Bailey D., Herzog F., Bogers M., Lüscher G., Fjellstad W.
Habitat indicators.
ART-Schriftenreihe, 17, 2012, 41-49.
Herzog F., Balázs K., Dennis P., Friedel J., Geijzendorffer, I., Jeanneret P., Kainz M., Pointereau P.
Biodiversity indicators for European farming systems: A guidebook.
ART-Schriftenreihe, 17, 2012, 1-104.
Kuster M., Herzog F., Rehnus M., Sorg J.-P
Innovative Agroforstsysteme – On farm monitoring von Chancen und Grenzen.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 3, (10), 2012, 470-477.
weitere Sprachen:
Herrmann J. D., Kormann U., Schüepp C., Stocker Y., Herzog F., Entling M. H.
Effects of habitat isolation and predation pressure on an arboreal food-web.
Community Ecology, 13, (1), 2012, 82-87.
Concepción E. D., Díaz M., Kleijn D., Báldi A., Batáry P., Clough Y., Gabriel D., Herzog F., Holzschuh A., Knop E., Marshall E. J. P., Tscharntke T., Verhulst J.
Interactive effects of landscape context constrain the effectiveness of local agri-environmental management.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 49, (3), 2012, 695-705.
Riedel S., Walter T., Herzog F.
Switzerland: Chapter 4.
In: High Nature Value Farming in Europe. Ubstadt-Weiher, Hrsg. R. Oppermann, G. Beaufoy & G. Jones, Verlag Regionalkultur. 2012, 420-433.
Kampmann D., Lüscher A., Konold W., Herzog F.
Agri-environment scheme protects diversity of mountain grassland species.
Land Use Policy, 29, (3), 2012, 569-576.
Herzog F.
Gestaltung von Agrarlandschaften in der Schweiz: Kongressband 123. VDLUFA Kongress 2011 Speyer.
VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe, 67, 2011, 74-81.
Stoyanova S., Herzog F., Guteva Y., Angelova S., Odjakova Z. , Sabeva M.
Intensity in low-input farms and development of indicators for biodiversity - ИНТЕНЗИВНОСТ НА ФЕРМИ С НИСКИ ВЛОЖЕНИЯ И СЪЗДАВАНЕ НАИНДИКАТОРИ ЗА 6ИОРАЗНОО6РАЗИЕ.
Agricultural Sciences, 3, (7), 2011, 55-62.
Herzog F., Sereke F.
Can Streuobst be replaced by modern agroforestry systems? .
Berichte des Instituts für Landschafts- und Pflanzenökologie Universität Hohenheim Beiheft, 26, 2011, 23-32.
Aviron S., Herzog F., Klaus I., Schüpbach B., Jeanneret P.
Effects of wildflower strip quality, quantity, and connectivity on butterfly diversity in a Swiss arable landscape.
Restoration Ecology, 19, (4), 2011, 500-508.
Hofer G., Bunce R. G. H., Edwards P. J., Szerencsits E., Wagner H. H., Herzog F.
Use of topographic variability for assessing plant diversity in agricultural landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 142, (3-4), 2011, 144-148.
Herzog F.
Umweltleistungen von Bäumen in der offenen Agrarlandschaft: Agroforstwirtschaft.
Ökologie & Landbau, 160, (4), 2011, 54-56.
Knop, E., Herzog F., Schmid, B.
Effect of connectivity between restoration meadows on invertebrates with contrasting dispersal abilities.
Restoration Ecology, 19, (201), 2011, 151-159.
Kaeser, A., Sereke F., Dux D., Herzog F.
Agroforstwirtschaft in der Schweiz.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2, (3), 2011, 128-133.
weitere Sprachen:
Kaeser, A., Palma, J., Sereke F., Herzog F.
Umweltleistungen von Agroforstwirtschaft. Die Bedeutung von Bäumen in der Landwirtschaft für Gewässer- und Bodenschutz, Klima, Biodiversität und Landschaftsbild.
ART-Bericht, 736, 2010, 1-12.
weitere Sprachen:
Schüepp, C., Herrmann, J. D., Herzog F., Schmidt-Entling, M. H.
Differential effects of habitat isolation and landscape composition on wasps, bees, and their enemies.
Oecologia, 165, 2011, 713-721.
Graves, A. R., Burgess, P. J., Liagre, F., Terreaux, J.-P., Borrel, T., Dupraz, C., Palma, J., Herzog F.
Farm-SAFE: the process of developing a plot- and farm-scale model of arable, forestry, and silvoarable economics .
Agroforestry Systems, 81, (2), 2011, 93-108.
Bucher, R., Herrmann, J. D., Schüepp, C., Herzog F., Entling, M. H.
Arthropod colonisation of trees in fragmented landscapes depends on species traits.
The Open Ecology Journal, 3, 2010, 111-117.
Graves, A. R., Burgess, P. J., Palma, J., Keesman, K. J., van der Werf, W., Dupraz, C., van Keulen, H., Herzog F., Mayus, M.
Implementation and calibration of the parameter-sparse Yield-SAFE model to predict production and land equivalent ratio in mixed tree and crop systems under two contrasting production situations in Europe.
Ecological Modelling, 221, (13-14), 2010, 1744-1756.