingue: francese

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Entling M. H., Jacot-Ammann K.
High effectiveness of tailored flower strips in reducing pests and crop plant damage.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1814), 2015, 1-8.

Albrecht M., Padrón B., Bartomeus I., Traveset A.
Consequences of plant invasions on compartmentalization and species’ roles in plant–pollinator networks.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281, (1788), 2014, 1-9.

Hodel M., Schütz M., Vandegehuchte M. L., Frey B., Albrecht M., Busse M. D., Risch A. C.
Does the aboveground herbivore assemblage influence soil bacterial community composition and richness in subalpine grasslands?
Microbial Ecology, 68, (3), 2014, 584-595.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Entling M. H., Jacot-Ammann K.
Targeted flower strips effectively promote natural enemies of aphids.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 100, 2014, 131-135.

Coudrain V., Schüepp C., Herzog F., Albrecht M., Entling M.
Habitat amount modulates the effect of patch isolation on host-parasitoid interactions.
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2, (Article 27), 2014, 1-8.

Gallmann P., Charrière J.-D., Dietemann V., Albrecht M., Knauer K., Neumann P., Ritter R., Sieber R., Di Labio E., Cropt A., Müller A., Cordillot F.
Expertenbericht - Vorschläge für Massnahmen zur Förderung der Gesundheit der Bienen.
Agroscope, Liebefeld. Mai, 2014, 48 pp.

Sedlacek J., Schmid B., Matthies D., Albrecht M.
Inbreeding depression under drought stress in the rare endemic Echium wildpretii (Boraginaceae) on Tenerife, Canary Islands.
PLOS ONE, 7, (10), 2012, 47415-7.

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