Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Jens Leifeld

Alm J., Byrne K. A., Hayes C., Leifeld J., Shurpali N. J.
Greenhouse gas balance in disturbed peatlands.
In: Soil carbon in sensitive European ecosystems. From science to land management. Oxford, Ed. R. Jandl (et al.), Wiley-Blackwell. 2011, 149-174.

Vesterdal L., Leifeld J., Poeplau C., Don A. , van Wesemael B.
Land-use change effects on soil carbon stocks in temperate regions – development of carbon response functions.
In: Soil carbon in sensitive European ecosystems. From science to land management. Oxford, Ed. R. Jandl (et al.), Wiley-Blackwell. 2011, 33-48.

Conant, R. T., Ryan, M. G., Ågren, G. I., Birge, H. E., Davidson, E. A., Eliasson, P. E., Evans, S. E., Frey, S. D., Giardina, C. P., Hopkins, F. M., Hyvönen, R., Kirschbaum, M. U. F., Lavallee, J. M., Leifeld J., Parton, W. J. e altri
Temperature and soil organic matter decomposition rates – synthesis of current knowledge and a way forward.
Global Change Biology, 17, (11), 2011, 3392-3404.

Leifeld J., Ammann C., Neftel A., Fuhrer J.
A comparison of repeated soil inventory and carbon flux budget to detect soil carbon stock changes after conversion from cropland to grasslands.
Global Change Biology, 17, (11), 2011, 3366-3375.

Conen, F., Morris, C. E., Leifeld J., Yakutin, M. V., Alewell, C.
Biological residues define the ice nucleation properties of soil dust.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 2011, 9643-9648.

Budge, K., Leifeld J., Hiltbrunner, E. , Fuhrer J.
Alpine grassland soils contain large proportion of labile carbon but indicate long turnover times.
Biogeosciences, 8, (7), 2011, 1911-1923.

Alewell, C., Giesler, R., Klaminder, J., Leifeld J., Rollog, M.
Stable carbon isotopes as indicators for environmental change in palsa peats.
Biogeosciences, 8, (7), 2011, 1769-1778.

Poeplau, C., Don, A., Vesterdal, L., Leifeld J., Van Wesemael, B. A. S., Schumacher, J. , Gensior, A.
Temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon after land-use change in the temperate zone – carbon response functions as a model approach.
Global Change Biology, 17, (7), 2011, 2415-2427.

Leifeld J., Müller, M. , Fuhrer J.
Peatland subsidence and carbon loss from drained temperate fens.
Soil Use and Management, 27, (2), 2011, 170-176.

Budge, K., Leifeld J., Egli, M., Fuhrer J.
Soil microbial communities in (sub)alpine grasslands indicate a moderate shift towards new environmental conditions 11 years after soil translocation.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43, (6), 2011, 1148-1154.

Fernández, J., Plante, A., Leifeld J., Rasmussen, C.
Methodological considerations for using thermal analysis in the characterization of soil organic matter.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 104, (1), 2011, 389-398.

Leifeld J., Gubler, L., Grünig A.
Organic matter losses from temperate ombrotrophic peatlands: an evaluation of the ash residue method.
Plant and Soil, 341, (1-2), 2011, 349-361.

Conen, F., Yukatin, M. V., Puchnin, A. N., Leifeld J., Alewell, C.
δ15N natural abundance in permafrost soil indicates impact of fire on nitrogen cycle.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25, 2011, 661-664.

Sanaullah, M., Chabbi, A., Leifeld J., Bardoux, G., Billou, D., Rumpel, C.
Decomposition and stabilization of root litter in top- and subsoil horizons: what is the difference?
Plant and Soil, 338, (1), 2010, 127-141.

Leifeld J.
Kohlenstoffsequestrierung in landwirtschaftlichen Böden – eine kritische Betrachtung: In: Emissionen landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden.
KTBL-Schrift, 483, 2010, 182-191.

Leifeld J., Fuhrer J.
Organic farming and soil carbon sequestration: What do we really know about the benefits?
Ambio, 39, (8), 2010, 585-599.

Alexis, M. A., Rumpel, C., Knicker, H., Leifeld J., Rasse, D., Péchot, N., Bardoux, G., Mariotti, A.
Thermal alteration of organic matter during a shrubland fire: A field study.
Organic Geochemistry, 41, (7), 2010, 690-697.

Ammann C., Neftel A., Spirig, C., Leifeld J., Fuhrer J.
Stickstoff-Bilanz von Mähwiesen mit und ohne Düngung.
Agrarforschung, 16, (9), 2009, 348-353.

Plante, A. F., Fernández, J. M. , Leifeld J.
Application of thermal analysis techniques in soil science.
Geoderma, 153, 2009, 1-10.

Kammer, A., Hagedorn, F., Shevchenko, I., Leifeld J., Guggenberger, G., Goryacheva, T., Rigling, A., Moiseev, P.
Treeline shifts in the Ural mountains affect soil organic matter dynamics.
Global Change Biology, 15, 2009, 1570-1583.

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