Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Jens Leifeld

Schmidt, H.-P., Kammann C., Hagemann N., Leifeld J., Bucheli T., Sánchez Monedero M.A., Cayuela M.L.
Biochar in agriculture –A systematic review of 26 global meta-analyses.
Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 13, 2021, 1-23.

Burgeon, V., Fouché J., Leifeld J., Chenu C., Cornélis J.T.
Organo-mineral associations largely contribute to the stabilization of century-old pyrogenic organic matter in cropland soils.
Geoderma, 388, 2021, 114841.

Loisel J., Gallego-Sala A.V., Amesbury M.J., Magnan G., Anshari G., Beilman D.W., Benavides J.C., Blewett J., Camill P., Charman D.J., Chawchai S., Hedgpeth A., Kleinen T., Korhola A., Large D. e altri
Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink.
Nature Climate Change, 11, 2021, 70-77.

Huang Y., Ciais P., Luo Y., Zhu D., Wang Y., Qiu C., Goll D.S., Guenet B., Makowski D., De Graaf I., Leifeld J., Kwon M.J., Hu J., Qu L.
Tradeoff of CO2 and CH4 emissions from global peatlands under water-table drawdown.
Nature Climate Change, 11, 2021, 618-622.

Leifeld J., Alewell C., Paul S. M.
Accumulation of C4-carbon from Miscanthus in organic-matter- rich soils.
Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 2021, 1-10.

Klein J. K., Gross-Schmölders M., Alewell C., Leifeld J.
Heating up a cold case: Applications of analytical pyrolysis GC/MS to access molecular biomarkers in peat.
Advances in Agronomy, 165, 2021, 115-159.

Schmidt, H.P., Hagemann N., Abächerli, F., Leifeld J., Bucheli T.
Pflanzenkohle in der Landwirtschaft: Hintergründe zur Düngerzulassung und Potentialabklärung für die Schaffung von Kohlenstoff-Senken.
Agroscope Science, 112, 2021.

Leifeld J., Wüst-Galley C.
Kohlenstoffsenke Moorboden: Zustand und Entwicklung.
Hotspot, 43, 2021, 6.

Wüst-Galley C., Keel S., Leifeld J.
Modelling SOC in Switzerland’s mineral agricultural soils using RothC: Sensitivity analysis.
Agroscope Science, 113, 2021.

Leifeld J., Egli M., Wiesenberg G., Gärtner H., Seibert J., Röösli C., Wingate V., Dollenmeier W., Griffel P., Suremann J., Weber J., Zyberaj M., Musso A.
Formation and decay of peat bogs in the vegetable belt of Switzerland.
Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 114, (online), 2021, 1-16.

Paul S. M., Ammann C., Alewell C., Leifeld J.
Carbon budget response of an agriculturally used fen to different soil moisture conditions.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 300, 2021, 1-11.

Humpenöder F., Karstens K., Lotze-Cmpen H., Leifeld J., Menichetti L., Barthelmes A., Popp A.
Peatland protection and restoration are key for climate change mitigation.
Environmental Research Letters, 15, (10), 2020, 1-13.

Wüst-Galley C., Keel S. G., Leifeld J.
A model-based carbon inventory for Switzerland’s mineral agricultural soils using RothC.
Agroscope Science, 105, 2020.

Amelung, W., Bossio D., de Vries W., Kögel-Knabner I., Lehmann J., Amundson R., Bol R., Collins C., Lal R., Leifeld J., Minasny B., Pan G., Paustian K., Rumpel C., Sanderman J. e altri
Towards a global-scale soil climate mitigation strategy.
Nature Communications, 11, (5427), 2020, 1-10.

Gross-Schmölders M., von Sengbusch P., Krüger J.P., Klein K., Birkholz A., Leifeld J., Alewell C.
Switch of fungal to bacterial degradation in natural, drained and rewetted oligotrophic peatlands reflected in δ15N and fatty acid composition.
Soil, 6, 2020, 299-313.

Klein J. K., Leifeld J.
Investigating the influence of instrumental parameters and chemical composition on pyrolysis efficiency of peat.
Communications in Soil Sciences and Plant Analysis, 51, (12), 2020, 1572-1581.

Leifeld J., Klein J. K., Wüst C.
Soil organic matter stoichiometry as indicator for peatland degradation.
Scientific Reports, 10, (6 May), 2020, 1-9.

Ammann C., Neftel A., Jocher M., Fuhrer J., Leifeld J.
Effect of management and weather variations on the greenhouse gas budget of two grasslands during a 10-year experiment.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 292, (15 April), 2020, 1-14.

Wüst-Galley C., Grünig A., Leifeld J.
Land use-driven historical soil carbon losses in Swiss peatlands.
Landscape Ecology, online, (7 December), 2019, 1-15.

Leifeld J., Wüst C., Page S.
Intact and managed peatland soils as a source and sink of GHGs from 1850 to 2100.
Nature Climate Change, 9, 2019, 945-949.

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