Zaman M., Kleineidam K., , Bakken L., Berendt J., Bracken C. , Butterbach-Bahl K., dos Reis Martins, M., Müller, C., Cai Z., Chang S. X., Clough T., Dawar K., Ding W. X., Dörsch P., dos Reis Martins M., Eckhardt C., Fiedler S., Frosch T., Goopy J., Görres C.-M., Gupta A., Henjes S., Hofmann M. E. G., Horn M. A., Jahangir M. M. R., Jansen-Willems A., Lenhart K., Heng L., Lewicka-Szczebak D., Lucic G., Merbold L., Mohn J., Molstad L., Moser G., Murphy P., Sanz-Cobena A., Šimek M., Urquiaga S., Well R., Wrage-Mönnig N., Zaman S., Zhang J., Müller C.

Methodology for measuring greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils using non-isotopic techniques: Chapter 2.

In: Measuring Emission of Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and Developing Mitigation Options using Nuclear and Related Techniques. 30 January, Hrsg. Zaman Mohammad, Heng Lee, Müller Christoph, Springer, Cham. 2021, 11-108.

ISBN: 978-3-030-55395-1
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