Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Jens Leifeld

Hirte J., Leifeld J., Abiven S., Oberholzer H.R., Hammelehle A., Mayer J.
Overestimation of crop root biomass in field experiments due to extraneous organic matter.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, (284), 2017, 1-12.

Schulin R., Leifeld J.
Sackung organischer Böden.
In: Bodenschutz für die Praxis. Ed. Haupt Verlag, Bern. 2017, 229-239.

Leifeld J., Schulin R.
Humusverlust in landwirtschaftlichen Mineralböden.
In: Bodenschutz für die Praxis. Ed. Haupt Verlag, Bern. 2017, 224-229.

Keel S., Leifeld J., Mayer J., Taghizadeh-Toosi A., Olesen J. E.
Large uncertainty in soil carbon modelling related to method of calculation of plant carbon input in agricultural systems.
European Journal of Soil Science, 68, (6), 2017, 953-963.

Keel S., Hirte J., Abiven S., Wüst C., Leifeld J.
Proper estimate of residue input as condition for understanding drivers of soil carbon dynamics.
Global Change Biology, 23, (11), 2017, 4455-4456.

Hardy B., Leifeld J., Knicker H., Dufey J. E., Deforce K., Cornélis J.-T.
Long term change in chemical properties of preindustrial charcoal particles aged in forest and agricultural temperate soil.
Organic Geochemistry, 107, 2017, 33-45.

Krüger J. P., Conen F., Leifeld J., Alewell C.
Palsa uplift identified by stable isotope depth profiles and relation of δ15N to C/N ratio.
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 28, 2017, 485-492.

Nemo, Klumpp K., Coleman K., Dondini M., Goulding K., Hastings A., Jones M. B., Leifeld J., Osborne B., Saunders M., Scott T., Teh Y. A., Smith P.
Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) equilibrium and model initialisation methods: an application to the Rothamsted Carbon (RothC) model.
Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 22, (3), 2017, 215-229.

Menichetti L., Leifeld J., Kirova L., Szidat S., Zhiyanski M.
Consequences of planned afforestation versus natural forest regrowth after disturbance for soil C stocks in Eastern European mountains.
Geoderma, 297, 2017, 19-27.

Hardy B., Cornelis J. T., Houben D., Leifeld J., Lambert R., Dufey J. E.
Evaluation of the long-term effect of biochar on properties of temperate agricultural soil at pre-industrial charcoal kiln sites in Wallonia, Belgium.
European Journal of Soil Science, 68, (1), 2017, 80-89.

Bader C., Müller M., Schulin R., Leifeld J.
Amount and stability of recent and aged plant residues in degrading peatland soils.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 109, 2017, 167-175.

Liebig M. A., Franzluebbers A. J., Alvarez C., Chiesa T. D., Lewczuk N., Piñeiro G., Posse G., Yahdjian L., Grace P., Cabral O. M. R., Martin-Neto L., de Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues R., Amiro B., Angers D., Hao X. e altri
MAGGnet: An international network to foster mitigation of agricultural.
Carbon Management, 7, (3-4), 2016, 243-248.

Robledo Abad C., Bretscher D., Leifeld J.
Land- und Forstwirtschaft und andere Landnutzung.
Swiss Academies Reports, 11, (5), 2016, 181-185.

Hüppi R., Neftel A., Lehmann M. F., Krauss M., Six J., Leifeld J.
N use efficiencies and N2O emissions in two contrasting, biochar amended soils under winter wheat—cover crop—sorghum.
Environmental Research Letters, 11, (8), 2016, 084013.

Krüger J. P., Alewell C., Minkkinen K., Szidat S., Leifeld J.
Calculating carbon changes in peat soils drained for forestry with four different profile-based methods.
Forest Ecology and Management, 381, 2016, 29-36.

Zhiyanski M., Glushkova M., Ferezliev A., Menichetti L., Leifeld J.
Carbon storage and soil property changes following afforestation in mountain ecosystems of the Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria.
Iforest, 9, (4), 2016, 626-634.

Wüst C., Mössinger E., Leifeld J.
Loss of the soil carbon storage function of drained forested peatlands.
Mires and Peat, 18, (07), 2016, 1-22.

Kerré B., Bravo C. T., Leifeld J., Cornelissen G., Smolders E.
Historical soil amendment with charcoal increases sequestration of non-charcoal carbon: a comparison among methods of black carbon quantification.
European Journal of Soil Science, 67, (3), 2016, 324-331.

Menichetti L., Kätterer T., Leifeld J.
Parametrization consequences of constraining soil organic matter models by total carbon and radiocarbon using long-term field data.
Biogeosciences, 13, (10), 2016, 3003-3019.

Leifeld J.
Current approaches neglect possible agricultural cutback under large-scale organic farming. A comment to Ponisio et al.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 283, (1824), 2016, 1-3.

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