Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Gérard Gaillard

Nemecek T., Huguenin-Elie O., Dubois D., Gaillard G., Schaller, B. , Chervet, A.
Life cycle assessment of Swiss farming systems: II. Extensive and intensive production.
Agricultural Systems, 104, 2011, 233-245.

Hayer F., Bockstaller, C., Gaillard G., Mamy, L., Nemecek T., Strassemeyer, J.
Multi-criteria comparison of eco-toxicity models focused on pesticides.
In: 7th International conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the agri-food sector. 22-24 September 2010, Ed. The University of Bari , Bari, Italy. 2010, 305-310.

Gaillard G., Baumgartner D., Nemecek T.
Life cycle assessment for animal production: Benefits and challenges.
In: World Nutrition Forum. 15th October 2010, Salzburg. 2010.

Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Challenges in assessing the environmental impacts of crop production and horticulture: Chapter 6.
In: Environmental assessment and management in the food industry - Life cycle assessment and related approaches. 28. September 2010, Ed. Ulf Sonesson, Johanna Berlin, Friederike Ziegler, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford a.o. 2010, 98-116.

Nemecek T., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Alig M., Gaillard G.
The advantages of generic LCA tools for agriculture: examples SALCAcrop and SALCAfarm.
In: 7th International conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the agri-food sector. 22-24 September 2010, Ed. The University of Bari , Bari, Italy. 2010, 433-738.

Van der Werf, H. M. G., Gaillard G., Biard, Y., Koch P., Basset-Mens, C., Gac, A., Lellahi, A., Deltour, L.
Creation of a public LCA database of French agricultural raw products: agriBALYSE.

Weiler K., Plassmann, K., Nemecek T., Gaillard G., Garcia-Suarez, T., Milà i Canals, L.
Modular extrapolation of crop LCA (MEXALCA): Sensitivity to varying crop yields.
In: LCA FOOD 2010 - VII International Conference on Food LCA. Università di Bari, Italy, Università di Bari, Italy. 2010.

Koch, B., Jeanneret P., Baumgartner D., Walter T., Gaillard G.
Validation of a method for biodiversity assessment in LCA (SALCA-Biodiversity) using indicator species groups.
In: VII International conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the agri-food sector. 22-24 September 2010, Bari, Italy. 2010.

Hayer F., Bonnin, E., Carrouée, B., Gaillard G., Nemecek T., Schneider, A., Vivier, C.
Designing sustainable crop rotations using Life Cycle Assessment of crop combinations.
In: 9th European IFSA Symposium. 4-7 July 2010, Ed. IFSA, Vienna (Austria). 2010, 903-911.

Mouron P., Aubert, U., Heijne, B., Naef A., Strassemeyer, J., Hayer F., Gaillard G., Mack G., Hernández Rivera J., Avilla, J., Solé, J., Sauphanor, B., Alaphilippe, A., Patocchi A., Samietz J. e altri
A multicriteria decision method assessing the overall sustainability of new crop protection strategies: the case of apple growing in Europe.
In: 9th European IFSA Symposium. 4-7 July 2010, Ed. Ika Darnhofer and Michaela Grötzer, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences. 2010, 1-11.

Roches A., Nemecek T., Gaillard G., Plassmann K., Sim, S., King, H., Milà i Canals, L.
MEXALCA: a modular method for the extrapolation of crop LCA.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 15, (8), 2010, 842-854.

Jeanneret P., Baumgartner D. U., Freiermuth Knuchel, R., Gaillard G.
Methode zur Beurteilung der Wirkung landwirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten auf die Biodiversität für Ökobilanzen (SALCA-Biodiversität).
Agroscope, Zürich. 2009, 74 pp.

Roches A., Gaillard G., Freiermuth Knuchel R.
Modeling of phosphorous emissions.
In: Sustainability quick check for biofuels. Intermediate background report - Second draft. 18th February 2009, Ed. EMPA, Dübendorf. 2009, 44-92.

Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Finger, R., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Gaillard G., Hellweg, S., Lehmann, B., Fuhrer J.
Climate change adaptions in Swiss agricultural land and water management.

Hayer F., Gaillard G., Kägi, T., Bockstaller, C., Mamy, L., Strassemayer, J.
Multicriteria evaluation of RA and LCA assessment methods considering pesticide application.
In: Deliverable DR3.10. Final report on suitable methods for consideration of pesticides (eco- and human toxicity) in agricultural LCA. ENDURE, Inra. 2009.

Nemecek T., Blaser S., Dux D., Gaillard G.
What ar the key factors for successful integration of life cycle assessment into FADN?
In: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development; Setting the Agenda for Science and Policy (AgSAP). 10-12 March 2009, Ed. Egmond aan Zee, University and Research Center, Wageningen, The Netherlands,. 2009, 334-335.

Mordini, M., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Carbon & water footprint of oranges and strawberries. A literature review.
Zürich, Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART. . December , 2009, 1-76 pp.

Thomas Nemecek, Gérard Gaillard, Laura de Baan
EUROCROP: Forschungsstrategie für den europäischen Ackerbau.
Agrarforschung, 16, (6), 2009, 192-197.

Thomas Nemecek, Olivier Huguenin-Elie, David Dubois, Gérard Gaillard
Life cycle assessment of low-input farming systems.

Martina Alig, Gérard Gaillard, Georges Müller
LCM in agriculture: how to communicate?

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