
Publikationen Andrea Patocchi

Brunner S., Patocchi A.
Forschung für die Agroscope-Pflanzenzüchtungsprogramme.
Agroscope, Reckenholz. Merkblatt Nr. 87, Juli, 2018, 2 S.
weitere Sprachen: französisch | englisch

Dalbosco A., Studer B., Schlathölter I., Schöneberg A., Broggini G., Patocchi A., Oberhänsli T., Schärer H.-J.
Züchtung Marssonina-robuster Apfelsorten.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 154, (18), 2018, 9-12.

Dalbosco A., Oberhänsli T., Schärer H.-J., Broggini G., Studer B., Schlathölter I., Schöneberg A., Patocchi A.
Grundsteine zur Züchtung Marssonina coronaria-robuster Apfelsorten.
Obstbau Weinbau: Fachmagazin Südtiroler Beratungsringes, 55, (7/8), 2018, 20-24.

Padmarasu S., Sargent D.J., Patocchi A., Troggio M., Baldi P., Linsmith G., Poles L., Jänsch M., Kellerhals M., Tartarini S., Velasco R.
Identification of a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase as a candidate gene for Rvi12 (Vb)-based apple scab resistance.
Molecular Breeding, 38, 2018, 73-87.

Laurens F., Aranzana M.-J., Arús P., Bassi D., Bink M., Bonany J., Caprera A., Corelli-Grapelli L., Costes E., Durel C.-E., Mauroux J.-B., Muranty H., Nazzicari N., Pascal T., Patocchi A. und weitere
An integrated approach for increasing breeding efficiency in apple and peach in Europe.
Horticulture Research, 5, 2018, 1-14.

van de Weg E., Di Guardio M., Jänsch M., Socquet-Juglard D., Costa F., Baumgartner I., Broggini G.A.L., Kellerhals M., Troggio M., Laurens F., Durel C.-E., Patocchi A.
Epistatic fire blight resistance QTL alleles in the apple cultivar ‘Enterprise’ and selection X-6398 discovered and characterized through pedigree-informed analysis.
Molecular Breeding, 38, (5), 2018, 1-18.

Schlathölter I., Jänsch M., Flachowsky H., Broggini G.A.L., Hanke M.-V., Patocchi A.
Generation of advanced fire blight-resistant apple (Malus × domestica) selections of the fifth generation within 7 years of applying the early flowering approach.
Planta, 247, (6), 2018, 1475-1488.

Kost T.D., Jänsch M., Gessler C., Flachowsky H., Patocchi A., Broggini G.A.L.
Generation of a cisgenic apple line of cultivar ‘Gala’ with increased fire blight resistance.
Acta Horticulturae, 1172, 2017, 79-84.

Peil A., Patocchi A., Hanke M.-V., Bus V.G.M.
Apple cultivar Regia possessing both Rvi2 and Rvi4 resistance genes is the source of a new race of Venturia inaequalis.
European Journal of Plant Pathology, online, (10 November), 2017, 1-7.

Nazzicari N., Caprera A., Rossini L., Tartarini S., Dondini L., Patocchi A., Bianco L., Laurens F., Stella A.
FruitBreedomics phenotypes and genotypes database and tools.
Acta Horticulturae, 1172, 2017, 431-437.

Cova V., Paris R., Toller Ch., Patocchi A., Velasco R., Komjanc M.
Apple genes involved in the response to Venturia inaequalis and salicylic acid treatment.
Scientia Horticulturae, 226, 2017, 157-172.

Schlathölter I., Schütz S., Kellerhals M., Broggini G., Patocchi A.
Pyramiding of four QTLs for fire blight resistance in apple.
In: 20th General Congress / Plant Breeding: the art of Bringing Science to Life. August/September, Hrsg. Eucarpia, Zürich. 2016.

Kellerhals M., Patocchi A.
Partner des EU-Projekts «Fruit-Breedomics» trafen sich in Zürich.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 150, (6), 2014, 25-26.

Kellerhals M., Schütz S., Baumgartner I., Schaad J., Kost T., Broggini G., Patocchi A.
Sélection de variétés de pommes tolérantes au feu bactérien.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 5, (10), 2014, 414-421.

Bink M.C., Jansen J. , Madduri M. , Voorrips R.E. , Durel C.-E. , Kouassi A.B. , Laurens F. , Mathis F. , Gessler C. , Gobbin D. , Rezzonico F. , Patocchi A., Kellerhals M., Boudishevskaia A. , Dunemann F. und weitere
Bayesian QTL analyses using pedigreed families of an outcrossing species, with application to fruit firmness in apple.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127, (5), 2014, 1073-1090.

Gölles M., Patocchi A., Naef A.
Apfelschorf: Mit der LR-Strategie kurative Fungizide lange erhalten.
Besseres Obst, 59, (3), 2014, 6-10.

Jänsch M., Paris R. , Amoako-Andoh F. , Keulemans W. , Davey M.W., Pagliarani G. , Tartarini S. , Patocchi A.
A phenotypic, molecular and biochemical characteriszation for the first cisgenic scab-resistant apple variety "Gala".
Plant Molecular Biology, 2014, 1-12.

Socquet-Juglard D. , Kamber T. , Pothier J. , Christen D., Gessler C. , Duffy B. , Patocchi A.
Comparative RNA-seq analysis of early-infected peach leaves by the invasive phytopathogen Xanthomonas arboricola pv. Pruni.
PLOS ONE, 8, (8), 2013.

Costa F., Cappelin L. , Zini E. , Patocchi A., Kellerhals M., Komjanc M. , Gessler C. , Biasioli F.
QTL validation and stability for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in apple.
Plant Science, 211, (-), 2013, 1-7.

Baumgartner I., Patocchi A., Lussi L., Kellerhals M., Kost T., Broggini G. , Gessler C. , Kobelt M.
Projekt ZUEFOS II, Züchtung feuerbrandrobuster Obstsorten.
Agroscope, Wädenswil. 01.03, 2013.

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