Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Philippe Jeanneret

Dumont B., Rossignol N., Huguenin-Elie O., Jeanneret P., Jerrentrup J.S., Lüscher G., Taugourdeau S., Villerd J., Plantureux S.
Simple assessment of temperate grassland suitability as habitat for three insect taxa.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, (6), 2022, 1-13.

Zorn A., Clémence S. , Buchmann J., de Jong A.-V., Masson S., Steinger T., Seiler A., Vogelgsang S., Wirth J., Jeanneret P.
Beurteilung alternativer Pflanzenschutzmassnahmen: Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Ressourcenprojekt PestiRed.
In: 45. Agrarökonomietagung. 4. Oktober, Ed. Agroscope, Tänikon. 2022.

Séchaud R., van der Meer M., Fabian Y., Jeanneret P.
What evidence exists on the effect of the main European lowland crop and grassland management practices on biodiversity indicator species groups?: A systematic map protocol.
Environmental Evidence, 11, (27), 2022, 1-9.

Zorn A., Clémence S., Masson S., Jeanneret P.
PestiRed: Ein Schweizer Projekt zur Reduktion von PS-Mitteln.
Der Pflanzenarzt, (8), 2022, 6-8.

Buchmann J., Masson S., de Jong A.-V., Seiler A., Rueda Ayala V. P., Jeanneret P., Wirth J.
PestiRed : Weed management based on IPM principles.
In: 19th European Weed Research Society Symposium. 20. - 23. Juni, Ed. European Weed Research Society, EWRS Athens. 2022.

Mathis M., Blom J., Nemecek T., Bravin E., Jeanneret P., Daniel O. , de Baan L.
Comparison of exemplary crop protection strategies in Swiss apple production: Multi-criteria assessment of pesticide use, ecotoxicological risks, environmental and economic impacts.
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 2022, 512-528.

Allen-Perkins A., Magrach A., Dainese M., Albrecht M., Sutter L., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Nates Parra G., Magalhaes Pigozo C., Bartomeus I.
CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination.
Ecology, 103, (3), 2022, 1-8.

Zorn A., Clémence S., Seiler A., de Jong A.-V., Buchmann J., Masson S., Steinger T., Vogelgsang S., Wirth J., Jeanneret P.
Wirtschaftlichkeit und Akzeptanz alternativer Pflanzenschutzmassnahmen.
In: 9. Nationale Ackerbautaung. 11.01., Ed. Plattform Ackerbau Schweiz PAG-CH. 2022.
altre lingue: francese

Vialatte A., Tibi A., Alignier A., Angeon V., Bedoussac L., Bohan D. A., Bougherara D., Carpentier A., Castagneyrol B., Cordeau S., Courtois P., Deguine J.-P., Enjalbert J., Fabre F., Féménia F. e altri
Promoting crop pest control by plant diversification in agricultural landscapes: A conceptual framework for analysing feedback loops between agro-ecological and socio-economic effects.
Advances in Ecological Research, 65, 2021, 133-165.

Jeanneret P., Lüscher G., Schneider M. K., Pointerau P., Herzog F., Arndorfer M., Bailey D., Balàzs K., Bàldi A., Choisis J-P., et al.
An increase in food production in Europe could dramatically affect farmland biodiversity.
Communications Earth & Environment, 2, (183), 2021, 1-8.

Jeanneret P., Aviron S., Alignier A., Lavigne C., Helfenstein J., Herzog F., Kay S., Petit S.
Agroecology landscapes.
Landscape Ecology, (36), 2021, 2235-2257.

de Jong A.-V., Buchmann J., Seiler A., Masson S., Steinger T., Vogelgsang S., Zorn A., Wirth J., Jeanneret P.
PestiRed – Agrarökologie und Co‐Innovation als Ansatz zur Reduktion des Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes.
In: Journée phytosanitaire Grandes Cultures. 19.01., Ed. Agroscope, Online. 2021, 1-16.

Schüpbach B., Weiss S. B., Jeanneret P., Zalai M., Szalai M., Frör O.
What determines preferences for semi-natural habitats in agrarian landscapes? A choice-modelling approach across two countries using attributes characterising vegetation.
Landscape and Urban Planning, 206, (February), 2021, 1-12.

Roesch A., Weisskopf P., Bystricky M., Schüpbach B., Jeanneret P., Nemecek T.
Modelling foreground and background land use impacts in agricultural systems: the dilemma of highly detailed or universally applicable.
In: 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food. 13 - 16 October, Virtual - Berlin, Germany. 2020, 1-6.

Roesch A., Weisskopf P., Bystricky M., Schüpbach B., Jeanneret P., Nemecek T.
Modelling foreground and background land use impacts in agricultural systems: the dilemma of highly detailed or universally applicable.
In: 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food. 14.10., Berlin. 2020.

Albrecht M., Kleijn D., Williams N. M., Tschumi M., Blaauw B. R., Bommarco R., Campbell A. J., Dainese M., Drummond F. A., Entling M. H., Ganser D., de Groot G. A., Goulson D., Grab H., Hamilton H. e altri
The effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield: a quantitative synthesis.
Ecology Letters, 23, (10), 2020, 1488-1498.

Holland J. M., Sutter L., Albrecht M., Jeanneret P., Pfister S. C., Schirmel J., Entling M. H., Kaasik R., Kovacs G., Veromann E., Bartual A. M., Marini S., Moonen A.-C., Szalai M., Helsen H. e altri
Moderate pollination limitation in some entomophilous crops of Europe.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 302, 2020, 1-5.

Wirth J., Steinger T., Vogelgsang S., Zorn A., Jeanneret P.
PestiRed: A Swiss on-farm approach to reduce pesticide use in arable crops.
In: 29. Deutsche Arbeitsbesprechung über Fragen der Unkrautbiologie und -bekämpfung. 3.-5. März, Ed. Henning Nordmeyer, Lena Ulber, Braunschweig. 2020, 290-294.

Holland J.M., Jeanneret P., Moonen A.C., van der Werf W., Rossing W.A.H., Antichi D., Entling M.H., Giffard B., Helsen H., Szalai M., Rega C., Gibert C., Veromann E.
Approaches to identify the value of seminatural habitats for conservation biological control.
Insects, 11, (3), 2020, 1-11.

van der Meer M., Kay S., Lüscher G., Jeanneret P.
What evidence exists on the impact of agricultural practices in fruit orchards on biodiversity? A systematic map.
Environmental Evidence, 9, (2), 2020, 1-27.

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