Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Christoph Ammann

Franziska Keller, Seraina Bassin, Christof Ammann, Jürg Fuhrer
High-resolution modelling of AOT40 and stomatal ozone uptake in wheat and grassland. A comparison between 2000 and the hot sommer of 2003 in Switzerland.
Environmental Pollution, 146, 2007, 671-677.

Albrecht Neftel, Christophe R. Flechard, C. Ammann, Franz Conen, L. Emmenegger, Kerstin Zeyer
Experimental assessment of N2O background fluxes in grassland systems.
Tellus, 59B, 2007, 470-482.

Katherine E. Owen, John Tenhunen, Markus Reichstein, Quan Wang, Eva Falge, Ralf Geyer, Xiangming Xiao, Paul Stoy, Christof Ammann, Arain Altaf, Marc Aubinet, Mika Aurela, Christian Bernhofer, Bogdan H. Chojnicki, André Granier
Linking flux network measurements to continental scale simulations: ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange capacity under non-water-stressed conditions.
Global Change Biology, 13, (4), 2007, 734-760.

J.- F. Soussana, Vincent Allard, K. Pilegaard, P. Ambus, C. Ammann, C. Campbell, E. Ceschia, John Clifton-Brown, S. Czobel, R. Domingues, Christophe R. Flechard, Jürg Fuhrer, A. Hensen, L. Horvath, M. Jones
Full accounting of the greenhouse gas (CO2, NO2, CH4) budget of nine European grassland sites.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 121, 2007, 121-134.

Nicolas Vuichard, Jean-François Soussana, Philippe Ciais, Nicolas Viovy, Christof Ammann, Pierluigi Calanca, John Clifton-Brown, Jürg Fuhrer, Mike Jones, Cécil Martin
Estimating the greenhouse gas fluxes of European grasslands with a process-based model. 1. Model evaluation from in situ measurements.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, 2007, 1-14.

Christof Ammann, A. Brunner, Christoph Spirig, Albrecht Neftel
Technical note, water vapour concentration and flux measurements with PTR-MS.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 2006, 4643-4651.

Maya Jäggi, Christof Ammann, Albrecht Neftel, Jürg Fuhrer
Environmental control of profiles of ozone concentration in a grassland canopy.
Atmospheric Environment, 40, 2006, 5496-5507.

Albrecht Neftel, Christof Ammann, Pierluigi Calanca, Chris Flechard, Jürg Fuhrer, Jens Leifeld, Markus Jocher
Treibhausgasquellen und -senken: die Kyoto-Wiese.
Agrarforschung, 12, (8), 2005, 356-361.

Christof Ammann, C. Flechard, Jürg Fuhrer, Albrecht Neftel
Greenhouse gas budget of intensively and extensively managed grasslandand use systems in grassland dominated regions. Proceedings.

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