Eisenhauer N., Bender S. F., Caldéron-Sanou I., de Vries F. T., Lembrechts J. J., Thuiller W., Wall D. H., Zeiss R., Bahram M., Beugnon R., Burton V. J., Crowther T. W., Delgado-Baquerizo M., Geisen S., Kardol P., Krashevska V., Martínez-Muñoz C. A., Patoine G., Seeber J., Soudzilovskaia N. A., Steinwandter M., Sünnemann M., Sun X., van der Heijden M., Guerra C. A., Potapov A.

Frontiers in soil ecology: Insights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022.

Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 1, (4), 2022, 245-261.

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ISSN Online: 2767-035X
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1002/sae2.12031
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