Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Thomas Bucheli

Rechsteiner D., Wettstein F., Pfeiffer N., Hollender J., Bucheli T.
Natural estrogen emissions to subsurface tile drains from experimental grassland fields in Switzerland after application of livestock slurries and free compounds.
Science of the Total Environment, 779, (20 July), 2021, 1-11.

Günthardt B., Wettstein F., Hollender J., Singer H., Härri J., Scheringer M., Hungerbühler K., Bucheli T.
Retrospective HRMS screening and dedicated target analysis reveal a wide exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in small streams.
Environmental Science & Technology, 55, (2), 2021, 1036-1044.

Nanusha M.Y., Krauss M., Schönsee C., Günthardt B., Bucheli T., Brack W.
Target screening of plant secondary metabolites in river waters by liquid chromatography coupled to high‑resolution mass spectrometry (LC–HRMS).
Environmental Sciences Europe, 32:142, 2020, 1-11.

Rechsteiner D., Wettstein F.E., Warren B.P., Vermeirssen E.L.M., Simon E., Schneider M. K., Hollender J., Bucheli T.
Natural estrogens in surface waters of a catchment with intensive livestock farming in Switzerland.
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 22, 2020, 2244-2255.

Chiaia-Hernández A. C., Scheringer M., Müller A., Stieger G., Wächter D., Keller A., Pintado-Herrera M.G., Lara-Martin P.A., Bucheli T. D., Hollender J.
Target and suspect screening analysis reveals persistent emerging organic contaminants in soils and sediments.
Science of the Total Environment, 740, (20 October), 2020, 1-10.

Fristak V., Moreno-Jimenez E., Bucheli T., Fancovicova J., Soja G., Schmidt H.P.
Engineered pyrogenic materials as tools to affect arsenic mobility in old mine site soil of Mediterranean region.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 104, 2020, 265-272.

Schönsee C., Bucheli T.
Experimental determination of octanol−water partition coefficients of selected natural toxins.
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 65, 2020, 1946-1953.

Rechsteiner D., Schrade S., Zähner M., Müller M., Hollender J., Bucheli T.
Occurrence and fate of natural estrogens in Swiss cattle and pig slurry.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68, 2020, 5545-5554.

Hagemann N., Schmidt H.P., Kägi R., Böhler M., Sigmund G., Maccagnan A., McArdell C.S., Bucheli T.
Wood-based activated biochar to eliminate organic micropollutants from biologically treated wastewater.
Science of the Total Environment, 730, (online), 2020, Article N° 138417.

Günthardt B., Schönsee C., Hollender J., Hungerbühler K., Scheringer M., Bucheli T.
“Is there anybody else out there?” – First insights from a suspect screening for phytotoxins in surface water.
Chimia, 74, (3), 2020, 129-135.

Godbersen L., Wächter D., Bucheli T., Wong J., Campiche S., Walder F., Gubler A.
Concept proposal for a long-term monitoring of residues from plant protection products in soil.

Hilber Schöb I., Arrigo Y., Zuber M., Bucheli T.
Desorption resistance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in biochars incubated in cow ruminal liquid in vitro and in vivo.
Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 2019, 13695-13703.

Sander M., Widmer F., Bucheli T.
Mulchfolien in der Landwirtschaft: Bioabbaubarkeit im Praxistest.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (11-12), 2019, 468-471.

Kalberer A., Kawecki-Wenger D., Bucheli T.
Plastikströme in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft und ihr Risikopotenzial für Böden.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (11-12), 2019, 416-423.

Kalberer A., Kawecki-Wenger D., Bucheli T.
Plastik in der Landwirtschaft: Stand des Wissens und Handlungsempfehlungen für die landwirtschaftliche Forschung, Praxis, Industrie und Behörden.
Agroscope Science, 89, 2019.

Vogelgsang S., Jenny E., Musa T., Bucheli T., Wettstein F., Forrer H.-R.
An eight-year survey of wheat shows distinctive effects of cropping factors on different Fusarium species and associated mycotoxins.
In: International Commission on Food Mycology conference. 3 June, Ed. ICFM, Freising. 2019, 1.

Vogelgsang S., Beyer M., Pasquali M., Jenny E., Musa T., Bucheli T., Wettstein F., Forrer H.-R.
An eight-year survey of wheat shows distinctive effects of cropping factors on different Fusarium species and associated mycotoxins.
European Journal of Agronomy, 105, (April), 2019, 62-77.

Mayer J., Zimmermann M., Weggler K., Reiser R., Bürge D., Bucheli T., Richner W.
Schadstoffgrenzwerte für mineralische Recyclingdünger: das Schweizer Konzept.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (1), 2019, 4-11.

Hagemann N., Hilber Schöb I., Sigmund G., Schmidt H.-P., Bucheli T.
In: 10. Tagung Holzenergie. 31. Januar, Ed. Berner Fachhochschule, Biel. 2019, 1.

Dieguez-Alonso A., Anca-Couce A., Frišták V., Moreno-Jimenéz E., Bacher M., Bucheli T. D., Cimò G., Conte P., Hagemann N., Haller A., Hilber I., Husson O., Kammann C. I., Kienzl N., Leifeld J. e altri
Designing biochar properties through the blending of biomass feedstock with metals: Impact on oxyanions adsorption behavior.
Chemosphere, 214, 2019, 743-753.

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