Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Jens Leifeld

Hagemann N., Conte P., Leifeld J., Giger R., Bucheli T., Schmidt H.-P., Grafmüller J.
Impact of biomass ash content on biochar carbon speciation and stability.
In: EGU General Assembly 2023. 25 April, Ed. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna (AT). 2023, 1.

Mariotte P., Grossiord C., Kay S., Manzocchi E., Aeby P., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Leifeld J., Jan P., Gazzarin C., Probo M.
Installazione di siepi foraggere come risorsa foraggera supplementare durante le siccità estive.
In: Assemblea generale dell'Associazione per lo sviluppo delle colture foraggere. 10 maggio, Sorens. 2023.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese | inglese

Wang Y., Paul S. M., Alewell C., Leifeld J.
Reduced nitrogen losses from drained temperate agricultural peatland after mineral soil coverage.
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 59, 2023, 153-165.

Leifeld J.
Carbon farming: Climate change mitigation via non-permanent carbon sinks.
Journal of Environmental Management, 339, 2023, 1-3.

Paul S. M., Leifeld J.
Management of organic soils to reduce soil organic carbon losses.
In: Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration. 07.11.2022, Ed. C. Rumpel, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. 2023, 617-680.

Fabian Y., Roberti G., Jacot-Ammann K., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Walter T., Herzog F.
Ripensare l’utilizzo delle superfici coltive periodicamente inondate: Sintesi del progetto «superfici (coltive) umide».
Agroscope Science, 145, 2022.

Roberti G., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Jacot-Ammann K., Herzog F., Fabian Y.
Aiuto decisionale per le superfici coltive umide e inondate: Supporto per identificare le superfici per cui occorre considerare alternative al drenaggio.
Agroscope Transfer, 449, 2022.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Tanneberger F., Larmola T., Sirin A., Arias-Navarro C., Farrell C., Glatzel S., Kozulin A., Laerke P.-E., Leifeld J., Mäkipää R., Minayeva T., Moen A., Oskarsson H., Pakalne M., Sendžikaitė J.
Regional assessment for Europe.
In: Global Peatlands Assessment: The State of the World’s Peatlands. Ed. UNEP und Global Peatlands Initiative, Nairobi (Kenya). 2022, 123-153.

Serk H., Nilsson M. B., Figurea J., Krüger J. P., Leifeld J., Alewell C., Schleucher J.
Organochemical characterization of peat reveals decomposition of specific hemicellulose structures as the main cause of organic matter loss in the acrotelm.
Environmental Science & Technology, 56, (23), 2022, 17410-17419.

Leifeld J., Keel S.
Quantifying negative radiative forcing of non-permanent and permanent soil carbon sinks.
Geoderma, 423, 2022, 1-8.

Fabian Y., Roberti G., Jacot-Ammann K., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Walter T., Herzog F.
Die Nutzung von vernässenden Ackerflächen neu denken: Synthese des Projektes «Feucht(Acker)Flächen».
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 13, 2022, 198-209.
altre lingue: francese

Hardy B., Borchard N., Leifeld J.
Identification of thermal signature and quantification of charcoal in soil using differential scanning calorimetry and benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) markers.
Soil, 8, 2022, 451-466.

Guillaume T., Makowski D., Libohova Z., Elfouki S., Fontana M., Leifeld J., Bragazza L., Sinaj S.
Carbon storage in agricultural topsoils and subsoils is promoted by including temporary grasslands into the crop rotation.
Geoderma, 422, 2022, 1-9.

Gross-Schmölders M., Klein K., Emsens W.-J., van Diggelen R., Aggenbach C. J. S., Liczner Y., Frouz J., Leifeld J., Alewell C.
Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) and biomarkers as indicators of the hydrological regime of fens in a European east–west transect.
Science of the Total Environment, 838, (4), 2022, 1-10.

Grafmüller J., Böhm A., Zhuang Y., Spahr S., Müller P., Otto T. N., Bucheli T., Leifeld J., Giger R., Tobler M., Schmidt H. P., Dahmen N., Hagemann N.
Wood ash as an additive in biomass pyrolysis: Effects on biochar yield, properties, and agricultural performance.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10, (8), 2022, 2720-2729.

Klein K., Schellekens J., Gross-Schmölders M., von Sengbusch P., Alewell C., Leifeld J.
Characterizing ecosystem-driven chemical composition differences in natural and drained Finnish bogs us-ing Pyrolysis-GC/MS.
Organic Geochemistry, 165, 2022, 1-10.

Wang Y., Paul S. M., Jocher M., Alewell, C., Leifeld J.
Reduced nitrous oxide emissions from drained temperate agricultural peatland after coverage with mineral soil.
Frontiers Environmental Science, 2022.

Rodrigues L., Hardy B., Huyghebaert B., Leifeld J.
Potential agricultural soil carbon sequestration across Europe: A reality check.
In: EGU General Assembly 2021. 19. bis 30. April, online. 2021.

Gondim Rodrigues L. M., Hardy B., Fohrafellner J., Fornara D., Barančíková G., Bárcena T. G., De Boever M., Di Bene C., Feizienė D., Kätter T., Laszlo P., O’Sullivan L., Seitz D., Leifeld J.
Achievable agricultural soil carbon sequestration across Europe from country-specific estimates.
Global Change Biology, 27, (24), 2021, 6363-6380.

Wang Y., Paul S. M., Jocher M., Espic C., Alewell C., Szidat S., Leifeld J.
Soil carbon loss from drained agricultural peatland after coverage with mineral soil.
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 1-10.

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